02. April 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – April 2, 2024 · Categories: Elections

I’m reaching out following the Florida Supreme Court’s decision to allow the state’s abortion ban to remain in effect.

Yesterday’s decision from the Florida Supreme Court likely triggers a near-total ban that will impact the entire Southeast United States — and the fault for this situation falls squarely on Donald Trump.

This means women are facing an even more cruel reality where they could choose between putting their lives at risk or traveling hundreds or thousands of miles to get care. Doctors will continue to be threatened with criminal prosecution for doing their jobs, and women may be barred from getting the health care they need in the event of rape or incest.

Donald Trump created this health care crisis, and he has no plans to stop now.

Right now, Trump and his allies are ripping away access to reproductive health care across the country, inserting themselves into the most personal decisions women can make, even including contraception and IVF.

But it’s not enough for Trump and MAGA Republicans that more than 1 in 3 women of reproductive age live in a state with a ban, having fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers did.

If Donald Trump has his way, he’ll gut abortion care in every state across the country — and he and his allies have the plans to do it, with or without Congress or the courts. Trump and his allies just continue to double down on their plans to enact a federal abortion ban.

President Biden and I will do everything in our power to stop him and restore women’s reproductive freedom.

Reproductive freedom is at stake this November, and President Biden and I are the only candidates who will stand up for a woman’s right to make her own health care decisions.

We are fighting to protect women’s access to medication abortion and emergency care. We are working to protect patient privacy and defend the right of women to travel for abortion care. We are strengthening access to contraception. And we are fighting to restore the protections of Roe into federal law so that women in all 50 states have the freedom to make deeply personal health care decisions.

With your support, the President and I will continue to fight for a future where women — in Florida, the Southeastern United States, and across the entire country — will have access to the health care they need. But it is going to take all of us.

Thank you for being part of this team.

In solidarity,


Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

01. April 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, April 1, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

Today, I celebrate my 47th trip around the sun, and I wanted to share a moment with you: this growing, diverse grassroots community. You have supported me the last eight years serving as State Senator and now in this race for Commissioner of Public Lands, and I cannot thank you enough.

For my 47th birthday, can you give a gift of $47 today? Thank you to everyone who chipped in, big and small, before our March deadline; however, we are still behind financially. If 47 people can donate $47 to help me celebrate, we can start April strong!

The intersections of my identity and my life’s work combined beautifully as we celebrate and honor pioneers in the labor movement and within the Department of Natural Resources. On Sunday, we celebrated the work of César E. Chávez, a Mexican-American labor leader and civil rights activist, who along with Dolores Huerta, co-founded what we know now as the United Farm Workers labor union. UFW is where I got my start organizing and is deeply rooted in my family and culture. Latinos, along with Indigenous siblings, have stewarded our land for life-giving resources and continue to provide people across the country with fresh fruits and vegetables.

Sunday also marked the death anniversary of Jennifer Belcher, the first woman to serve as Washington’s Commissioner of Public Lands. Jennifer left a legacy that continues to impact how we steward our lands today. She stood up to protect wildlife habitat and fought for new ways to protect our state forests. She stepped into a department that was, and continues to be, dominated by white men and faced many challenges as she pushed the boundaries of what the Public Lands Commissioner stands for. Jennifer posed a real threat to the hold big timber has always had on DNR, and she faced it by standing strong in her values.

My life’s work and those who have inspired me and countless others to commit to standing with all peoples put me in the strongest position to serve you as Public Lands Commissioner with a clear vision: people-first stewardship. 

This race is about my deepest passion–connecting the people of Washington to their own power to face the most pressing needs of our state: a changing climate, growing inequality, and hopelessness. I’m a fighter. I’ve seen my father fight his own battle with cancer and win; I’ve fought and continue to fight cancer and know first-hand that Washington State can do better. Washingtonians deserve someone who is going to fight to heal and protect these lands and all who call this place home. I do have ambition that the place I love and the people I care so deeply about can together do hard things because I have seen us do it. Please consider supporting my campaign today.


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

31. March 2024 · Comments Off on No on I-2117 – March 31, 2024 · Categories: Elections


From Carbon Washington

The Climate Commitment Act (CCA) is a great step forward, but Initiative 2117 would repeal it and prohibit future carbon tax credit trading. 

For those of us who care about smart climate action, protecting the CCA from I-2117 is critical. Please start learning more about the CCA to help you encourage everyone you know – colleagues, friends and family – to vote “No” on I-2117 in November.


Join the mailing list and/or donate to one or more of the organizations working against I-2117:

  • NoOnI2117.com  – a coalition of organizations including Carbon Washington and Washington Conservation Action
  • Fuse Washington (also working to defeat the other 2 initiatives)

Instead of repealing the CCA, we must do more to help people and businesses quickly transition off fossil fuels.

This action is adapted from Carbon Washington

30. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – March 30, 2024 · Categories: Elections

This is a critical moment for our campaign, which is why I’m reaching out personally.

Tomorrow marks the end of the first quarter of 2024. After that, we’ll have to take a serious look at how much more we can invest in ads, on-the-ground organizing, and data and technology we need to win in just eight short months.

We’re counting on your support right now. Will you chip in a $25 donation before tomorrow’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline? If you’ve been waiting for the best time to make your first gift, today is the day.

Since Day One, President Biden and I have taken action to create millions of new jobs, lower health care and prescription costs, combat the climate crisis, and so much more.

Meanwhile, Donald Trump says he is “proud” to have ushered in the overturning of Roe v. Wade, stripping reproductive freedom away from millions of women in America. He has vowed to “terminate” the Affordable Care Act, slash Social Security and Medicare, and pass more tax handouts for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations.

Plus, Trump and outside spending organizations have been throwing millions of dollars worth of attack ads at this team — and they are hoping we won’t have enough resources to respond.

there is too much at stake in this election to sit on the sidelines. If you’re with Joe and me in this fight, will you donate $25 to support our reelection campaign ahead of tomorrow’s end-of-quarter fundraising deadline?

Grassroots donors like you were the backbone of our campaign when we took back the White House in 2020. Your support helped power all of the incredible progress we’ve made in the last few years.

Now, the President and I are asking for your support once more.

Will you make a $25 contribution to our reelection campaign before tomorrow’s end-of-quarter deadline? Early contributions — no matter how large or small — are so important to building the kind of strong, grassroots campaign that fueled our victory in 2020 and that we will count on again in November.

Thank you for all that you do,


Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

29. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – March 29, 2024 · Categories: Elections

As we officially welcomed the start of spring this month, flowers weren’t the only things blossoming; our campaign was too! March was an eventful month for us, and I’d like to share these updates with you.

Join our team by making a contribution!

Earlier this month, a U.S. District Court judge ruled to create a new map for Washington’s 14th Legislative District. The new map includes East Yakima, the Yakama Reservation, cities in the Lower Valley, and East Pasco. It has parts of Franklin, Klickitat, and Yakima County. This is a huge win for the community as a whole—a community that for years has not had the equal opportunity to elect candidates of their choice for the State Legislature. The judge’s ruling also has major implications for this campaign: for the first time ever, the 14th District is a majority Latino district and a district where Democrats have won in the past. The path toward victory won’t be easy, but there’s a clearer path now more than ever.

At the United Farm Workers’ Cesar Chavez Block Party!

This past Sunday, I had the opportunity to speak at the United Farm Workers’ Cesar Chavez Block Party in front of 200 farm workers and Sunnyside community members. As the daughter of farm workers and someone who has worked in agriculture, I recognize the significance of our farm workers in our state. It was an honor to speak in front of them and engage in meaningful conversations.

Lastly, this month we hosted our first western Washington event in Seattle, where we welcomed nearly 50 supporters and elected officials. Thank you so much to everyone who was able to attend. This campaign presents a significant opportunity for Democrats to flip a State Senate seat in Central Washington, but it will require support from across the state to be successful. I am humbled and grateful to see this display of support from the Seattle community and look forward to seeing many of you at future events!

We are just a couple of thousand dollars away from reaching this month’s fundraising target. If you can contribute $14, $50, $100, or any amount within your budget, it would truly go a long way. We’ve already raised more money than any Democrat in the area in recent history, but this is going to be an expensive race, and we want to demonstrate our strength as early as possible.

Click here to donate!

Thank you so much for your consideration. I know that with your help we can secure a historic victory in November.

Con agradecimiento,


Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011

Yakima, WA  98907

29. March 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, March 29, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

I’ll be direct: I need your help. It’s essential that in the face of climate change, growing economic and social disparities, and both natural and human-made disasters we elect leaders with bold, Progressive values.

This month we have a huge fundraising goal to meet, and I’ll admit, we are behind. Can you donate $50, $100, $250 or more today? 

My base is made of you, grassroots supporters — giving what you can every month.

After a three-month fundraising freeze, while I was serving all Washingtonians in the state legislature working on environmental and worker protections, this is my first end of month deadline. These deadlines are important because they will show people across our state that this campaign is the one to win in November. They will show that you support my leadership as the next Commissioner of Public Lands. 

So once again, I ask: Can you donate any amount today to help us meet our goal?

I have worked on statewide policy that makes big polluters pay through the Climate Commitment Act (CCA) and ensures that investments address historic environmental injustice that harms and supports just transitions for workers and rural communities.

As Public Lands Commissioner, I will work with environmentalists, scientists, and counties to prioritize our complex, healthy forests and initiate a strategy that transitions our mills and timber practices to retain and grow timber more sustainably through longer rotations, commercial and pre-commercial thinning, and expanding ecosystem services for carbon storage. Show all of Washington that you agree!

I am the leader who will continue championing policies like the CCA, and make sure it truly delivers Environmental Justice outcomes when I become Commissioner of Public Lands because that is how Washington will progress toward climate justice and lead with natural climate solutions. 


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

29. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – March 29, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Gavin Newsom here, humbly asking you to make a contribution to Joe Biden’s re-election campaign before the official FEC fundraising deadline ends at midnight on Sunday.

If that’s all you need to hear, make your donation using this link:


We know the stakes in this election.

Right now, the economy is booming and inflation is cooling.

President Biden has delivered progress on all the things Republicans promised to do but never delivered on.

Creating 15 million jobs.
Raising wages.
Capping insulin costs.
Expanding health care access.
Winning battles against the NRA.

Trump’s America? Chaos and division. Threats to slash Social Security and Medicare. Expanding attacks on women’s reproductive rights and more.

And democracy. Democracy itself has become a partisan issue. I could have never imagined. Republicans across the country — led by Trump — are lighting our freedoms on fire.

There couldn’t be more at stake in this election.

So with the most important FEC deadline of Joe Biden’s re-election just days away, I am asking:

Can you please use this link to contribute $25 (or more if you can) directly to Joe Biden’s reelection campaign before his FEC fundraising deadline ends this weekend?

There’s only one way Joe Biden is going to reach his goals and have the resources to beat Trump, and that is if we all work together.

Thank you,


Gavin Newsom
Governor, California

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

29. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – March 29, 2024 · Categories: Elections

I am thrilled to endorse Maria Beltran for State Senate!

Last month the U.S. District Court created a new 14th Legislative District in Central Washington. There is no better candidate for this new district than Maria. Her strong community ties to the district and her prior experience in state and federal government will allow her to hit the ground running in the State Senate.

Join Maria’s team by making a contribution!

Maria was born and raised in Yakima, the oldest of three and the proud daughter of immigrants. Her values of hard work and integrity came from an early age, learning from her parents as they picked crops. Later, she became the first in her family to graduate from high school (Go Davis Pirates!) and college (Go Zags!)

I have known Maria for years and have seen her work up close. Because of her leadership skills, I appointed her to my official Transition Team when I was elected State Treasurer in 2020. She is dedicated to public service and to Yakima and the entire Yakima Valley — she will be a strong voice for everyone in the district. 

But here’s the deal. Before Maria can be a great State Senator — and I mean a great State Senator — she needs to be elected. To be elected, she needs your help. While this new legislative district provides the best chance in decades for a Democrat to represent Central Washington in the legislature, it’s going to take everyone’s support to make this happen. 

I know something about running an extremely competitive legislative race. Maria is ready for this challenge. However, this will be a very expensive race, and I’m asking you to join me in contributing to Maria’s campaign.

To donate, click here!

When Maria is elected in November, I promise you that you’ll be proud of the critical role you had today through your early support of her campaign. 



Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011

Yakima, WA  98907

28. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 28, 2024 · Categories: Elections

July 12, 2023

That was the day Nick launched this grassroots campaign with the hope of making history and becoming Washington’s next Attorney General. Thanks to the outpouring of support, Nick knew he would have a strong team by his side in this fight. But the harsh reality is that running in a competitive statewide race with this high of stakes is not cheap.


That’s the average percentage of people who open and read our emails. So, just by taking the time to open this email, you’ve shown that you’re with Nick in this fight.

An even smaller percentage of folks take the next step of chipping in to help Nick grow this grassroots movement.

Today, we hope you’ll be one of those people who takes the next step and chips in to help Nick reach his critical end-of-quarter goal before Sunday’s 11:59 p.m. deadline.

Washingtonians deserve an Attorney General who will work to create a state where everyone can feel safe, regardless of their age, gender, where they live, or who they love. But without your support, we won’t be able to make this a reality.

With just 17% of folks opening these emails and even fewer making a donation, will you donate $17 or whatever you can today to help Nick reach his end-of-quarter goal and keep up our grassroots momentum?

Thanks for taking the time to read this email and for supporting Nick!

Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


27. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 27, 2024 · Categories: Elections

We are just four days from our first fundraising report of the year. At the end of this month, our fundraising numbers will become publicly available to anyone who wants to look — including our opponents and the press. 

Our job is clear — we must demonstrate the grassroots momentum to win.

To do that, we set a VERY ambitious goal to raise $500,000 by our deadline — and we still need to raise another $65,444.

Can I count on you to make a donation and help me meet this goal?

Unlike my anti-choice Republican opponent David Reichert, I refuse contributions from large corporations and corporate PACs. As a result, I count on the support of individuals like you to reach our goals and stay competitive.

We’re at a significant disadvantage for this report. For much of this year, we’ve been subject to the legislative session fundraising freeze — and because he’s not an elected official, Reichert was not. Under state law, we couldn’t raise a cent from January 1st to March 8th! During that time, Reichert raised over $1 million. In other words, he gets three months to fundraise for this critical report, while we have three weeks. 

We need your help to close the gap.

In such a competitive race for Governor, every donation makes a difference. If you’re with me, will you show your support right now?

Thank you for contributing to our campaign.


Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122