We have recently migrated to ACTBLUE for our donation processing. Our recurring donors will be contacted so they can transfer to their donations to the new donation processing vendor.
Direct Payment Authorization Form: Fixed Payments
We are pleased to offer you a new service: the Direct Payment Plan, which allows you to have your donation deducted automatically from your checking or savings account. You won’t have to change your present banking relationship to take advantage of this service.
The Direct Payment Plan:
• Saves time with fewer checks to write.
• Helps you make your donation in a convenient and timely manner, even if you’re on vacation or out of town.
• Reduces the cost of handling for both you and us.
• Saves postage – many people spend close to $100 a year on postage.
• Is easy to sign up for and easy to cancel.
Here’s how the Direct Payment Plan works:
You authorize regularly-scheduled payments to be made from your checking or savings account. Your payments will be made automatically on the specified day and proof of payment will appear on your bank statement.
The authority you give to charge your account will remain in effect until you notify us in writing to terminate the authorization. The Direct Payment Plan is dependable, flexible, convenient, and easy. To take advantage of this service, complete the authorization form from the link below and return it to us.
All you need to do is:
1. Download the donation form here.
2. Mark the box for checking or savings account.
2. Fill in your name, the name and location of your financial institution, and today’s date.
3. Attach a voided check or copy of a voided check for verification of financial institution information. If you are unable to attach a voided check, please fill in your bank’s routing and account numbers.
4. Sign the form and return it to:
PO Box 636
Richland, WA 99352
Thank you very much!
If you are employed, the Washington Public Disclosure rules require us to record the name and address of your employer. Please provide this information with your check.