For a full list of articles and activities of regional committees and other affinity groups and resources, click the Committee News button above.

Upcoming Events

Washington 4th District Public Calendar

Upcoming Local Party Meetings and Affinity Group Activities

Yakima Democrats Call to meeting July 22nd

Benton County Democrats Call to meeting July 25

16th LD Call to Meeting July 31

Good of the Order – What Can I Do?

Signs and other campaign merchandise

2024 Primary Election Ballot Tracking

FUSE Washington – Your primary Progressive Voters Guide for Washington State

Kamala Harris Talking Points Brief

Kamala Harris Key Messaging

New on the Website

Emerge – at the top of the ticket 

Yakima Democrats – Let’s keep striving for better

More classes from the National Democratic Training Center

Ag and Rural Caucus – August Schedule

WIN GOTV – 07/24/24 Weekly New GOTV volunteer opportunities!

Election Committee – Harris Update

Democracy Labs – Project 2025 Payday: JD Vance, Peter Thiel, Palantir & Trump’s Tech Billionaire Donors

Women’s March – We Won’t Go Back!

Election Committee – Nick Brown Update

8th LD – Convention After-Action Report, and Future Plans

State Committee – Get your WA Dems “Kamala” shirt today!

ACLU – Help us stop Project 2025..

Democratic National Committee – HOLY COW! 😱

Indivisible – All in for Harris: Support our nationwide activation📣

Election Committee – Steve Hobbs Update

Fix Democracy First – Do you want to support democracy? Check out these Calls to Action to help locally and nationally!

Election Committee – Maria Beltran Update

MoveOn – Project 2025 is a disaster for democracy and our rights.

Election Committee – Harris Update – some fun videos

Election Committee – Bob Ferguson Update

Relevant Articles

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You can suggest additional riffs by contributing them to our Google Doc, You Might Be A Democrat

Visit our News and Views Google Doc

What Can I Do? Here’s a way to join the postcard brigade

Dems Make Life Better

Delivering Results from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Read the full Georgia RICO Indictment here

Read the full DOJ January 6 Trump Indictment here

👋 This is your weekly recap when it comes to all things NDTC!
Check out our upcoming events and featured course of the week.
Find more at

Whether that’s doing call time, running for office, or getting a new piece of legislation on the ballot — changing the world is hard work!

That’s why we’ve harnessed the power of political science to design a quick quiz. It’s aimed at giving you deeper insights into the political landscape and where you stand within it. Once you’re done, be sure to share it with your fellow campaigners and allies!


Running a Distributed Organizing Plan

If you’re curious about tactics, organizing capacity, and structures of distributed organizing programs, check out this course..


How to Have Successful Volunteer Recruitment Conversations

Volunteers power successful campaigns. We’ll discuss how to identify & engage prospective volunteers. Plus, we’ll practice making effective asks for volunteer support.


10am PDT


NDTC Expert Q&A: Winning Together with Labor Communities

Whether you are a candidate, campaign staffer, or local leader, join us for a conversation around how you can collaborate effectively with labor communities across the country, shape pro-worker policies, and uplift the American worker.


10am PDT


What is GOTV?

It’s GOTV season! We’ll dive into GOTV-specific terminology, key logistics, and essential components of a successful GOTV plan.


10am PDT

Follow us on our social media and stay up to date with NDTC!

Copyright (C) 2024 National Democratic Training Committee. All rights reserved.

Here are some ways you can take action.

All times PDT

Connect with us on social media!

Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

BOOK TALK – Our Shared Republic: The Case for Proportional Representation in the House of Representatives with Drew Penrose on July 18th @ 5pm PT/8 pm ET

Celebrate a Decade Of Discovery – Members Appreciation Day at the REACH Museum!

Important Update for Our 10th Anniversary Members Appreciation Day July 23

Ag and Rural Caucus for August

Better Practices

6:30 pm Thursday 1 August
Ballot Initiatives
Climate Commitment, Washington Cares, Capital Gains Excise Tax
Representative Beth Doglio
Calvin Jones, Fuse WA
Julia Terlinchamp

Policy Briefing

6:30 pm Thursday 15 August
Homeless in Rural Washington

Jordan Green, ED,
Walla Walla Alliance for the Homeless
Paste link into browser.

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2024.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2024

Copyright © 2024 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361

Columbia Basin Badger Club




How to Help Ukrainians

LWVWA logo

This is just a reminder that the Washington State organization of the League of Women Voters has some excellent resources on becoming involved in your democracy.