Committee and Affinity Group News
[See the Web Log for prior Committee News write-ups.]
We are working on a messaging campaign for use in all media that ends with the tagline, “—you might be a Democrat,” Take a look at our current list of messages on this Google Sheet. If you have more catchy lines, please send them to
Buttons for Committees and Affinity Organizations:
14th LD placeholder
15th LD placeholder
From the Chair
Benton County Democrats Executive Board Meeting July 15
Delivering Results from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law
Legislation Committee
Follow the progress of Bills of Interest in this linked chart.
Platform and Resolutions
The 2024 Platform has been adopted. Many thanks to the platform committee and the folks who contributed their precious time.
The Platform and Resolutions Committee is starting resolutions work this year.
For those wishing to propose a resolution, below is a link to a template you can use to craft your resolution.
This is a link to a chart of our current resolutions plan and actions taken.
The following resolutions have been passed by the Central Committee and forwarded to the State party.
- Agrivoltaics Benefits to Eastern Washington
- Reinstate ban on naked credit default swaps
- Limit ratio of Executive v Employee pay
The following resolutions have been passed by the State party.
- Reinstate Restrictions on Stock Buybacks (final)
- Recovery Government Funded IP & Patents developed in whole or in part with taxpayer investments: Modification of Bayh-Dole Act 1980
- Faith and Credit-Debt Ceiling
- Reforming SCOTUS Nomination and Confirmation Process
The following resolutions are available for comments as they are being worked on by the committee:
Link to our Rittenhouse Resolution:
This is a link to the current State Party resolutions.
Organization Committee
Here’s a complete list of all our PCO’s, elected, appointed, and acting:
Benton County Democratic Precinct Committee Officers
Elections Committee
Benton County Central Committee 2024 Endorsements
Signs and other Campaign Merchandise
Run for Something! Offices up for Election in 2025
Benton County invites you to celebrate the completion of the new Elections Center with a Ribbon Cutting Ceremony! Explore the new facility with open tours following the ceremony.
We look forward to celebrating this exciting occasion with you and hope to see you there!
Grace Davidson
Elections Systems Supervisor
Benton County Auditor I Elections Division
(509) 736-3085 EXT. 5649
Other Local Party
Organizations and Caucuses
REMINDER Call to Meeting – Every 2 Years Reorganization – Thursday, Jan. 9
Call to Meeting – Every 2 Years Reorganization – Thursday, Jan. 9
Happy Holidays! Please hold the date Jan. 9
Call to Meeting this Thursday 11/21 DO SOMETHING #17
DO SOMETHING #16 – 14th LD voters – check your ballot!
DO SOMETHING #15 – Be sure to vote (at a drop box).
DO SOMETHING #14 – Let’s keep Democrats visible! Sat., Nov. 9 – Veteran’s Day
DO SOMETHING #13 – Check your registration/ballot/Link for Nov. 1
DO SOMETHING #12 – It’s Not Over Til It’s Over (Yogi Berra)
Senator Maria Cantwell – Press Conference – Tomorrow 3 p.m. Cafe con Arte
DO SOMETHING #11 – Phone banking; Who Franklin Recommends
Canvassing this weekend, next weekend – DO SOMETHING #10
Call to Meeting – Full Membership – TONIGHT Thursday October 17 in person or Zoom (DO SOMETHING #7)
DO SOMETHING #9 Support Maria Beltran, 14th LD State Senator candidate Friday, October 25
DO SOMETHING #8 Education Leaders + the 14th LD candidates – tomorrow 10/10
Call to Meeting – Full Membership – Thursday October 17 in person or Zoom (DO SOMETHING #7)
#6 DO SOMETHING – Canvassing Made Simple! Check this out.
#5 DO SOMETHING – 1. Updated Oct. 12 flyer 2. HARRIS-WALZ Yard Signs
#4 DO SOMETHING – Check your registration, ballot, district and more!
#3 DO SOMETHING – Help the LD16 Candidates Get Elected!
#2 DO SOMETHING – Come to our OFFICE (yes, a physical office)!
First DO SOMETHING activity – Saturday, October 12 in Yakima (car pooling)
Join us for a Phone Banking/Debate Party Tuesday, September 10 at our NEW TC Office
Call to Meeting – Full Membership – Thursday September 19 in person or Zoom
Tickets available – Join Us and Special Guest U.S. Senator Maria Cantwell
Find out about 3 Ballot Initiatives for November
Meeting this Thursday, August 15 – Zoom or InPerson
Join this Day of Action to Support the NEW 14th LD
Call to Meeting Thursday, July 18 – Includes voting
Opportunities to support Pasco and the LD14
Call to Meeting Thursday, June 20 – including endorsements
Meet and Support Senator Manka Dhingra for Atty. General
Meet and Support Chelsea Dimas Candidate for WA House of Representatives LD14 Position 1
Join Us at These Events and Meetings
4th CD News
Voices of Resilience: Yakima County Stands Firm in 2025
Saving The Republican Party: A Democrats Duty
Rural Voting: Lessor Of Two Evils? Choosing Between R’s
More “No on 2117” events scheduled and LD 14 Week of Action Kicks Off!
Two Powerhouse Events: Yakima Action Weekend with Governor Jay Inslee
Navigating the Pulse of Democracy: Key Insights on Politics, Voting, and Leadership
Turning Central & Eastern Washington Blue: The Race is Closer Than Ever
Ag and Rural Caucus
Ag and Rural Caucus for January
Better Practices
6:30 pm Thursday 2 January
Is it OK for a Democrat to run as Independent?
What do you think about Democrats running – and winning - as Independents? At our meeting in early December several of us celebrated local candidates who were elected while running as Independents. We welcomed local champions. I think I used the term “white knights.” We were challenged. Several thought that running as Independent even while successful did not build the brand.
What do you think? (Day after New Year's)
Policy Briefing
6:30 pm Thursday 16 January
Harold Miller, Center for Healthcare Quality and Payment Reform
Shane McGuire, CEO, Columbia County Health System
Stopping the Loss of Rural Health Care Services
Paste link into browser.
Follow up on Rural Hospitals and Health Care
This is the link to the recording. Harold’s slides are here. I have Shane’s Power Point slides as well. I would be pleased to forward them upon request. (I have lost confidence in linking to files on my computer.)
Harold followed up with materials about “global budget” concept. Search the recording link for “global budget” to learn about how important it is when evaluating universal health care reform.
Rural hospital viability is not a new topic. Washington’s Health Care Authority a decade ago convened WRHAP (Washington Rural Health Access Preservation). Harold recommends several pieces from that effort here and here and here.
At the Federal level, Harold made suggestions just a year ago about “how to fix payments for small rural hospitals.”
Just in case you had thought we had covered the health care bases last evening, Harold wanted to alert us to the “problem of high beneficiary cost-sharing at Critical Access Hospitals for people on Traditional Medicare. People with supplemental insurance plans are shielded from this, but it’s another problematic incentive for people to sign up for MA plans.” The Medicare Payment Advisory Commission (MedPAC) is meeting today. I have a copy of a paper being presented. Just let me know.
I want to thank Shane and Harold again for their work last evening. No one left the meeting thinking that they had the answers. “It’s complicated” could have been the slogan for the evening, but do not back off from following up on the details. Advocates for health care reform (most of us, I suspect) have a responsibility to listen and learn.
17 January 2025
Whole Washington – SB 5233
This is about situational awareness. This roughly means that we need to be aware about how policies interrelate. Our topic for tomorrow evening is how we keep rural health care viable. We are talking about how we keep rural hospitals alive. Already, we may have complicated the question by writing about how the incentives driving private insurance and Medical Advantage threaten our rural hospitals. This is appropriate.
It is appropriate also to ask about how universal health insurance would affect rural hospitals. This week, for example, Senator Bob Hasegawa introduced SB 5233 in response to Whole Washington’s proposal for universal health . By this evening SB 5233 has earned eleven co-sponsors. And Whole Washington has plans for a voter initiative if SB 5233 falls short.
The language of SB 5233 is directed to the consumer: “to provide stable coverage from time of birth and maintained as a legal guarantee to all residents”. How about the suppliers, the hospitals? The situational awareness part of this is to ask if universal health care would make a difference to rural health care providers as well as to rural health consumers.
Universal health care is not precisely our topic tomorrow evening. But it may play a role.
15 January 2025
Harold is getting us prepped for Thursday. And he has data…some of which strike embarrassingly close to home. Click here for Rural Hospitals at Risk in Washington State, and here for Medicare Advantage uptake by WA county.
Take a look and see you Thursday.
14 January 2025
Myth Busting…The problem is not Medicare/Medicaid
Harold Miller calls out a myth about why rural hospitals are under threat: “A common myth about small rural hospitals is that almost all of their revenues come from Medicare or Medicaid, but the fact is, on average, more than half of the services at small rural hospitals are delivered to patients with private insurance” (underlining added).
Not good. Earlier this month I passed on the observation that Medicare Advantage plans made “expense recovery difficult for small hospitals.” The bad guy in this story is not just UnitedHealthcare and Medicare Advantage. It turns out that private insurance administrators are in the same business. Should we be surprised? UnitedHealth group, UnitedHealthcare’s family, is the largest writer of private health insurance.
Putting names on villains makes moral outrage easier. Before we get too engaged in painting UnitedHealth black, though, let us remember that UnitedHealth is just the most success of a class of actors in how we deliver health care in this country.
Shane and Harold have to work within this framework. Join them in learning how to win in health care delivery and some of the counter-tactics that we have some chance of influencing. Learn the details. Then, we can talk about changing the rules.
13 January 2025
UnitedHealthcare, Medicare Advantage and Rural Hospitals
Shane and Harold agreed to present on rural health care in early December…before the assassination of the UnitedHealthcare CEO.
Well OK, but what does UnitedHealthcare have to do with rural hospitals? The link is Medicare Advantage. UnitedHeathcare is our largest Medicare Advantage provider. One way they make money is by denying claims and generally making expense recovery difficult for small hospitals.
Cartridges found by Brian Thompson’s body had the words “deny,” “defend” and “depose” inscribed. The words mirrored Jay Feinman’s 2010 book title, Delay, Deny, Defend: Why Insurance Companies Don’t Pay Claims: “Insurance companies now often try to delay payment of justified claims, deny payment altogether, and defend these actions by forcing claimants to enter litigation.”
Shane joined our “politics” session Thursday evening in error but graciously polled us on what we might want to learn on the 16th. We mentioned Medicare Advantage plans, their consequences and their politics. He eagerly took notes.
Learn the details on the 16th. Details are important.
3 January 2025
Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2025.
Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2025.
Copyright © 2025 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is: Ag and Rural Caucus 2921 Mud Creek Rd Waitsburg, WA 99361
Address: 117 Legislative Modular Building * PO Box 40408 * Olympia, WA 98504
Olympia Office: (360) 786-7614 * Toll Free Hotline: (800) 562-6000 * E-mail:
Jan. 17, 2025
Legislative Session kicks off
Dear Friends and Neighbors,
The 2025 legislative session began on January 13. This year’s session is 105 days long, allowing the legislature to address several key issues, including a significant projected budget shortfall.
In addition to budget issues, I will focus on providing law enforcement with the necessary tools and policies to be more effective in their jobs. I will also work on establishing a more affordable Washington, including building capacity on our energy grid addressing future electricity needs. I will fight hard to keep taxes off the table and fully support legislation that creates a better future for our children.
As the ranking Republican leader on the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee, I am working on new reliable energy sources, such as small modular nuclear reactors, Artificial Intelligence infrastructure and standards, and unmanned aircraft manufactured in foreign countries. This committee will examine the effects of the Climate Commitment Act and consider the effectiveness and increase reporting.
I was also appointed to the Higher Education & Workforce Development, Rules, and Ways & Means committees.
I have already filed 12 bills this year, which will improve our election security, obtain better data on motor vehicle emissions, remove Governor oversight on energy projects, and improve retirement benefits and farm and agriculture practices.
Each day is a new opportunity to work with my colleagues to find common-sense, consensus-based solutions and get things done. But to be most effective, I need your help. Having the people of the Mighty Eighth actively involved in the process is key to ensuring that our community’s concerns are addressed.
Please contact me if you have any views on any issue or questions about this report or would like to discuss anything else related to the legislature. I can be reached via email (, phone (360-786-7614), or
Thank you for the opportunity to represent you in the Legislature. It is a great honor and privilege to serve the people of the Tri-Cities in the state Senate.
Governor has too much authority in siting energy projects
As the new ranking Republican on the Senate Environment, Energy, and Technology Committee (ENET), I pre-filed a bill in early December that aims to reform the siting of energy projects by ensuring the Energy Facility Site Evaluation Council (EFSEC) has the final say rather than the governor.
A recent EFSEC process to approve the revised site certification agreement for the Horse Heaven wind farm in the 8th District did not correctly account for local concerns and gave the governor too much authority. To remedy this, I filed SB 5015, which was already referred to ENET.
Senate Bill 5015 draws lessons from recent projects in which the governor sought to influence council decisions. The bill would confirm that the council is better positioned than the governor to make the final decision because it has reviewed the projects and heard from all sides.
Removing the governor from the final approval process would depoliticize it and help make it more efficient and effective. If passed, this bill would apply to any governor and seek to improve a vital state process. It would not be retroactive or specific to any project.
The energy facility site evaluation process culminates in a recommendation to the governor as the final step. The site evaluation process would be improved if the council had the authority to make the final decision without making a recommendation to the governor.
Free Washington from California vehicle emissions rules
Currently, the Washington State Department of Ecology follows California emissions standards. California has a population of 39 million compared to our state’s 7.17 million residents and is roughly twice the size geographically as Washington State. They produce more vehicle emissions than we do and are the second largest producer of vehicle emissions in the nation, trailing only Texas. I believe we should follow federal standards, not California.
I introduced Senate Bill 5091 before the 2025 legislative session, which aims to separate our state from California’s vehicle emission standards. The bill would direct the state Department of Ecology to adopt rules that align with federal standards rather than California’s. Should the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency waiver that allows California’s emissions standards to depart from federal standards be reversed, I expect the proposal will receive attention in Olympia.
Year after year, lawmakers have unsuccessfully tried to get the Department of Ecology to track the state’s GHG emissions better. The public should know and determine whether the programs meant to reduce emissions work.
My bill also requires Ecology to submit yearly reports on Washington’s progress toward reducing greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. The system requires reporting every two years, but Ecology has fallen behind and has only submitted data up through 2019. Data through 2021 will be made available by the end of 2024, which is too long between reports.
Senate Bill 5091 does not change the state’s greenhouse gas targets but would hold the state more accountable for its progress toward those targets. Under the federal Clean Air Act, the federal government sets vehicle emissions standards, but California can differ. States may choose to follow California’s rules. Washington is one of several states that have agreed to be in lockstep with California.
The incoming presidential administration is widely expected to rescind California’s recently granted waiver. Washington law still requires DOE rules to match California’s, but if SB 5091 passes, this will change, and Washington will follow federal rules.
Thank you for attending
In December, I hosted a few events and had the opportunity to visit with voters in the 8th Legislative District and hear their concerns. For those who attended, thank you. Hearing from constituents was an absolute honor, and I enjoyed the face-to-face time.
The first Legislative Latte event was held in early December at The Arc of the Tri-Cities. We had between 50 and 60 people attend. I spoke for a few hours about my priorities this legislative session and was able to answer dozens of questions about local issues. We poured a lot of coffee that morning.
The last Legislative Latte was held in late December. Again, we had between 50 and 60 attendees. The second event was an excellent opportunity for me to answer some of the same questions and concerns addressed at the first event. I heard concerns about our schools, law enforcement challenges, and city and county growth.
Coming away from both events gave me an increased understanding of what is important to voters in our district. I have heard from you and look forward to creating a safer and more affordable Washington, including a better future for our children.
Page program accepting applications
The Washington State Legislature has one of the finest page programs in the country. Each year, hundreds of students from across Washington have the opportunity to take part in the legislative process and watch the Legislature and other branches of state government in action
Pages are sponsored by legislators and serve for 1 week during the legislative session, which runs January through April in odd numbered years and January through March in even numbered years. This session, I am able to sponsor eight pages.
Pages spend their week learning about the legislative process while distributing materials throughout the capitol campus, assisting offices, delivering messages, working on the chamber floor, and carrying the flags at the opening of each day’s legislative session. They also also spend time each day in Page School learning about all aspects of state government.
It is an honor to be selected as a page and if you are selected, you can look forward to a fun and educational experience that immerses you in the legislative process.
If you know someone who may be interested, please have them send an email to Virginia Hall at or call the office at 360-786-7614.
To learn more about the page program visit their webpage.
Legislative Latte Rescheduled – Update
Due to unforeseen circumstances, Legislative Latte with Sen. Boenke has been cancelled
REMINDER 8th LD – Clean Slate Meeting – Saturday, November 16, 6 p.m.
New Meeting: Saturday, Oct. 19
8th LD Call to Meeting – 6 p.m. Oct. 5
Convention After-Action Report, and Future Plans
CORRECTED LD8 Membership Meeting – NOW Wednesday, July 10, 6-8 p.m., Conf Room A, Richland Library
15th LD Democrats News
16th LD Democrats News
16th LD Democratic Central Committee
Call to Meeting 07/31/2024
7:00p.m. to 8:00p.m.
Zoom Link:
Fellow 16th LD Democrats,
We stand at a moment of history. Earlier today President Biden chose to end his reelection campaign and endorse Vice President Kamala Harris. While this development is likely to draw a wide variety of reactions from across the political spectrum, it is essential that we remember that the Democratic Party is the only thing standing between Donald Trump and the White House. How we as PCOs, local leaders, candidates, and volunteers may well determine whether our nation remains the world’s oldest functioning democracy. In the coming weeks and months, it will be up to each of us to support our eventual nominee and every candidate up and down the ballot.
To this end, we will be having our monthly meeting on July 31st at 7:00p.m. via zoom. The agenda for this meeting can be found here: 16th LD Agenda July 31, 2024
The Meeting Information is as follows:
· Zoom Link:
· To Participate by phone:
o Dial: 1 (253) 215-8782
o Then Dial: 83197234621
o Then Press: #
To donate to our central committee use the following link:–wa–1
Here in the 16th LD we are privileged to have three strong candidates who are out there doing the work to flip our district. I encourage you to learn more about them and volunteer on their campaigns. You can connect with each of them using the following links:
Elect Kari Isaacson PO Box 1133 Walla Walla, WA 99362 509-540-7791 Donation Link: | |
Friends for Linda Gunshefski P.O Box 1113Walla Walla, WA 99362 509-386-3153 Donation Link: | |
Friends of Craig Woodard 128 N 2nd, P.O Box 2400 Walla Walla, WA 99362 951-201-7874 Donation Link: |
We can win this election both at the Federal and local levels. Now more than ever is a time to do the work!
Jeffrey A. Robinson
Walla Walla County Democrats News
Yakima County Democrats News
Resolve: be an ACTIVE Yakima Democrat in 2025
Reorganization Meetings Dec 7, 9:00 a.m.
Call to General Meeting, Nov 25
Maria Cantwell at TODAY’S event!
Less than a week to ELECTION DAY!
Call to YCDCC regular business meeting
Less than a month to make a difference!
Jane Fonda, NO on I-2117, GOTV, and more!
October Has Something for Everyone!
Yakima County Democrats September Regular Meeting
Parade, Fair, and Campaigns!
OMG! The Sunfair Parade is this Saturday!
Help make this the biggest turnout of Democrats EVER in the Sunfair Parade. Ana Ruiz Kennedy, candidate for WA State House of Reps, and her crew will be joining us. We have a beautiful blue truck with a large, two-sided sign mounted in the bed. There will be a limited number of signs provided so please feel free to make/bring your own featuring your favorite candidate, issue, slogan. This is going to be epic!
Get out those walking shoes and join us!
Saturday, September 21, 2024
Arrive by 8:00 a.m. Parking will be scarce and a much longer walk to the staging area if you arrive after 8:00. The parade begins at 10:00 a.m.
The staging is South 16th Ave between Tieton Drive and McLaren on the west side of 16th Ave. We are entry #61 and will be lined up between Rod’s House and Selah Middle School Band.
The parade route is from 16th Ave, down Yakima Ave, ending on Naches Ave. Make a plan to get back to your vehicle—which is easy if you bring a crew with you! Children welcome (yes, you can bring wagons and strollers). There will be water bottles in the truck for our parade participants.
We are not using noise makers or playing music (don’t want to interfere with Selah Middle School Band) or handing out candy (would require 40 jumbo size bags of candy).
No need to sign up or register—mark your calendar and we’ll see you there!
Shifts at the Yakima County Democrats Fair Booth are still available
Sign up HERE
You can enjoy the rest of the fair before or after your shift
The booth will be stocked with all varieties of campaign materials, information about voting and how to become involved with Yakima Dems, and election swag for sale. Emails with all the pertinent information—where to pick up your ticket(s), which gate to enter, where the booth is located, swag we’re selling, etc.—will begin tomorrow to those who sign up for a shift. You can continue to sign up for unfilled shifts during the fair (Sept. 20-29). We greatly appreciate all the volunteers!!!
If you have any questions, email or call Angie at 509-969-7388
14th LD Joint Canvassing Events—September 22 and October 12
Help elect our phenomenal legislative district 14 candidates:
- Ana Ruiz Kennedy, candidate for WA State House of Representatives, pos. 2
- Chelsea Dimas, candidate for WA State House of Representatives, pos. 1
- Maria Beltran, candidate for WA State Senate
This Sunday, September 22, the American Federation of Teachers is hosting a joint 14th LD canvass for Ana, Maria, and Chelsea. There will be a rally followed by the canvass followed by free tacos.
Time: 11:30 am
Location: Larson Park, 12th Ave and Arlington St, Yakima
Event RSVP:
On Saturday, October 12, Win With Women is hosting a joint 14th LD Labor-Neighbor canvass for Ana, Maria, and Chelsea in collaboration with the WA State Labor Council.
Time: 10:00 am
Location: SEIU 1199NW Offices, 415 N 20th Ave, Yakima
No registration necessary!
Copyright © 2024 Yakima County Democrats, All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Yakima County Democrats
402 S 3rd St
Yakima, WA 98901-2834
Meeting tonight to elect Chair and Vice-Chair, 6pm via Zoom (link enclosed)
Call to Meeting for election of Chair and Vice-Chair, Sept. 6th at 6pm via Zoom
YCDCC Regular meeting TONIGHT, 8/26, 6pm
Governor Inslee joins the celebration
Join us with Treasurer Pellicciotti
Help us cross the finish line!
Let’s keep striving for better
Call for First-Vice-Chair Nominations
Do you want to outcompete Republicans?
Join democrats for a weekend of action!
From the State Central Committee
Dear friend,
Trump just pardoned almost every January 6th insurrectionist.
That means almost everyone in this image is walking free.
They smashed windows, attacked police officers, and desecrated our Capitol. And now? Donald Trump just pardoned almost every single one of them. Fight back→
The insurrectionist in this image posted this shortly after being pardoned:
We’re not sitting idly by. Your donation today fuels the grassroots organizing, voter outreach, and relentless resistance Washington State Democrats are leading to fight back.
Will you chip in $15, $25, or whatever you can right now at the link below to stand against Trump’s MAGA extremism?
In the fight,
Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democrats
Washington State Democrats PO Box 4027 Seattle, WA 98194 United States
Dear friend,
You may have seen the reports that the Trump Administration is planning a large-scale deportation of immigrants from blue “sanctuary cities.” We must be prepared to protect our friends and neighbors from illegal searches and incarceration.
If you see ICE activity taking place or any marked vehicles, please report it immediately to Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network at 1-844-724-3737.
Know your rights. Do not open the door. “ICE warrants” authorities may claim to have are not legal to enter your home. ICE warrants must be signed by a local judge to enter your home.
If you need legal assistance, call the Northwest Immigrant Rights Project at 1-800-445-5771.
Services for immigrants:
Chinese Information & Service Center
East African Community Services
The International Rescue Committee in Seattle
Jewish Family Services – 253-850-4065
Archdiocese of Seattle – 206-274-3194
Please spread these resources on your social media channels and among your communities. These are dark times, but we can get through them if we stick together and look out for each other.
In solidarity,
Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democrats
Washington State Democrats PO Box 4027 Seattle, WA 98194 United States
PCOs Can (and Should) Start Doorbelling – For PCOs, the time to walk or call the voters in your precincts is NOW so that we can get that data back into Votebuilder ASAP. The data PCOs collect in the first quarter of this year is essential to the voter targeting every Democratic candidate will be able to do in the primary election and for the rest of the year. If needed, our Coordinated Campaign staff can help set PCOs up with a phone or canvass list, an appropriate script for their precinct, and either a listening or ID canvass – just ask us at
Democratic National Committee News
Hours after being sworn in, Donald Trump began signing disastrous executive order after disastrous executive order.
Here are just a few of the actions he’s taken so far:
- Attempted to end birthright citizenship, which is in the Constitution.
- Pardoned nearly all of the rioters charged with storming the Capitol on January 6 — including those who committed acts of violence.
- Rescinded President Biden’s executive order to lower prescription drug costs for Americans on Medicare and Medicaid.
- Withdrawn the U.S. from the Paris Climate Agreement, a deal instrumental to combating climate change.
But we won’t give up. Right now, it’s critical that we build the long-term infrastructure to elect Democrats at every level of government — leaders who will check Trump’s power in their cities, districts, and states.
Thank you for everything,
The Democrats
Text JOIN to 43367
If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, territories, and D.C., make a contribution today.
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
This is a message for people all over the country who understand the stakes as a new Congress was just sworn in and Trump is inaugurated as our next president.
We’re humbly asking that you make a donation to the Democratic National Committee today.
Here’s why:
For the cost of a monthly streaming service, you can directly impact the resources we need to build the strongest possible Democratic Party.
There is no organization better positioned to move money to the races and states where it is needed, when it is needed, as we work to win elections in 2025, 2026, and beyond.
Every Democrat we can elect is one more check on Trump’s power.
We’re already seeing how important it is that we have leaders at all levels of government ready and willing to fight back against Trump and his allies’ disastrous Project 2025 agenda.
Thank you for pitching in, and for taking the time to read this message.
The Democrats
Text JOIN to 43367
If you’re ready to elect Democrats in all 50 states, territories, and D.C., make a contribution today.
Contributions or gifts to the Democratic National Committee are not tax deductible. Paid for by the Democratic National Committee,, and not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
Join us for Out and Proud: Let’s Sashay to the Polls!
Tri-City Democrats
Tri-City Democrats – Friday, January 10, 6:00 PM
Tri-City Democrats – Friday, November 8 at 6 PM
Tri-City Democrats – Friday, October 11 at 6 PM
Democracy isn’t just a principle—it’s action. Every day, the League of Women Voters of Washington works to make democracy stronger, fairer, and more inclusive. Your support fuels efforts like these:
- Educating future voters about how our government works and the vital roles they play in shaping it.
- Combating mis- and disinformation that threatens trust in our elections.
- Holding elected officials accountable to the public they serve.
- Registering and empowering voters to cast informed ballots, ensuring their voices are heard.
- Training community members to reach out to voters at local events across the state.
The League is democracy in action, and your donation is a direct investment in its future. When you give today, you’re empowering voters, defending democracy, and creating lasting change in communities across Washington State.
This Giving Tuesday, stand with the League. Together, we can make a difference.
In League,
League of Women Voters of Washington
To make a donation by check: Donations to our advocacy fund should be made out to LWVWA. Donations to our Education Fund should be made out to LWVWA Ed Fund. Donations to this fund are tax-deductible. Checks can be mailed to LWVWA, 1511 3rd Ave., Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98101.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
The League of Women Voters of Washington
1511 Third Ave, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
This holiday weekend, as we celebrate the gift of time with loved ones, we also reflect on our gratitude for the vibrant democracy we strive to strengthen every day. Thanks to our incredible volunteers, the League of Women Voters of Washington continues its vital work to empower voters and defend democracy.
We are grateful to live in a state where mail-in voting is the norm, ensuring that every voter has a voice, and where civic education is laying the groundwork for future engaged and informed citizens.
We are grateful for all of the ways that your trust and generosity have fueled our mission.
Please consider making a donation in support of our crucial work of defending democracy this Giving Tuesday!
In League,
League of Women Voters of Washington
To make a donation by check: Donations to our advocacy fund should be made out to LWVWA. Donations to our Education Fund should be made out to LWVWA Ed Fund. Donations to this fund are tax-deductible. Checks can be mailed to LWVWA, 1511 3rd Ave., Suite 900, Seattle, WA 98101.
The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.
The League of Women Voters of Washington
1511 Third Ave, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98101
United States
Voter Resources // League Impact // more
Evergreen Voter | Candidate Forums //Columbia River Treaty // more
Ballot Initiatives // November Election // more
Evergreen Voter | August Primary // Ballot Initiatives // Vote411 // more
Ballot Initiatives//League Reflections //Candidate Forums // more
LWVWA Takes NO Position on I-2117 //Candidate Forums // more
Evergreen Voter | LWVWA Council //Extending Your Impact // more
Legislative Action Newsletter March 13, 2024
Legislative Action Newsletter March 3, 2024
Indivisible: A Practical Guide to Democracy on the Brink.
Courage is contagious – it’s time to fight back
How you can fight Project 2025 right now
Here are some ways you can take action.
- Fri, Jan 17 @ 5pm
Join the Madness: Building Homes, Raising Hell, Resisting the Machine! Marin Indivisible › - Fri, Jan 17 @ 5pm
Friday Happy Hour: Organizing Together in Mill Valley! › - Sat, Jan 18 @ 5am
RESIST: Boycott Fascist Presidency › - Mon, Jan 20 @ 8am
Ventura County’s 39th Annual Martin Luther King, Jr. Day Observance and Freedom March › - Wed, Jan 22 @ 5pm
Solidarity Warriors Action Group › - Fri, Jan 17 @ 7am
Join “COFFEE & CONVERSATION”: Bracing for Trump 2.0 – Every Weekday M-F @9 AM CT Zoom! 5yrs running ›
All times PST
Hegseth’s terrifying confirmation hearing
Stopping Trump’s most dangerous nominees
Don’t let Democrats hand MAGA the keys to immigration policy
Cabinet confirmations begin, opposing MAGA extremists, what we’re doing this weekend, and more…
Cabinet confirmations are coming — take action with us!
The grassroots are leading the fight for our democracy
Contagious Courage vs. Capitulation Caucus
One last action to prepare for 2025
5 resolutions for keeping democracy alive in 2025
Shutdown avoided, Elon Musk, a preview of the fights to come, and more…
Elon Musk’s Government Shutdown (Action Needed)
The new Indivisible Guide is out. How can we help you do more with it?
Indivisible was made for this moment
It all comes back to local organizing
A historically small GOP majority, judicial nominations, pushing for ERA publication, and more…
Indivisible Events 12/06-12-13
A Blueprint for Blue States to Prepare for Trump 2.0
Support abortion access this Giving Tuesday
Thanksgiving conversations, food puns, and your weekly to-do’s
A little story of how this works
Indivisible Events – 11/15-11-23
Standing Together on Trans Day of Remembrance
Cabinet nominations, judicial confirmations, and your weekly to-do’s
The work of defying Trump doesn’t start in January — it starts now
The Senate has to confirm judges at a lightning pace
Indivisible Events – 11/15-11/18
A new Indivisible Guide, and what comes next
Next week: The new Indivisible guide to resisting Trump’s agenda
We don’t despair. We organize.
Vitally important work that needs to happen now
Democracy is in peril but not lost.
It’s a great day to make history
A note from Leah and final pre-election to-dos
Newsletter: How to brace for impact
One more weekend to stop Trump
Trump’s racist rally vs Harris’ vision for the future — 8 days to GOTV!
Direct Candidate Support – Senate Battlegrounds
GOTV texting that actually works
Want to make sure we win on Nov 5? Here’s what you can do.
Trump’s weak ground game, our week of action, and more
Newsletter: Take a breath. Here’s how to think about the polls.
We believe we can flip Texas. Republicans think so too
Phonebank into PA this coming Tuesday with Dan Pfeiffer
No newsletter, but we’ve still got to-dos to do!
Someone in Pennsylvania needs to hear from you
The Supreme Court’s latest attack on reproductive freedom
3 reasons we can beat Ted Cruz
🚀 Campaign Launch: Project 2024
Here it is: our plan to win in 2024
Indivisible Rural Program [2021 WORKING DOC]
Join us early this month for our final call of 2024!
Hello Raucous Rural Caucus,
Well y’all, we made through one of the wildest election years on record! Though we did not see the big win that we deserved, we want you to join us as we reflect on the outcomes and look forward with plans for the next administration. We will highlight some down ballot successes and celebrate the amazing work you all accomplished this year! We will spend a few minutes looking at the new Indivisible Guide through a rural lens and discuss ways you can absorb this influx of new volunteers. Lastly, we will spend a moment sharing strategies for staying grounded through the hustle and bustle of the holiday season. We aren’t going anywhere and we know our tenacious, raucous rural Indivisibles are in for the long haul, too.
Register here to join us on December 4th 8:00 PM ET/5:00 PM PT for our final Rural Caucus Call call of 2025!
Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States
¡Únase a nuestra Reunión General hoy a las 3:00 pm!
Listos para iniciar este 2025? Únete a la primera reunión mensual de WAISN donde a demás de conectar en comunidad, podrás recibir actualizaciones sobre temas relacionados con migración, recursos y mas!
Cuándo: 16 de enero, Jueves 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Enlace de la Reunión por Zoom:
En comunidad,
Israel Gonzales
Pronombre: El
Organizador de Respuesta Rápida
Join our General Meeting today at 3 pm!
Ready to kick off 2025? Join WAISN’s first monthly General Meeting of 2025 where we come together as a community, provide updates on our work, share useful resources, and more!
When: January 16th, Thursday 3:00 PM – 5:00 PM
Zoom Information:
In community,
Israel Gonzalez
Pronouns: He/Him
Rapid Response Organizer
[Español Abajo]
The 2025 Washington Legislative Session is here and with it comes another opportunity to push for bold, transformative policies that protect and empower immigrant and refugee communities!
Join us this evening at 6:00 PM for a Facebook Live conversation with the Survivors Opposing Solitary Coalition, ACLU-WA, and La Resistencia on two of our critical policy priorities during the 2025 Legislative session:
The No Violence, No Segregation Act would end the long-term use of solitary confinement in state correctional and private detention centers, which disproportionately affects trans women and is often used to silence those who speak out against unsafe conditions.
The Traffic Safety for All campaign aims to deprioritize traffic stops for non-safety related reasons to reduce harmful interactions between law enforcement and immigrant drivers. Too often, routine traffic stops lead to detention, deportation, or police violence.
This is your chance to learn about these crucial policy efforts and how you can join us in the fight for justice.
In solidarity,
Vanessa Reyes
Pronouns: They/She
Policy Manager
[English Above]
Ya comenzó la sesión legislativa de Washington de 2025, la cual ofrece otra oportunidad para promover políticas firmes y transformadoras que protejan y empoderen a nuestras comunidades de inmigrantes y refugiados
La Ley de No Violencia, No Segregación pondría fin al uso prolongado del aislamiento en centros de detención estatales y privados, que afecta de forma desproporcionada a las mujeres transgénero y a menudo se utiliza para silenciar a quienes denuncian condiciones inseguras.
La campaña de Seguridad Vial para Todos quiere dar menos prioridad a las paradas de tráfico por motivos que no estén relacionados con la seguridad, con el fin de reducir las interacciones dañinas entre la policía y los conductores inmigrantes. Con demasiada frecuencia, las paradas de tráfico rutinarias terminan en detenciones, deportaciones o violencia policial.
Esta es su oportunidad de informarse sobre estos esfuerzos políticos tan importantes y sobre cómo puede unirse a nosotros en la lucha por la justicia.
En solidaridad,
Vanessa Reyes
Pronombres: Elle/Ella
Gerente de Políticas
Directora Ejecutiva
Upcoming Events
Join the Class of 2025 in D.C. in May
Did you miss your class’ DC trip? Or interested in learning what is happening with Washington’s Congressional delegation in DC this year? We are offering limited spots on this year’s DC trip for the first time. There are many options for joining.
If you’d like to join the Class of 2025 on their trip to D.C. for extended learning, please sign up by completing the application and initial monetary commitment below. Applications to join this year’s class are due by February 15, with a nonrefundable deposit due by March 7. Additional details, including the options to join the fellows for programming days and costs (which cover hotel lodging), are available in the link below.
Join AI in Deepfake Salon on Tuesday, Jan. 14
One of our very own alum who works at Microsoft will host a webinar to prepare us all for what’s ahead. This workshop has been given to the Democratic National Committee, Republican National Committee, and governments around the globe and helps everyone navigate their daily lives. Attendees will understand how to train their eyes for deepfakes.
This is our first of a salon series, all on different topics aimed to help us understand what’s going on around us.
Discover how Artificial Intelligence innovation can empower campaigns and engage voters while understanding the risks of deepfakes and misinformation. Learn about the ongoing efforts to mitigate the risks of deepfakes in politics, and the role we all have to play in creating a positive information environment. This workshop is helpful outside of politics as well and everyday when viewing online sources. Workshop is aimed at being valuable for both non-technical and technical audiences.
The latest from the Class of 2025
Two members of the cohort, Logan Noel-Endres and Nadia Goforth, volunteered to write up their experiences after each class trip. Their reflections are below:
Hello WAIDF Alumni —
It’s Class of 2025 Fellows Logan Noel-Endres and Nadia Goforth here to share a brief overview of our first weekend in the program! For those of you that attended and/or donated at the kickoff event last Friday, we want to express our immense gratitude. We deeply enjoyed the opportunity to connect with you over our shared passions — and know each of our colleagues did too!
Day 1:
Saturday marked our first official day of programming! We spent the morning getting to know WAIDF, each other, and crafting a Spotify playlist to get us through the coming months! Fellows were joined by board members including Kelsey Hamlin (‘24), Francis Choe (‘24), and Vice Chair Meadow Johnson (‘09). Eric Liu, Co-Founder of Citizen University, then shared some amazing perspective about the importance of forming community, noting that “citizenship” (power+character) is an art. One important takeaway that he left us with is his reminder that “every opportunity is a chance to make a difference.” This is something we hope to keep top of mind as we navigate the WAIDF program! We then settled in for a Racial Equity Training in the afternoon with ChrisTiana ObeySumner (‘18), alumni and owner of Epiphanies in Equity, who engaged us in a discussion surrounding social constructs and change management. They/them stated, “Thinking about doing racial equity is not doing racial equity,” challenging us to consider what actions we could take in our personal and professional lives to break down social constructs and commit ourselves to racial equity work.
Day 2:
We began our second full day of programming finishing up our work with ChrisTiana. After watching the Parable of the Cave video, we spoke about the importance and impact of centering equity in policy conversations, and how words really matter — especially when it comes to holding people/agencies accountable for implementation. Our biggest takeaway from this lesson focused on the importance of the following questions when evaluating policy:
- How is it being implemented?
- How is it being interpreted?
- Who designed it?
- How is it being enforced?
- How are people who deviate being held accountable?
Following this session and some logistical conversations about the program, we spent the rest of the day with a number of excellent guest speakers!
We were honored to spend an hour with the City of Seattle’s newest councilmember, Alexis Mercedes Rinck. We were excited to hear that she is the youngest councilmember in Seattle’s history AND that she received the most votes ever in a Seattle council election. She shared her story, experience, and messaging power tips and tricks.
State Senator and Department of Commerce Director-Designate Joe Nguyen (34th LD) later candidly shared about his experience about getting to and navigating the Legislature. Many were inspired by his ability to be bold and innovative while in the Senate, like when he made a podcast about how he used Artificial Intelligence to help him navigate complicated state budget conversations. Senator Nguyen left us some high-level talking points about passing legislation:
- Talk to someone who disagrees with you.
- Talk to someone who would have to implement your idea.
- Talk to someone impacted by the issue you’re trying to solve.
We rounded out the day with Ken Workman, a Councilmember of the Duwamish Tribe who also serves as the President of the non-profit organization, Duwamish Tribal Services. Ken is the great (x4) grandson of Chief Seattle, and he shared about his experience as a Native person and the many benefits that come with the work he’s doing to get the Duwamish Tribe federally recognized. Before he left, he shared some phrases from the Lushootseed language.
Overall, the Class of 2025 felt very grateful for such a great start to the program and all that’s to come.
– Logan Noel-Endres and Nadia Goforth
Copyright © 2025 Institute for a Democratic Future , All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Institute for a Democratic Future
401 2nd Ave S Ste 303
Seattle, WA 98104
Ring in the new year with the new class
It’s that time of year again when we can reconnect with our own cohorts, meet more alumni, and ensure the newest class gets a warm welcome. In case you missed our earlier email, please join us tonight!
If you already got your ticket, please be sure to check the “location” section within your payment confirmation that was emailed to you. [We’re in a cute lil library above Pike Place! It does have an elevator for anyone who needs it as well.]
After having the most applicants since the pandemic, we conducted and culled through loads of interviews for our next fellowship. It was so lovely seeing familiar faces and getting to know new ones. Thanks to all who helped!
We settled on a full class of 32 people—read all about them here.
If you already want the AI deepfake quiz in the last newsletter, the answer is, the woman and the helicopter images!
Copyright © 2024 Institute for a Democratic Future , All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
Institute for a Democratic Future
401 2nd Ave S Ste 303
Seattle, WA 98104
Columbia Basin Badger Club
Who Speaks for Us Now?
Thursday, January 16 | Noon - 1:15PM
Table Talk will follow
BADGER FORUM: Who Speaks for Us Now?
Dear Friend,
Deceiving voters, hiding dark money payments, paying bribes for votes. Multi-millionaire California hedge fund manager Brian Heywood and MAGA GOP party chair Jim Walsh will do anything to trick people into voting for their four disastrous initiatives.1
Heywood’s initiative group was just fined $20,000 by our state’s honest elections watchdog for concealing their dark money spending — including to Tim Eyman’s former right-hand man.
They’ve got the biggest righ-wing mega-donors in Washington on their side. But we can’t let their lies and misinformation carry the day with voters. That’s why we’re running our most ambitious campaign ever to educate voters about why they can’t vote for these deceptive initiatives that would cut childcare, education, long-term health care, and clean air protections. Will you chip in $5 now to help us reach the voters we need to win?.
We’re on the ground with over 25 student organizers on every major campus across Washington, and helping lead Defend Washington’s extensive TV and digital campaign, producing ads like this one to reach as many voters as possible.
Our ads and our organizers are reaching hundreds of thousands of voters across Washington. Unlike our opponents, we don’t rely on big corporations or out-of-state billionaires to fund our work, instead we rely on grassroots supporters like you.
Will you pitch in to help us win?
Thanks for all that you do,
Aaron and the entire team at Fuse
- Initiative 2066 would raise energy costs by attacking energy efficiency programs. I-2109 would cut billions from education by repealing the limited capital gains tax. I-2117 would pollute our air and water by repealing the Climate Commitment Act. I-2124 would bankrupt our long-term health care program that millions of working Washingtonians will rely on.
Fuse is the state’s largest progressive organization — people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.
Together for Progress
Join us at
Dear Friend,
Check your mailbox – ballots for the 2024 general election begin arriving this week! This election features races that will determine control of the U.S. House, our Governor, and, of course, the next President of the United States. The four statewide ballot initiatives would also have harmful impacts on education, childcare, health care for seniors, and the future of our clean air and water in Washington.
Below is the Fuse Progressive Voters Guide to the 2024 general election – your ticket to highly informed voting based on progressive values. We worked with Washington’s leading progressive organizations to recommend nearly 240 candidates and ballot measures across the state.
The deadline to mail in your ballot is November 5, but you should join your neighbors and mail it in today! Then forward this guide to your friends, family, and co-workers — they can find their own locally customized version at
Thanks for all that you do (especially voting),
Collin and the entire team at Fuse
P.S. Our team has been researching, writing, and interviewing candidates and experts since March to bring you a comprehensive voting guide. Now we need your help to put the guide in the hands of as many undecided voters as possible. Will you chip in to support our digital ad campaign to distribute the Progressive Voters Guide with a donation of $5?
Fuse is the state’s largest progressive organization — people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.
Together for Progress
Join us at
Join us in Olympia on Feb 12 for Democracy Lobby Day 2025!
Support Democracy! Please make a donation to support our programs and work for democracy. We can't do this without you!
Follow Us!
Fix Democracy First
1402 3rd Ave Ste 500
Seattle, Washington 98101
(206) 552-3287
Dear Community Partners and Advocates,
Election season is in full swing, bringing a host of important issues and candidates to evaluate. The Tri-Cities Diversity & Inclusion Council, in partnership with Café Con Arte, invites you to our Neighborhood Chat with Your Next Potential Representatives.
We encourage advocates and community partners to join us for an evening of comedy and community discourse. Together, we’ll ask questions, provide answers, and empower voters to head to the polls fully informed. Over 20 candidates running for office in Washington have been invited to participate in this essential dialogue.
Save your spot today by registering via Eventbrite: Tri-Cities Neighborhood Chat with Your Next Potential Representative
- Date: Saturday, November 2nd
- Time: 5:00 p.m. – 7:00 p.m.
- Location: Café Con Arte
430 W Columbia St. Suite A
Pasco, WA
In recognition of Day of the Dead, we will take time to remember the past and look toward a future strengthened by civic engagement. Light refreshments will be provided.
We look forward to seeing you there!
In community,
Want to get involved?
Council meetings take place in person and online every second Thursday.
Email for more information and the zoom link
Volunteer with the Council today!
🗓️Here are some ways you can take action.
- Mon, Jan 20 @ 12pm
So You Want To Run For Office – Special Edition with NDTC founder and CEO, Kelly Dietrich › - Wed, Jan 22 @ 3pm
Fundraising in Action: How to Ask for Money › - Thu, Jan 23 @ 10am
How to Raise Money Through Candidate Call Time › - Fri, Jan 24 @ 10am
How to Connect with Voters Through Personal Stories › - Mon, Jan 27 @ 10am
Maximize Your Field Strategy Through Precinct Prioritization › - Tue, Jan 28 @ 10am
Building Equity-Centered Volunteer Teams ›
All times PST
Connect with us on social media!
Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.
👋 This is your weekly recap when it comes to all things NDTC!
Check out our upcoming events and featured course of the week.
Find more at
It’s been a really loud news cycle between the LA fires, a possible ceasefire between Israel and Hamas, the confirmation hearings, and oh yes, Jack Smith’s report — the one that clearly underlines how Trump ran for office to avoid jail accountability.
But we’re closely watching some grassroots stories — the Minnesota legislature and the North Carolina Supreme Court to be specific — that remind us why NDTC is mission-focused on training Democrats to run and WIN.
Time for us to stay focused, play a long game, and work for a unified Democratic government. We’ll be mobilizing Democrats on January 20th with CEO Kelly Dietrich in a special edition of So You Think You Want To Run. Have you signed up and shared the news with your friends online?
The People’s March
The People’s March is on Saturday, January 18, 2025. Sign up HERE for more information and Popular Democracy will reach back out to you to talk about joining the organizing effort or getting your seat on the bus nearest you.
Special Edition: So You Want To Run For Office
ICYMI: NDTC founder, Kelly Dietrich is leading a special edition of So You Think You Want To Run on January 20, 2025.
In his words, “I’m still grappling with the results of the last election. But I’m not giving up. On Inauguration Day, I’m dedicating my time to making sure it’s the last MAGA inauguration we ever see.”
12pm PST
Fundraising in Action: How to Ask for Money
Does asking for campaign contributions still make you a little nervous? Let’s practice making a hard ask together so you can meet your fundraising goals.
3pm PST
How to Raise Money Through Candidate Call Time
Are you going to be staffing your candidate during call time? Set yourself up for success with this training today.
10am PST
How to Connect with Voters Through Personal Stories
Your story is important! If you’re crafting your campaign message now, join us for this training to practice tailoring personal stories to audience and purpose.
10am PST
Maximize Your Field Strategy Through Precinct Prioritization
This course will teach you how to optimize field strategies, prioritize crucial precincts, and use data to drive campaign success, ensuring a stronger push towards victory on Election Day.
10am PST
What’s On Our Newsfeeds
Why this story is important:
High profile Stanford University professor and corporate lawyer Mark Lemley dropped Meta as a client for a high profile case because of CEO Mark Zuckerberg’s “descent into toxic masculinity and Neo-Nazi madness.”
Why this story is important:
House Democrats refused to show up at the State Capitol for the opening day amid an escalating dispute with Republicans over control of the chamber.
This boycott & political battle is likely to shift to the courts in the coming days.
Why this story is important:
House Democrats refused to show up at the State Capitol for the opening day amid an escalating dispute with Republicans over control of the chamber.
Why this story is important:
Despite 2 separate recounts, the North Carolina GOP refuses to accept the will of the people and admit that Jefferson Griffin lost.
The GOP’s obsession with mass voter suppression is getting weird…
Our Learners are Making a HUGE Impact!
Copyright (C) 2024 National Democratic Training Committee. All rights reserved.
Our mailing address is:
National Democratic Training Committee 910 17th St NW Ste 1050 Washington, DC 20006-2641 USA
Connect with us on social media!
National Democratic Training Committee
910 17th Street NW, Suite 925 Washington, DC, 20006, US
Republican scheme cuts Social Security to fund tax cuts for billionaires. Check this map.
Can you really trust tech billionaires at the inauguration with your personal messages?
Trump exec order cripples IRS as payback to billionaire donors: Follow the money!
Understand and protect your rights during an ICE raid: Resources in English and Spanish
Follow the billionaire grift with LITTLE SIS
Trump TikTok flip flop: Follow The Money
How to create ‘talking head’ videos in minutes for free with AI-powered VIDNOZ app
Follow these 18 practical safety tips to avoid becoming a WALKING TARGET
Protect Dreamers! Call your rep to block the Laken Riley bill with this script and free teleprompter
Active Hostage Situation: Republicans takes CA disaster relief hostage. We map the crime scene.
Jack Smith Investigative Report: Podcast
Laken Riley bill delivers payday for private prisons and corporations exploiting prison labor
Republicans take California fires disaster relief hostage: How to make a rapid response video
Trump Nominees Straight From Fox News: Database updated Jan 13
How to rig the system so you can’t be voted out: North Carolina GOP Playbook
Trump Nominees Tracker: Updated Jan 12
How billionaires wage CLASS WARFARE
How much did insurance company CEOs get as they cut coverage in California?
How To Crowdsource Local News To Immediately Alert Those Affected
10 tips for modern activists from Saul Alinsky’s RULES FOR RADICALS (Podcast)
Trump — Stormy Daniels Hush Money Trial: 10 Rights You Lose With A Criminal Conviction
GLOBAL WARMING profiteers hide during Los Angeles fire tragedy
NC Republicans attempt to steal a Supreme Court seat to the music of “I’m A Loser” by the Beatles
How to set up your own confidential COMMUNITY ALERT SYSTEM in minutes
Republicans seek execution for women who have an abortion: Straight from Handmaid’s Tale
Billionaire brown-nosing: How low will they go?
How to use the CAL FIRE Smart Map to track the Pacific Palisades wildfire
How this PETE HEGSETH website was made in minutes with the free WAKELET app
What’s in the Republican budget for you vs. billionaire MAGA donors?
Jan 6th Insurrection — Illustrated Edition
Trump’s mass deportations will raise your grocery prices and bankrupt farms: Check this map
Cutting veteran’s benefits has a deadly cost: FBI suspects Matthew Livelsberger suffered from PTSD
Signs of Class Warfare: Luigi Mangione vs Dylann Roof
PRIME Grovelling : Bezos censors Washington Post cartoonist Ann Telnaes to please Trump
How to make your WhatsApp messages PRIVATE
Mapping the growing unrest grows as billionaires steal more from working Americans
How does your Tesla spy on you for Musk?
How To Stoke Hate And Fear — Republican Playbook Leaked
Saudis fund Musk’s global attack on democracies: Follow the money!
The Money Trail: Who profits from denying your health insurance claims?
6 sneaky ways Trump’s Project 2025 gang kills Social Security
Free Teleprompter with questions for Trump — Musk nominees
For older Democracy Labs material, please go to our Democracy Labs Archive
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
One of Donald Trump’s first executive orders yesterday seeks to strip certain U.S.-born babies of citizenship – and we immediately filed a lawsuit to stop him.
Trump’s order not only violates more than a century of Supreme Court precedent, it’s a flagrant attack on immigrant communities and all our constitutional rights.
Birthright citizenship is enshrined in the 14th Amendment. That’s why we’re taking Donald Trump to court to affirm – yet again – the fundamental truth that every child born in America is an American. It’s a core piece of our Constitution, and is not up for debate.
To deny citizenship to babies born on U.S. soil is illegal, profoundly cruel, and contrary to our values as a country.
And here’s the truth, Kendall: Donald Trump knows his attacks on birthright citizenship are unconstitutional. His flimsy justifications for the order are just wrong, and a strong consensus of legal experts from across the legal spectrum has already rejected them.
This order wouldn’t just violate the very core of the 14th Amendment. Denying birthright citizenship would deprive countless people of the basic right to vote, serve on juries, hold certain jobs, and be a full member of American society. This order seeks to repeat one of the gravest errors in American history, by creating a permanent subclass of people born in the U.S. who are denied full rights as Americans.
Every child in the United States should be born with the same rights as every other child. No politician gets to decide who among those born in our country is “worthy” of citizenship. This executive order would wreak havoc on communities across the entire nation and is a grim repudiation of American values. We won’t let this order stand, and we hope you’ll join us in fighting back as we take this to the courts.
More soon,
Cody Wofsy
Pronouns: He, him, his
Deputy Director of Immigrants’ Rights Project
and lead attorney in this case
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA
Today, we celebrate 105 years of the ACLU. Tomorrow, Donald Trump takes office for his second term. At this critical moment, will you make a monthly gift right now and become a Guardian of Liberty?
The ACLU was founded 105 years ago today.
In the years following World War I, when the U.S. government targeted and deported thousands of dissidents and left-wing radicals during the first “Red Scare,” a small group of people came together to fight back through public awareness and legal advocacy. This group of idealists became known as the American Civil Liberties Union.
Since our Founding Day, we’ve gained millions of supporters – including you – and argued in front of the Supreme Court more than any other non-profit organization in the country. But what we’re fighting for has never changed: rights and freedom for all.
Now, with a new president set to take office tomorrow, our teams are gearing up to confront the Trump administration and protect our freedoms from the most egregious threats.
But we can only do this work with your support. The future of the ACLU is in your hands.
That’s why today, in honor of our Founders Day, I’m asking you to become a Guardian of Liberty by making a monthly gift to the ACLU. To keep our organization fit to fight, we need 500 new Guardians of Liberty before Donald Trump is sworn in tomorrow.
A monthly contribution to the ACLU is the greatest investment you can make in protecting our civil liberties – particularly in the face of the incoming administration.
So please, in honor of ACLU Founders Day, make a monthly gift now and become a Guardian of Liberty: Your sustained support is urgently needed.
Here’s to keeping up the fight together. Thank you for all you do to support our vital organization.
Anthony D. Romero
Pronouns: He, him, his
Executive Director, ACLU
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA
“All persons born or naturalized in the United States, and subject to the jurisdiction thereof, are citizens of the United States and of the State wherein they reside.”
14th Amendment of the U.S. Constitution
One of Donald Trump’s first executive orders yesterday seeks to strip certain U.S.-born babies of citizenship – and we immediately filed a lawsuit to stop him.
Trump’s order not only violates more than a century of Supreme Court precedent, it’s a flagrant attack on immigrant communities and all our constitutional rights.
Birthright citizenship is enshrined in the 14th Amendment. That’s why we’re taking Donald Trump to court to affirm – yet again – the fundamental truth that every child born in America is an American. It’s a core piece of our Constitution, and is not up for debate.
To deny citizenship to babies born on U.S. soil is illegal, profoundly cruel, and contrary to our values as a country.
And here’s the truth, Kendall: Donald Trump knows his attacks on birthright citizenship are unconstitutional. His flimsy justifications for the order are just wrong, and a strong consensus of legal experts from across the legal spectrum has already rejected them.
This order wouldn’t just violate the very core of the 14th Amendment. Denying birthright citizenship would deprive countless people of the basic right to vote, serve on juries, hold certain jobs, and be a full member of American society. This order seeks to repeat one of the gravest errors in American history, by creating a permanent subclass of people born in the U.S. who are denied full rights as Americans.
Every child in the United States should be born with the same rights as every other child. No politician gets to decide who among those born in our country is “worthy” of citizenship. This executive order would wreak havoc on communities across the entire nation and is a grim repudiation of American values. We won’t let this order stand, and we hope you’ll join us in fighting back as we take this to the courts.
More soon,
Cody Wofsy
Pronouns: He, him, his
Deputy Director of Immigrants’ Rights Project
and lead attorney in this case
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA
Today, we celebrate 105 years of the ACLU. Tomorrow, Donald Trump takes office for his second term. At this critical moment, will you make a monthly gift right now and become a Guardian of Liberty?
The ACLU was founded 105 years ago today.
In the years following World War I, when the U.S. government targeted and deported thousands of dissidents and left-wing radicals during the first “Red Scare,” a small group of people came together to fight back through public awareness and legal advocacy. This group of idealists became known as the American Civil Liberties Union.
Since our Founding Day, we’ve gained millions of supporters – including you – and argued in front of the Supreme Court more than any other non-profit organization in the country. But what we’re fighting for has never changed: rights and freedom for all.
Now, with a new president set to take office tomorrow, our teams are gearing up to confront the Trump administration and protect our freedoms from the most egregious threats.
But we can only do this work with your support. The future of the ACLU is in your hands.
That’s why today, in honor of our Founders Day, I’m asking you to become a Guardian of Liberty by making a monthly gift to the ACLU. To keep our organization fit to fight, we need 500 new Guardians of Liberty before Donald Trump is sworn in tomorrow.
A monthly contribution to the ACLU is the greatest investment you can make in protecting our civil liberties – particularly in the face of the incoming administration.
So please, in honor of ACLU Founders Day, make a monthly gift now and become a Guardian of Liberty: Your sustained support is urgently needed.
Here’s to keeping up the fight together. Thank you for all you do to support our vital organization.
Anthony D. Romero
Pronouns: He, him, his
Executive Director, ACLU
American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA
With Trump in office, local government is an important place for us to have the biggest impact.
Emerge remains one of the best returns on investment in Democratic politics — we recruit, train, and empower Democratic women to run with the right message in the right districts to serve their communities in office. We’ve been doing this for 20 years and our strategy works, but all of this was only possible with your support!
Looking forward, we have some serious victories to build on at the local and state level to push back against Donald Trump and divisive policy. We’re moving full steam ahead to recruit and train our new class of Democratic women, who consist of our new group of leaders including single moms, union members, teachers, community organizers and students, all ready to lead the future.
We must continue to keep up our momentum and support Democratic women on the frontlines fighting to protect our freedoms. Our FIRST major fundraising deadline of 2025 is just 10 days away —will you contribute now to help us reach our $25,000 fundraising goal and show democratic women you have their back?
Let’s work together,
Emerge HQ
Empowering Democratic women to run – and win!
4 Embarcadero Center
Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
Our women of the New American Majority—Black, Brown, Indigenous women, and women of color, as well as young, LGBTQ+, and unmarried women —who won critical down-ballot races are all sworn in and ready to serve their communities!
At the local and state levels, these women have a vital seat at the table and will fight back against the rampant MAGA agenda under the upcoming Trump administration.
At the local and state levels, these women have a vital seat at the table and will fight back against the rampant MAGA agenda under the upcoming Trump administration.
This is just the beginning! Our team at Emerge is hard at work to recruit and train the next generation of Democratic women to join forces with our elected alums to ensure we continue to break barriers and build a firewall to protect our most critical freedoms from Republican attacks.
Our work is fueled by your support, and we have some serious victories to build on in 2025. Will you contribute $25 or more right now to make an early investment in Emerge and help us ramp up our recruitment efforts?
Let’s get to work,
Emerge Comms Team
Empowering Democratic women to run – and win!
4 Embarcadero Center
Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States
A new study recently circulated on Bluesky examined the impact of higher pay rates on the hiring process, and discovered that — just as you might expect — when employers raise wages, they fill open positions more quickly. Or, as the study specifically found: raising pay by 4.3% reduces the time a job remains open by 27%.
It’s always helpful to have specific numbers for stuff like this, and the researchers here did a service. But this kind of study also raises the question of why it is that common sense assumptions which benefit workers apparently need to get tested and proven, while assumptions that benefit the wealthy few so often get treated like simple realities of the world. Why is it that we continue to live in a world where the impact of the minimum wage is a topic worth studying over and over and over again, while the impact of CEO pay is rarely even discussed?
Make it make sense.
in additional rent was paid by tenants to landlords who used the RealPage price-fixing algorithm to set their rents. Nationally, about 1 in 4 landlords use the software, which is the subject of a federal lawsuit for its anticompetitive nature.
believe that insurance companies denying claims have a “great deal” or “moderate amount” of responsibility for the assassination of UnitedHealthcare CEO Brian Thompson. A similar number said excess health insurance company profits bear some responsibility.
are homeless in the USA, a record-high number which results from a record-fast increase over the previous year. However, homelessness among veterans has declined, due to a substantial federal investment in addressing that particular aspect of our affordable housing crisis.
One of the fundamental ideas of neoliberal economics is that markets are almost always right. According to Economics 101, when you aggregate millions of individual decisions to buy or sell various assets, a particular kind of predictive genius emerges. This is supposed to be a big part of what makes markets work, and why market economies are just oh-so-wonderful for everyone.
It’s a tidy theory, but if this were all true, one place you’d definitely expect to see it proven is in how markets anticipate the future direction of US interest rates. After all, this is one of the very biggest markets around, and one that has massive impacts on the valuations of almost every other asset out there. So it’s striking to see the chart below, which shows both the changing levels of interest rates in recent years, and a series of whiskers that show how the markets anticipated future rates would turn out to be. What stands out here immediately is how wildly and consistently wrong the markets have been — at basically all points this century so far. It’s enough to make you wonder what else isn’t quite how they taught it in Econ 101.
When the federal government issues fines for violations of securities law, the purpose is twofold. First, it’s supposed to provide restitution to anyone who lost money on account of the crime. Second, it’s supposed to penalize the lawbreaker in order to deter future violations by them or anyone else. That’s a big part of why hefty fines are often announced in major press releases: so legal consequences are highlighted, and social norms are strengthened.
But as Dave Michaels writes in the Wall Street Journal, $10 billion of these fines have gone uncollected for years — so long, in fact, that the SEC is giving up on collecting them. In one case, they’ve been seeking penalties from a particular financier for 31 years — since the beginning of the Clinton presidency! They even charged him with additional violations just last year. But the lawbreaker simply hasn’t responded. Instead, he turned the tax haven of St Kitts into his own personal haven from American authorities. Not only does the US Treasury take a financial hit as a result, but the entire premise of SEC enforcement is undermined. Because if this guy can brazenly get away with stuff like this, why should anyone else even pretend securities laws matter in the first place?
What did you think? Choose a reaction:
Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States
On Saturday, the People’s March brought hundreds of thousands of us into the streets. Across the country, we united against attacks on our communities and renewed our commitment to each other and the fight ahead.
📆When: Thursday, January 23 at 7pm ET
📌Where: Online (RSVP for details)
We’ll discuss how we can organize in our communities, build our networks, and take bold steps to protect our democracy.
In resistance,
Women’s March
P.S. The fight ahead is tough, but we’re tougher. Let’s get to work.
Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts. |
On Saturday, the People’s March brought hundreds of thousands of us into the streets. All across the country, we came together, we rose up against attacks on our communities, and we renewed our commitment to each other and the fight ahead.
Today was exactly what we expected it to be. MAGA made a payment on the political debt it owes billionaires and left regular folks outside in the cold.
Tomorrow we get to work inside the big tent. We need folks finding organizations doing good work to join, building networks in their own communities, and building their muscle to resist.
The Broligarchy wants us distracted, but we are focused: we are the solution. We will keep each other safe. And we will protect our freedoms.
In solidarity,
Women’s March
P.S. When the world feels heavy, look for the doers. We have to take consistent action to build the world we envision for ourselves and our families. MAGA can only succeed if we surrender our hope. So we must practice hope, together, every single day.
Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts. |
This Tuesday, January 21st, is one of the MOST critical days for advancing gun safety in our state. Key hearings in the House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee, the House Finance Committee, and the Senate Law & Justice Committee will address multiple bills aimed at making our communities safer. We need your help to ensure these bills pass!
Let’s break down the bills:
The Senate Law & Justice Committee will meet at 8:00am to hear one bill.
- SB 5099 implements a state licensing system for firearms dealers. This legislation will enhance security measures, improve record-keeping, and require training for dealers, with oversight by the Washington State Patrol and funding through a dedicated account.
The House Finance Committee will meet at 8:00am to hear one bill.
- HB 1386 proposes the implementation of an 11% sales and use tax on firearms, firearm parts, and ammunition in Washington State. The revenue generated from this tax will be directed toward programs aimed at preventing gun violence, including suicide prevention, domestic violence intervention, and support services for victims.
The House Civil Rights & Judiciary Committee will meet at 10:30am to hear three bills.
- HB 1163 will require a permit for firearm transactions, mandate comprehensive background checks, and establish safety training standards.
- HB 1132 seeks to limit bulk purchases for firearms and ammunition to deter illegal trafficking while introducing penalties for violation, with appropriate exceptions for certain entities and transactions.
- HB 1152 will mandate secure storage of firearms in vehicles and residences, with penalties for non-compliance, and expand the duties of the Washington Office of Firearm Safety and Violence Prevention to include public education on proper firearm storage.
Your participation, whether in person or through online advocacy, can make a meaningful difference. Thank you for standing with us as we work toward building a culture of responsible gun ownership and reducing preventable gun violence in our communities.
Mike (he/him)
Director of Government Affairs
P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194
We have exciting news to share for gun violence prevention advocates across Washington.
Our bill, SB 5098, which was introduced Tuesday by Rep. Valdez has passed out of Executive Session marking an important milestone early in the legislative session. We can’t thank our supporters enough for standing up for reclaiming our public spaces from gun violence, and to the members of the Senate Law and Justice Committee who voted in favor of our bill.
As a bill designed to keep firearms out of public areas that have high traffic from children and families, SB 5098 is a reasonable, commonsense remedy to the gun violence that plagues America. Among the public spaces protected under SB 5098 include parks, playgrounds, county fairgrounds and public buildings.
SB 5098 passing out of Executive Session this early in the legislative session is the latest example of the tremendous progress we’ve made. However, when your fight is against further gun violence, there’s always more work left to be done. Just as you let the lawmakers on the Senate Law and Justice Committee hear your voice, now we need even louder voices for the full Senate to hear. In this session, email communication is more important than ever. Please make your voice heard.
Mike (he/him)
Director of Government Affairs
P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194
As extreme weather events worsen, we can’t accept Donald Trump’s executive order once again pulling the U.S. out of the Paris Agreement. Sign the petition now!
Dear MoveOn member,
Donald Trump issued an executive order directing the U.S. to withdraw from the Paris Agreement, again, on his first day in office—a reckless decision for the future of our planet. Instead of committing to the legally binding international treaty aimed at mitigating catastrophic climate change, Trump has put our climate and planet again at risk. We have to take action NOW.
In 2017, I started a petition demanding that the U.S. reenter the historic agreement, and more than 500,000 MoveOn members signed it. Together, we built momentum that led President Biden to recommit the United States in 2021. Now, it’s up to us to speak out again.
The Paris Agreement represents a global promise by governments to fulfill their moral obligation by restoring and preserving our most foundational right—the right to a livable planet. As the leader of the world’s second-largest emitter of greenhouse gases, Trump made a decision that struck a devastating blow to the global effort to protect future generations.
With Trump’s return to the White House, experts fear he will move us backward yet again, throwing international climate efforts into chaos. Will you sign my petition to show the overwhelming public opposition to withdrawing from the Paris Agreement?
Every tenth of a degree of warming brings more and more dangerous outcomes—from hotter days to increased wildfire risks.1 We’ve seen the heartbreaking toll of climate change firsthand, from the unprecedented Los Angeles wildfires to record-breaking hurricanes across the Atlantic. Without immediate action to reduce emissions, millions will suffer, with the poorest nations bearing the heaviest burden.
Remaining committed to the Paris Agreement is not just common sense, it’s also a moral obligation—to Americans and the entire world. Sign the petition NOW to demonstrate that we refuse to move backward on climate action.
It is we, the people—acting with hope, clarity, and purpose—who must fight for a livable planet! Add your name to show public support for the Paris Agreement!
Trump’s history of climate denialism is well documented. In the aftermath of Hurricane Helene last fall, which devastated communities, left millions without power, and claimed hundreds of lives, Trump called climate change “one of the biggest scams.”2,3
And we know Trump will fight tooth and nail to roll back key environmental protections—he’s shown time and time again that he is more interested in protecting polluting industries than he is in safeguarding our future. In his inauguration speech, Trump renewed his promise to Big Oil to reverse Biden’s protections against toxic drilling, stating “We will drill, baby, drill.”4
Nearly every nation worldwide signed the Paris Agreement in 2014, committing to the express goal of limiting global temperature rise to well below 2° C, and ideally below 1.5° C.5
Right now, deadly wildfires are raging across the Western United States, destroying entire neighborhoods, displacing families, and leaving communities in ruins overnight. Extreme weather events like this are exactly why it’s so disastrous that Trump is abandoning our commitment to the historic Paris Agreement.
The climate crisis knows no borders, and when one of the biggest polluters pulls back from its responsibilities, it sends a dangerous signal to other nations. The domino effect could undermine the collective global effort to avert disaster, wreaking climate and economic havoc, and upending the lives of millions of people across the planet.
This is not just a call to action; it is a declaration. Together, we will lead, innovate, and inspire at every level—from households to city halls, from small businesses to state capitals.
Thanks for all you do.
–Patrick McHeffey, MoveOn member
Founder at We Sign On
1. “What is the Paris climate agreement and why has Trump withdrawn?” BBC News, January 21, 2025
2. “How Hurricane Helene became a deadly disaster across 6 states,” University of South Carolina, October 7, 2024
3. “Trump sparks controversy for calling climate change a ‘scam’ as Hurricane Helene leaves trail of destruction,” Independent, September 30, 2024
4. “‘Drill Baby, Drill’: Donald Trump Declares U.S. Energy Emergency,” Forbes, January 21, 2025
5. “What is the Paris climate agreement and why has Trump withdrawn?” BBC News, January 21, 2025
You’re receiving this petition because we thought it might interest you. It was created on, where anyone can start their own online petitions. You can start your own petition here.
Want to support MoveOn’s work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy. MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26 years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way forward.
Will you donate to power MoveOn’s work to protect our freedoms and democracy under Trump’s administration?
No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.
Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. Civic Action – PO Box 96141, Washington, D.C. 20090-6141. ActBlue Civics Inc. is the merchant of record for all transactions made to MoveOn Civic Action using the ActBlue platform. ActBlue Civics Inc. receives and processes these donations before disbursing them to MoveOn Civic Action within 30 days of receipt.
Dear MoveOn member,
Today marks a difficult day for our nation. As Donald Trump takes the oath of office, many of us feel uncertain about what lies ahead.
But we must remember: Our power has always come from our communities, not the White House.
From the neighbors who refuse to look away when injustice occurs. From the local organizations fighting tirelessly to protect the vulnerable. From activists and advocates who are organizing for a world where everyone can thrive.
To remind us of that inspiring truth, MoveOn printed a huge batch of “Our Community Is Our Power” stickers, and we’d like to send you one, free of charge.
Just click here or on the image below to get your FREE sticker.
This sticker isn’t just a symbol.
It’s a declaration that we will never stop fighting for what’s right. It’s our promise to keep supporting our neighbors, defending vulnerable communities, standing up against hatred and discrimination, and protecting each other—no matter what challenges lie ahead.
Get your free “Our Community Is Our Power” sticker today. Display it proudly as a reminder that no matter what happens in Washington, our strength lies in our connections to one another.
Thanks for all you do.
–Elizabeth, Kelly, Emily, Oscar, and the rest of the team
P.S. Supplies are limited; claim your free sticker now.
P.P.S. If you want to feel the power of community in another way today, please join our livestream: Inauguration Response: ACT! Action – Training – Community, starting at 8 p.m. ET/5 PT. You can RSVP here.
Want to support MoveOn’s work? Donald Trump and his MAGA allies expect us to give up. But we will not give them what they want. We will never stop working to defend our fundamental freedoms and protect our democracy. MoveOn has been leading the movement against right-wing extremism for 26 years, and we promise you that we will still be here every step of the way forward.
Will you donate to power MoveOn’s work to protect our freedoms and democracy under Trump’s administration?
Click here to chip in $9, or whatever you can afford.
Contributions to MoveOn Civic Action are not tax-deductible for income tax purposes. Civic Action – PO Box 96141, Washington, D.C. 20090-6141. ActBlue Civics Inc. is the merchant of record for all transactions made to MoveOn Civic Action using the ActBlue platform. ActBlue Civics Inc. receives and processes these donations before disbursing them to MoveOn Civic Action within 30 days of receipt.
The legislative session is off to a fast start and lawmakers are already talking about the budget, a possible wealth tax, and, unfortunately, potential cuts to vital education and healthcare programs. For Thursday’s Insiders-Only Activist Briefing, we’ve invited Representative April Berg to share a lawmaker’s perspective on the 2025 session and how people across Washington can make their voices heard.
Sign up now to RSVP and we’ll send you the link you need to join!
Thursday, January 16th
12:15pm – 1:00pm
Virtual, on Zoom – RSVP for the link
See you Wednesday!
In solidarity,
Treasure Mackley
Executive Director, Invest in Washington Now
Invest in Washington Now, 509 Olive Way Ste 1133, Seattle, WA, 98101
Urgent Action: Tell lawmakers no cuts to education & housing
If you care about education, housing, and healthcare, save this date
🚨BREAKING: Action needed to say NO to budget cuts
URGENT emails needed: Don’t cut education, health care, housing to protect the super-rich
The legislative session is off to a fast start and lawmakers are already talking about the budget, a possible wealth tax, and, unfortunately, potential cuts to vital education and healthcare programs. For Thursday’s Insiders-Only Activist Briefing, we’ve invited Representative April Berg to share a lawmaker’s perspective on the 2025 session and how people across Washington can make their voices heard.
Sign up now to RSVP and we’ll send you the link you need to join!
Thursday, January 16th
12:15pm – 1:00pm
Virtual, on Zoom – RSVP for the link
See you Wednesday!
In solidarity,
Treasure Mackley
Executive Director, Invest in Washington Now
Invest in Washington Now, 509 Olive Way Ste 1133, Seattle, WA, 98101
Urgent Action: Tell lawmakers no cuts to education & housing
If you care about education, housing, and healthcare, save this date
🚨BREAKING: Action needed to say NO to budget cuts
URGENT emails needed: Don’t cut education, health care, housing to protect the super-rich
JD Vance, eating kittens and 2025
Dems 101 New adoptions of the Democratic Creed
Dems 101 Campaigning with Values and Vision
Dems 101 – Freedom, Justice and Opportunity
Dems 101 – Two messages from the heart
Dems 101 – The Real Meaning of the 4th of July
Dems 101 – A message from Ohio – Part 1
Dems 101 – Over 50 groups have adopted the Democratic Creed
Dems 101 – News + help for candidates
Dems 101 – Upcoming events in Michigan, Georgia & Ohio
Dems 101 – This time, just Forward!
Dems 101 – Backward and Forward
Dems 101 – March 2024 Newsletter – BUILDING A COUNTY DEMOCRATIC PARTY COALITION (Part 2)
There’s still time to register for this can’t miss conversation!!
Tonight at 6pm — a can’t miss conversation on why we should be optimistic about the election.
National political commentator Simon Rosenberg will take us through his toplines on the election. He and Congressman Adam Smith will give us the last boost we need to keep working hard and finish strong.
Register at
Bring your questions — we’ll get to as many as we can
See you tonight!
Washington Indivisible Network
12819 SE 38th ST #135
Bellevue, WA 98006
United States
⚡Postcards/Letters to Voters in support of Building the Blue Wave
📆 Due: Oct 21 • 2:00pm
09/30/24 Weekly New GOTV volunteer opportunities!
Our intrepid researchers have identified new writing opportunities – JUST ADDED:
We are in the home stretch before the November 5th election! Time for that “Hard Work” that vice president Harris has mentioned.
Still time to reach voters and people who have not registered to vote.
Wisconsin- – Vote Forward – writing non-partisan letters to encourage young citizens (18-35) and Dem-leaning voters
Michigan, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – Field Team 6 – Get Out the Vote – Mail by 10/29
Pennsylvania and North Carolina – Activate America – Encourage Vote by Mail in this must-win state – Mail by 10/8
Arizona – Grassroots Dems – writing postcards supporting Wm’s Rights Candidates, flipping crucial House seats & encouraging voting by mail
California, Michigan, Nevada, New York, and Ohio – Activate America – writing postcards to encourage voters to Vote by mail and Get Out the Vote in crucial swing states. Mail by 10/8 to 10/20.
Spanish-speaking voters in Arizona, California, North Carolina and Pennsylvania – Activate America – Get Out the Vote with Spanish-speaking voters – Mail by 10/20
North Carolina – Center for Common Ground – write postcards to Black voters to encourage them to vote this November
Arizona, Michigan, New York, North Carolina, Ohio, Pennsylvania, and Wisconsin – Field Team 6 – writing postcards to encourage registration of voters in vital swing states –Mail by 10/4 – 10/29
California, Michigan, Nevada, Spanish-speaking Voters, Wisconsin – Grassroots Dems – writing postcards supporting Wm’s Rights Candidates, flipping crucial House seats & encouraging voting by mail
Washington – Postcards 4 WA – Write postcards to elect State House members in LD 10, LD 12, and LD 42 and Clark County Council District 3 in close races
Colorado, New York, Oregon, and Washington – Vote Forward – writing non-partisan letters to encourage young citizens (18-35) and Dem-leaning voters to turn out in 2024 election
Harris/Walz Campaign – write to voters in Arizona, California, Michigan, Nevada, and Wisconsin – Women’s March – Write postcards to help elect VP Harris and Gov Walz for President and Vice President
Help Re-elect Elissa Slotkin in Michigan, Jacky Rosen in Nevada, and Tammy Baldwin in Wisconsin – Women’s March – Help re-elect these progressive women to support the Senate Majority and Flip the House
Find all GOTV opportunities on the Indivisible Vashon Get Out The VOTE volunteer opportunities matrix HERE.
Green cells in the “Goals” section indicate which states will make a difference achieving that goal.
Each green cell in the Writing, Phone Banking and Voter Registration sections indicate which organization is hosting opportunities.
Just click on the organization name to see what they’re offering!
*Please note that some volunteer opportunities may end before this action expires.
Thank You for helping build a strong and vibrant democracy!
There’s a lot of talk about “centrism” in politics — but what is “the center” really about? Is it about splitting the difference between the far-right and far-left? Or is it about standing for things that are broadly popular and broadly beneficial?
Centrism can mean a lot of different things, but as Civic Action founder Nick Hanauer argues in The New Republic, the neoliberal centrism that has long dominated our politics is fundamentally about balancing the interests of the very wealthy with the interests of everyone else.
The neoliberal centrism of splitting differences is how you end up with a federal minimum wage stagnant at $7.25 for 15 years — it’s right in the center of the $0 that wealthy extremists want, and the $15/hour that’s overwhelmingly popular.
That’s not centrism, that’s defending the status quo.
But there’s also another kind of center — a majoritarian center that’s focused on centering the interests of the majority of people. It’s not about splitting differences — it’s about pursuing policies that are broadly popular and broadly beneficial.
That’s what true majoritarian centrism is about. It’s the neoliberal center that’s actually extreme.
Check out Nick’s piece, share it with friends & family, and let us know what you think.
— Team Civic Action
Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States
Celebrate Native Voices Through Art 1/17– RSVP Today!
Celebrate 10 Years of Discovery – 10% Off New Member
Today we…
Support new arrivals through education, relationships and community so they can thrive in their new home.
In the future, we will…
Create a community of open hearts, helping hands and supportive systems where strangers become friends and we all thrive.
“It’s a long story,” says Than Htike Aung when asked how he came to be in the Tri-Cities. Than sat down with us at B5 and shared his journey. He is softspoken and has his glasses pushed high on his forehead as he sits with his son in the B5 office. We are so privileged to walk alongside Than and his family as they create a new life here and wanted to share his story with you, one of many stories that we are honored to be part of at B5.
Than campaigned and won a seat to the Yangon Region Hluttaw, the legislature of the Yangon Region in Burma, in the 2018 election. He describes his job as a parliamentarian to take care of the civilians of his jurisdiction, to create jobs for the community and care for their health, and foster development opportunities for the community. While a member of parliament, he sat on the Utilities Committee and the Oversight Committee, he was responsible for creating the budgets for both committees. He was part of two committees that addressed specific issues of the salt and fishing industries as well and brought their concerns before the larger parliament so they could create and edit laws that managed the industries.
Than joined the party of Aung San Suu Kyi, she served as State Counsellor of Myanmar and leader of the National League for Democracy, and when a candidate who was running for a seat suddenly died, Than decided to campaign for the seat. He had a desire to help the citizens in his area and to help develop new opportunities for his region.
When Than was young he attended a technical high school and studied filters for ships and learned welding. Later he attended college to study law but dropped out in his second year when he got married. He took a class hosted by the American Republican Party in Burma that taught campaign management, and he used those skills to be a campaign manager for three candidates and they all won their election. Those skills also allowed him to run his own campaign and secure a victory.
However, in 2021 a military coup cut Than’s time in parliament short. On February 1 democratically elected members of the National League for Democracy were deposed by the Tatmadaw, Myanmar’s military, which than placed a military junta in power. Citizens protested in the streets, but the military opened fire and threw tear gas and suppressed the protestors. The new government passed a law that said civilians could not be on the streets after 8pm. By the end of February, the military started arresting parliament members in their homes. Than’s friends and colleagues were being arrested and he heard rumors of their deaths. Than and his family, his wife and three sons, hid in his sister’s house outside of town. The military arrested family members of parliament members in an effort to make them come out of hiding, so Than chose to keep his family with him in hiding.
As the situation continued to get worse, the family chose to leave Yangon. A friend of Than’s lived in an area near the Thai border that was under the control of the Karen Army. Than and his family joined him and lived there for three weeks. The Burmese military knew parliament members were hiding in the area and increased their attacks, so the family chose to cross the Moei River into Thailand. While crossing the river they navigated between the Burmese army on one bank and the Thai army on the other. They waited until the changing of the guard and then made their way into Thailand. At one point they thought they had been caught because a fisherman shined his spotlight on them, but they made it safely and then ran to a safe house.
They lived in the city of Mae Sot for five and a half months. While there Than and his wife were arrested, and they had to bribe the police to let them go free. They lived in constant fear that they would be arrested and sent back to Burma. Than had friends who had left Burma nearly fifteen years prior and they lived in the Tri-Cities. They had maintained a connection despite time and distance, and he was able to reach out to them for guidance. They advised him on how to apply to the United Nations as refugees. After applying Than was given the choice between Australia and the United States, and he chose the US because his friends were here. They were resettled in the Tri-Cities on January 19, 2022.
Than currently works at Tyson and attends English classes twice a week at B5. His wife works at Fred Meyer and is learning how make sushi. Their boys are 18, 14, and 6 now and are thriving in their schools.
Though Than is physically here, he helps raise money and sends it to people who are trying to escape or need medicine back in Burma. He has many friends who are helping in Burma still and he supports them as best he can. Than’s heart is heavy because the military continues to bomb civilian spaces like schools and hospitals and he is concerned for the people he left in Burma. He longs for democracy to return to his country.
When asked if he would go back to Burma if it was safe he said, “My sons have an education here but if democracy returned and the new government needed me, I might go back.” His hopes and dreams for his country and family are that Burma has peace and justice and for his family to have their own home and his sons to be educated and have good jobs in the future.
Thank you to all of you who give your time and money, so refugees and immigrants can find welcome at the doors of B5. Your donation in any amount allows us to support our programs to help newly arrived refugees THRIVE in our community. Will you join us?
Donations can be made through our website or they can be mailed to: B5 Learning Center 715 S Jean Street Kennewick, WA 99336
Contact us:
(509) 221-1572
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March For Our Lives Virtual Events
Content warning: This email reflects on the events in Newtown, Connecticut on December 14, 2012. If this is too much to read, we understand. Take care of yourself and skip the rest of this email. Here are some mental health resources that you may find helpful.
Today marks two years since the tragic mass shooting in Monterey Park, California, a predominantly Asian American community.
Just after the town celebrated at a Lunar New Year festival, gunfire broke out and eleven people were killed. Nine more were injured and the community was forever changed.
What should’ve been a night of joyful celebration turned into a lifetime of trauma and fear. This is the horrifying effect of gun violence.
Until we live in a country that prioritizes our safety ahead of the gun lobby’s profits, we will continue to live in fear that at any moment, something like this could happen to someone we love. Our fight must continue.
Last year, we fought for and won SB 2 and AB 28 in California, laws that strengthen California’s gun safety and will go a long way toward preventing mass shootings like the one in Monterey Park.
Thanks to our collective efforts, CA banned firearms in public spaces, enhanced safety training for permit-holders, created a firearm tax to raise more than $160 million annually for gun violence intervention programs, and so much more.
It was a monumental victory, but our work is far from finished.
We cherish the memories of those who passed and honor their lives with action.
In solidarity,
March For Our Lives
Today and every day, we honor the lives lost in Monterey Park:
Xiujuan Yu, 57
Hongying Jian, 62
Lilan Li, 63
Wen Tau Yu, 64
Mymy Nhan, 65
Muoi Dai Ung, 67
Valentino Marcos Alvero, 68
Diana Man Ling Tom, 70
Ming Wei Ma, 72
Yu Lun Kao, 72
Chia Ling Yau, 76
March For Our Lives
Today we honor and celebrate the legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr.’s lifelong commitment to justice, equality, and freedom for all.
And yet this MLK day, Donald Trump is being inaugurated as the next President of the United States. 😬
The contrast between these two men couldn’t be more different.
Dr. King transformed the nation through countless nonviolent actions and inspired a mass movement to demand America live up to its promise of freedom for all.
On the other hand, Trump has taken the White House once again by spewing lies, hate, racism, inciting political violence, and supporting the rise of fascism. He is everything we’re fighting against.
Today is a heavy day. This feels awful, and it’s even worse that Trump’s inauguration is happening on such an important holiday. But here’s the thing: We must keep hope alive, we must keep moving forward.
Our work begins today, not just for our generation but for the many sacrifices of those who came before us, and for the generations who will come after us.
To create change, realize MLK’s dream, and achieve a future free from gun violence, we must keep pushing. This goes beyond a presidency. This is a lifetime’s work. ✊
We’re not giving up, and we’re not going anywhere. Change is a slow but steady process and we’re not going to let ANY president stop our work.
Today and everyday this is the commitment that we must make as we fight for progress.
The next four years are in our hands, we have to remember that. We’ve never depended on our leaders to spark change, and we’re not going to start now. The kids are alright!
March For Our Lives
This week, Northwest Immigrant Rights Project and partners are starting a united movement for justice by launching Stronger Together, a collective fundraising campaign and action toolkit led by the Washington Immigrant Solidarity Network (WAISN) and the following organizations:
- Casa Latina
- Church Council of Greater Seattle
- Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice (JCIJ)
- Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center (KIAC)
- OneAmerica
Our shared mission is clear: to celebrate and sustain the critical work on immigrant rights and justice happening across Washington. Explore our Take Action Toolkit to support this work and learn how to get involved in the way that matters most to you.
Why Now?
During Trump’s first term, individuals across the country and here in Washington stepped up—donating, volunteering, and organizing against a rise in U.S. exceptionalism, nativism, and white supremacy. This time, we know what we’re up against, and together, we will channel that renewed energy to support the work needed to uplift immigrant communities across our state.
How You Can Take Action
Instead of competing for resources, we’re collaborating to amplify the collective strength of our movement through a “Take Action” Toolkit offering a menu of actions to help you get involved in the way that resonates with your values.
Choose the area of impact that resonates most with you:
- Support direct immigration legal services as well as litigation against harmful government policies and practices: Donate to Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
- Free individuals from detention: Donate to Fair Fight Bond Fund
- Sustain WAISN’s deportation defense hotline: Donate to WAISN
- Strengthen the statewide sanctuary network: Donate to the Church Council of Greater Seattle
- Empower domestic workers and day laborers: Donate to Casa Latina
- Help immigrant families achieve naturalization: Donate to OneAmerica
- Build deportation defense through accompaniment: Donate to the Jewish Coalition for Immigrant Justice
- Support legal representation and fundamental family services: Donate to the Kitsap Immigrant Assistance Center
Every dollar you contribute fuels this fight for justice—whether it’s keeping families together, protecting workers, or standing up to discriminatory policies. By giving today, you’re strengthening a statewide network of support that ensures no one falls through the cracks.
Join us to celebrate the United Week of Action and build a future rooted in dignity, justice, and solidarity.
Thank you for showing up for us in this critical moment. Together, we are stronger.
In united and shared purpose,
Malou Chávez (she/her/ella)
Executive Director
P.S. Share this campaign with your networks and help spread the word! Together, we can make a bigger impact.
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
(Español abajo)
As we begin the new year, we want to start by saying thank you!
We are so grateful for you and our entire community of support for being a source of hope for us. Over the past 3 months, nearly 1,000 community members helped raise $1.5 million to defend and advance immigrant rights as we prepare for the next presidential administration.
Your support empowers us to stand strong in the face of challenges that threaten the safety and unity of our communities.
Because of you, we can confront the devastating risk of family separation, offer critical support to those facing deportation, and push back against unjust policies that impact immigrant communities. Together, we can ensure members of our communities have a chance to thrive.
Your commitment enables us to keep families together, protect individuals from violence, and open doors to new opportunities for immigrants across Washington State and the United States.
Thank you for being an integral part of this fight for justice and equity.
With gratitude,
Malou Chávez (she/her/ella)
Executive Director
Con el comienzo de este nuevo año, queremos iniciar expresando nuestra más sincera gratitud.
Estamos muy agradecidos por ti y por toda nuestra comunidad de apoyo, que han sido una fuente de esperanza para nosotros. En los últimos tres meses, alrededor de 1000 miembros de la comunidad contribuyeron recaudando $1.5 millones para defender y promover los derechos de los inmigrantes, mientras nos preparamos para la próxima administración presidencial.
Tu apoyo nos permite mantenernos firmes frente a los desafíos que amenazan la seguridad y la unidad de nuestras comunidades.
Gracias a ti, podemos afrontar el devastador riesgo a la separación familiar, ofrecer apoyo crucial a quienes afrontan procesos de deportación y rechazar políticas injustas que afectan a las comunidades de inmigrantes. Juntos, podemos garantizar que miembros de nuestras comunidades tengan la oportunidad de prosperar.
Tu compromiso nos permite mantener a las familias unidas, proteger a personas de la violencia, y abrir nuevas puertas de oportunidades para los inmigrantes en todo el estado de Washington y Estados Unidos.
Gracias por ser una parte integral de esta lucha por la justicia y equidad.
Con gratitud,
Malou Chávez (she/her/ella)
Executive Director
Northwest Immigrant Rights Project
Welcome to the 2025 Legislative Session! Week 1
FAN Interfaith Advocacy Day Registration Now Open and Our 2025 Legislative Agenda
Register for the 2025 Eastern WA Legislative Conference Jan 25
Opportunities to Learn More About FAN’s 2025 Policy Priorities
A Heartfelt Gratitude from Faith Action Network and Upcoming FAN Events
A Word of Support from Faith Action Network and an invitation to our Annual Dinner
Learn about the Ballot Initiatives Next Tuesday
Announcing FAN’s Next Executive Director, Joyce del Rosario and Upcoming FAN Events
Registration for FAN 2024 Annual Dinner now Open
Join Us for “Understanding the Impacts of Indian Boarding Schools”
Faith, Labor and Building Our Statewide Connections
3 Initiatives to Vote No on this November
Remember to Vote in the Primaries August 6th
Build skills with FAN this summer and Vote NO on Initiatives
Announcing Our Search for FAN’s Next Executive Director
Putting Our Values into Action
Table with us at Spokane Pride
Taking Action Together this Election Season
Announcing our FAN Spring Summits
Continuing Opportunities for Advocacy
Important announcement from FAN
Here are some ways you can take action.
Thu, Jan 23 @ 5pm
Rural Power: an online call for rural resistance ›
Rural folks know how to take care of one another. We drive for hours to bring soup after a funeral or to jump a car battery. The GOP sweep of the Hous…
Thu, Feb 20 @ 12pm
Abolition Action Hour ›
Join SURJ’s monthly Abolition Action Hours to take collective action with SURJ and our partners in the fight for racial and economic justice! In our…
Thu, Jan 23 @ 5pm · Working Families Party
Working Families Party Mass Calls ›
Donald Trump will be returning to the White House in 2025. It’s up to us to build the movement that will fight for each other over the next four years…
All times PST
For over five decades, Dr. Angela Davis has been at the forefront of leading social change not only in the United States, but across the world. From prison abolition to Palestinian solidarity, her work has shaped modern movements for justice.
In this webinar, Dr. Davis will draw lessons from past freedom struggles into today and share her assessment of what social movements must be doing under our current political circumstances.
As always, register to receive a recording. ASL and live captions will be provided. And please share with others who might be interested!
We are sending deep love and solidarity to our community in the LA area affected by the terrifying fires– and a renewed commitment to just climate solutions and a government that serves people over corporations.
See you next week,
Showing Up for Racial Justice
PO Box 1376
Buffalo, NY 14205
United States
Fix Democracy First has compiled an excellent list of sites with which to expand your activism
Just F***in’ Do Your Bucket List, Joe
Hollywood Reporter Declares FROM GROUND ZERO: “Nothing Short of a Miracle”
From the Rubble Rises 22 Powerful Voices
In the Holy Land, Just a Couple of Dead Catholics
A Boxing Day Reply to a Friendly Reader about Israel
A Manifesto Against For-Profit Health Insurance Companies
The Good, The Bad, and the Ugly
Last Thoughts in the Final Minutes of November
10 Things I’m Thankful for on This Thanksgiving Day
The America I Want to Save Is the America We’ve Never Had
What Good Is an Election Rigger If They Can’t Rig the Rigging?
Mean, How Bad Can It Really Be? Oh. That Bad.
Message to All Poll Workers on Election Day: Please Protect Women Voters Today
Simon Rosenberg
Veteran Political Analyst, Strategist and Commentator. 2 Presidential campaigns (incl Clinton War Room), senior roles at DNC, DCCC, NDN. One of the only ones who got 2022 right. On Substack at Hopium Chronciles.
The Trump 2.0 Wrecking Ball Is Here And We Have To Fight (New Video)
My Discussion With Rep. Eric Swalwell About Fighting and Winning In The New Trump Era (Video)
Courage And Mercy, Trump Stumbles Out Of The Box, Pulling The Curtain Back From The Wizard
Trump 2.0 Is Here – Nazi Salutes, Higher Prices, Proud Boys And The Ongoing Betrayal of America
Trump Day 1 – Musk Enthusiastically Makes The Nazi Salute, Twice
Inspiring Inaugural Speeches, Hostages Come Home, Bookmarking The Biden-Harris Record
President Biden’s Farewell Address: “An Oligarchy Is Taking Shape In America”
Trump’s Profoundly Un-American Activities, Defeating Hegseth, 2 More DNC Forums This Week
3 DNC Candidate Forums This Week, The President Addresses The Nation, Weekend Hopium Fare
Raising Our Game, Building The Next Thing, Going 24/7/365 – A New Video And Post On The Path Forward
Dems Win Important Specials In Virginia, Not Letting Trump’s Madness Become Our Own
The New York Times On The Undeniable Success Of The Biden Presidency
A New Congress Begins, Trump The Unstable, On Tariffs, GLP-1s and Disinhibition
Happy New Year All! In 2025 Let’s Take And Celebrate The Wins When They Come
Honoring President Carter, Trump 2.0 Continues To Stumble, Badly, Out Of The Box
Trump’s Very Bad Week, Part II
Trump Is Having A Very Bad Week, MeidasTouch Interviews President Biden
BCDCC Officers and Subcommittee Chairs for 2025-2026
The Benton County Democratic Central Committee is searching for a Newsletter editor, if you’re interested please check out information here: