For a full list of articles and activities of regional committees and other affinity groups and resources, click the Committee News button above.

Upcoming Events

Washington 4th District Public Calendar

Upcoming Local Party Meetings and Affinity Group Activities

Benton County Executive Board-Call to Meeting Monday, July 15

Franklin County -Call to Meeting Thursday, July 18 – Includes voting

New on the Website

Good of the Order – What Can I Do?

Democracy Labs – Assault Weapon Shootings To Gun Lobby Politicians: Follow The Blood Money Trail

Election Committee – Biden-Harris Update

Women’s March – RSVP: Making sense and space for what happened yesterday.

Ag and Rural Caucus – Agrivoltaics

Indivisible – How to respond to the violent attack at Trump’s rally

Democratic National Committee – This is a massively important undertaking

Election Committee – Bob Ferguson Update

Election Committee – Maria Beltran Update

Election Committee – Nick Brown Update

Faith Action Network – Build skills with FAN this summer and Vote NO on Initiatives

4th CD – Focus on Down-Ballot Races and Newly Registered Voters Drive Democratic Wins

More classes from the National Democratic Training Center

ACLU – Days until the RNC, both candidates know they’re free to use their powers to break the law.

Celebrate a Decade Of Discovery – Members Appreciation Day at the REACH Museum!

Emerge – we’re in a summer slump📉

No On 2117 –  We need all hands on deck

Fix Democracy First – BOOK TALK – Our Shared Republic: The Case for Proportional Representation in the House of Representatives with Drew Penrose on July 18th @ 5pm PT/8 pm ET

MoveOn – Two weeks of anxiety and uncertainty

Columbia Basin Badger Club – UPDATE FROM KYIV

Franklin County Democrats – Join this Day of Action to Support the NEW 14th LD

Relevant Articles

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You can suggest additional riffs by contributing them to our Google Doc, You Might Be A Democrat

Visit our News and Views Google Doc

What Can I Do? Here’s a way to join the postcard brigade

Dems Make Life Better

Delivering Results from President Biden’s Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Read the full Georgia RICO Indictment here

Read the full DOJ January 6 Trump Indictment here

Unfortunately, we are going to have to postpone the event that was previously scheduled for this Sunday, July 14!

We will NOT be having a fundraiser this Sunday. Our hosts will still be holding an event for Maria Beltran’s and Ana Ruiz Kennedy’s campaigns, just at a later date. Stay tuned for more details!

Thank you for your flexibility, 

Team Beltran

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011
Yakima, WA  98907

👋 This is your weekly recap when it comes to all things NDTC!
Check out our upcoming events and featured course of the week.
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NDTC Expert Q&A:
Winning Together with Labor Communities

Have you secured your spot for our panel discussion yet? Whether you’re a candidate, campaign staffer, or community leader, we invite you to join us on July 25th at 1 PM EST. Dive into a thought-provoking conversation on building robust alliances with labor communities across the country, shaping policies that support workers, and championing the needs of American laborers.

We’ll be joined by Former Rep. Cheri Bustos, Mike Monroe, Chief of Staff at North America’s Building Trades Unions; Elissa McBride, AFSCME Secretary-Treasurer; and Sara Nelson, AFA-CWA International President.

So if you have questions about…

  • Legislative priorities for labor communities
  • How to work with unions in your district
  • Seeking labor endorsements


Relational Organizing 101

If you want to see your community more politically engaged and equitably represented, relational organizing can produce results.


Building Equity-Centered Volunteer Teams

We know volunteers fuel your people-powered campaign. To keep your volunteer community as inclusive and diverse as possible, check out this course where we’ll review effective volunteer team management practices.


10am PDT


How to Recruit and Train Volunteers

Where do you find volunteers? In this course, we’ll review volunteer recruiting best practices & introduce you to effective strategies for training all of your new volunteers.


12pm PDT


How to Have Meaningful 1:1 Conversations

Why are 1:1 conversations so important to your organizing strategy? In this course, we’ll review the connection between 1:1 conversations and the Ladder of Engagement, plus participants will have time to practice successful 1:1 conversations.


12pm PDT

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Copyright (C) 2024 National Democratic Training Committee. All rights reserved.

Here are some ways you can take action.

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Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee,, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

BOOK TALK – Our Shared Republic: The Case for Proportional Representation in the House of Representatives with Drew Penrose on July 18th @ 5pm PT/8 pm ET

Celebrate a Decade Of Discovery – Members Appreciation Day at the REACH Museum!

Important Update for Our 10th Anniversary Members Appreciation Day July 23

Columbia Basin Badger Club




How to Help Ukrainians

LWVWA logo

This is just a reminder that the Washington State organization of the League of Women Voters has some excellent resources on becoming involved in your democracy.