24. July 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Uncategorized

ACLU Supporter –

With your donations, your activism, and by spreading the word about important civil liberties issues, you power the fight for everyone’s rights. Thank you for all of the ways you Give Big.

A critical year is well underway in the fight for our rights. We’re up against everything from anti-LGBTQ legislation and book bans to unprecedented attacks on abortion care.

As we face a time of great uncertainty, know that your support makes a difference in shaping the future of Washington – one rooted in equity, justice, and fairness.

At the ACLU of Washington, we will continue to fight back and are committed to showing up for our fundamental liberties.

Thank you for being all in on the fight for our rights. This fight will take all of us, and we’re so grateful to have you by our side.

With gratitude,

ACLU of Washington

ACLU of Washington
P.O. Box 2728
Seattle, WA 98111-2728

12. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – Donate Today – July 12, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends —

If you have been waiting for the absolute perfect time to make your first online donation to President Biden’s reelection campaign, we are here to tell you that TODAY is that day.

Why today?

There are the obvious reasons: defense of democracy, abortion access, protecting the Affordable Care Act, and not letting Trump back into the White House for four more years of division and destruction.

But there’s also the practical reason: We have very real fundraising goals we need to reach in order to win.

These are not arbitrary goals. They are numbers we must reach to fund a campaign that can beat what Trump and the outside groups are spending to beat us.

And the fact is, almost all of our donations come in response to emails like this.

The President doesn’t expect anyone to give to every email we send. But right now, we’re in danger of falling behind on our goals for July, so he’s really hoping you’ll give to this one. What do you say?

Can President Biden count on you to use this link to contribute $25, or whatever you can afford today, to his reelection campaign? We would not ask if it were not so important.

Thank you in advance for stepping up to help the President today. The response to these messages is so important.

The Biden Campaign

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

12. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – July 12, 2024 · Categories: Elections

I’m emailing you personally with a time-sensitive request.

Trump and extreme right-wing outside groups have millions of dollars’ worth of attack ads at the ready — and they are hoping we won’t be able to marshal a response.

Will you please show you have Joe’s back by pitching in $25 to support our reelection campaign?

The American people are watching.

On one side is Joe Biden, a leader who has created more than 15 million jobs, lowered health care and prescription drug costs, tackled the climate crisis, and approached his work with integrity and compassion.

On the other side is Donald Trump, who is clear he is only in this for himself. He has called for terminating the Constitution, vowed to be a dictator, and orchestrated an all-out assault on reproductive freedom.

The contrast is clear to us, but to millions of Americans, it isn’t yet.

That’s why your $25 to this email is needed. Your support will allow us to run the ads, hire the organizers, and build the infrastructure we need to reach voters and win in less than four short months.

Make a donation to show Joe Biden you have his back against Trump >>

Thank you for all you do,


Kamala Harris
Vice President of the United States

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

11. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – July 11, 2024 · Categories: Elections

It’s Pennsylvania Senator John Fetterman. I recently joined President Biden on the campaign trail, and I have to tell you: People were thrilled to see him at every stop.

There is only ONE person in this country who has ever kicked Trump’s a** in an election, and that is President Biden. That’s our guy. I’m proud to stand with him in this fight, and I’m asking you to join me.

Will you pitch in a few bucks to directly power President Biden’s reelection campaign against Donald Trump? He can’t keep going without your grassroots support.

I refuse to join the vultures on Joe’s shoulder following the debate.

No one knows more than me that a rough debate is not the sum total of a person and their record. Ninety minutes on stage can’t erase the Biden Administration’s three and a half years of accomplishment after accomplishment after accomplishment.

The reality is there’s a very stark choice before us, Kendall. What kind of president do we want for the next four years?

Choice #1: Joe Biden, who has created more jobs than any president in history, passed historic bipartisan gun safety legislation, lowered prescription drug costs, and signed into law once-in-a-generation investments in our nation’s infrastructure.

Choice #2: Donald Trump, who is obsessed with the past, consumed by revenge, and a twice-impeached former president with 34 felony convictions.

I know which side I’m on, and I need people like you to join me. Too much is at stake to sit on the sidelines at a moment like this. So please, pitch in $25 to reelect President Biden, defeat Donald Trump, and keep our country moving forward.

Thank you for everything you do. It’s up to us to save our democracy. 🙏


John Fetterman
U.S. Senator from Pennsylvania

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

11. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris Merchandise – July 11, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Did you know that our best-selling product is our Dark Roast Color-Changing Mug?

If you haven’t already, join the thousands of supporters who enjoy their cups of Joe every day and also help bring us one step closer to reelecting President Biden (and Democrats) in November! 

The Biden-Harris Merch Team

Contributions or gifts to Biden Victory Fund are not tax deductible.

Paid for by Biden Victory Fund, a joint fundraising committee authorized by Biden for President, the Democratic National Committee and the State Democratic Parties in these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY.

The first $6,600/$10,000 from a person/multicandidate committee (“PAC”) will be allocated to Biden for President, with the first $3,300/$5,000 designated for the primary and the next $3,300/$5,000 for the general election. The next $41,300/$15,000 from a person/PAC will be allocated to the DNC. The next $510,000/$255,000 from a person/PAC will be split equally among the Democratic state parties from these states: AK, AL, AR, AZ, CA, CO, CT, DC, DE, FL, GA, HI, IA, ID, IL, IN, KS, KY, LA, MA, MD, ME, MI, MN, MO, MS, MT, NC, ND, NE, NH, NJ, NM, NV, NY, OH, OK, OR, PA, RI, SC, SD, TN, TX, UT, VA, VT, WA, WI, WV, and WY. Any additional funds will be allocated to the DNC, subject to applicable contribution limits.

A contributor may designate their contribution for a particular participant by contacting contact@joebiden.com. The allocation formula above may change if following it would result in an excessive contribution. Contributions will be used in connection with federal elections, may be spent on any activity as each committee determines in its sole discretion, and will not be earmarked for any particular candidate. Federal law requires us to use our best efforts to collect and report the name, mailing address, occupation, and name of employer of individuals whose contributions exceed $200 per election cycle. Biden Victory Fund does not accept contributions from corporations or their PACs, unions, federal contractors, national banks, those registered as federal lobbyists or under FARA, SEC-named executives of fossil fuel companies, or foreign nation

11. July 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – July 11, 2024 · Categories: Elections

I have a personal request for you:

With less than 10 days until the primary voting period begins for Attorney General, will you add your name to endorse my campaign today? I’ll explain why this request is so important in a moment.

My campaign has already received incredible endorsements, including from Gov. Jay Inslee, The Seattle Times editorial board, and the Washington Education Association PAC. While I’m honored to have received the support of organizations, unions, and community leaders across our state, this team’s support is extremely important to me — especially yours.

I’m so grateful to have this grassroots team in my corner. Knowing you have my back as we approach the primary gives me the hope, energy, and drive to stay focused on what matters most.

Together, we can ensure that every Washingtonian’s voice is heard and that people who have been left out for generations finally have a seat at the table. My campaign is for all of us, Kendall, and it would be an honor to officially have your name on my list of endorsers.

That’s why I’m asking: Will you join the changemakers in my corner by endorsing my grassroots campaign for Attorney General today? Sign your name today and join us in making history

Thanks for stepping up and taking the time to add your endorsement. 

— Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


11. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – The Path Ahead– July 11, 2024 · Categories: Elections

FROM: Jen O’Malley Dillon, Campaign Chair
DATE: July 11, 2024
RE: The Path Ahead
ACTION: Make a $25 donation today to support the Biden-Harris reelection campaign and defeat Donald Trump once and for all.

(Contribute here)

Jen O’Malley Dillon here, Campaign Chair on Team Biden-Harris. In the wake of last month’s debate, many of you have asked for an update on the path ahead and what we need to do to work together to defeat Donald Trump.

Going into the debate, our campaign was clear-eyed about the five things we needed to do to win this race:

  1. Showing the strength of the President’s record of accomplishment, leadership, and support.
  2. Going on the offense against Trump to draw contrast and show how dangerous another term would be.
  3. Maintaining multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes, with a focus on the Blue Wall states.
  4. Staying laser-focused on our coalition of voters and double-down on our grassroots support.
  5. Driving a vision and ambitious agenda for the future.

Those imperatives remain true. What has changed following the debate is the urgency and discipline with which we need to pursue them. We believe if we follow the roadmap below, we will win.

So, I hope you’ll take a second to read it. And, if you’re ready to donate now to help Joe and Kamala on our Path to Victory you can chip in $25 right now.

If you want to learn more about how we are going to win and defeat Donald Trump, please read on below.

Where the Race Stands

While there is no question there is increased anxiety following the debate, we are not seeing this translate into a drastic shift in vote share. In fact, this morning, a new ABC/Ipsos poll showed a tied race with no change since April.

Our internal data and public polling show the same thing: This remains a margin-of-error race in key battleground states.

The movement we have seen, while real, is not a sea-change in the state of the race. While some of this movement was from undecided voters to Trump, much of it was driven by voters who have always been our core persuasion targets. Our post-debate net favorability is 20 percentage points higher than Trump’s among these voters based on internal polling. That said, we believe we have a very real path to consolidating their support.

Most importantly, we maintain multiple pathways to 270 electoral votes. Right now, winning the Blue Wall states — Michigan, Wisconsin, and Pennsylvania — is the clearest pathway to that aim, but we also believe that the sunbelt states are not out of reach. The consensus across internal and public polling is that these states largely remain within the margin-of-error.

In addition to what we believe is a clear pathway ahead for us, there is also no indication that other Democratic candidates would outperform the President against Trump. Hypothetical polling of alternative nominees will always be unreliable, and surveys do not take into account the negative media environment that any Democratic nominee will encounter. The only Democratic candidate for whom this is already baked in is President Biden.

There is a long way to go between now and Election Day with considerable uncertainty, but the data shows we have a clear path to win. As we’ve always said, in today’s fragmented media environment, it will take time for our message to break through with trusted messengers and a strong ground game. That remains the case.

What Comes Next: Shoring Up the Biden-Harris Coalition

Our campaign remains laser-focused on battleground states and prioritizing outreach to the coalition that sent Joe Biden and Kamala Harris to the White House in 2020.

Last Friday, the President rallied over 1,000 fired-up supporters in Madison, Wisconsin. On Sunday, he campaigned across Pennsylvania, speaking at a church in Northwest Philly, stopping by a field office with Senator Fetterman to fire up volunteers, talking with hundreds of supporters, including union members and local Democrats, at an organizing event in Harrisburg, and grabbing coffee at a small business in Harrisburg with Governor Shapiro. And tomorrow, he’ll be in Detroit, Michigan.

The President has also spent the weeks following the debate rallying key constituencies that make up our winning coalition, meeting with Democratic governors and mayors from across the country, talking with key congressional leaders, meeting with labor leaders at the AFL-CIO yesterday, and more.

Next week, as Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans put their toxic extremism front and center at the Republican National Convention, the President will be on the road. On Monday, he will mark the 60th anniversary of the Civil Rights Act in Austin, Texas, followed by a trip to Las Vegas, Nevada for events with the NAACP, UNIDOS, and local leaders.

A Campaign Designed to Win Close Elections

Our campaign has been designed to win a close election from the beginning.

Since last fall, we have been building deep relationships in communities across the battleground states to register, persuade, mobilize, and turn out voters when it matters most. Using both in-person events and activities as well as engaging voters online, we are having conversations with voters to cut through media silos and political narratives.

At the same time, we made early and ongoing investments in a staff presence across the battleground states. We are presently at over 1,200 coordinated staff across key states. They are building an army of tens of thousands of volunteers who will talk to millions of voters. Meanwhile, Donald Trump’s operation relies almost exclusively on name ID and earned media, which presently Democrats are giving him in spades.

Framing the Election as a Choice

People are continuing to vote on the issues they care about — which are also the very issues we are winning on. Many voters turned on the debate having forgotten how much they dislike Donald Trump. They left the debate with a fresh reminder of how extreme and dangerous a second Trump term would be.

With that in mind, our path centers on reminding voters that this election will be a choice between Joe Biden, who is fighting to move our country forward and make life better for working people, and Donald Trump, who is focused on his own revenge and retribution with no concern for who he hurts.

In our polling, we have seen that when we remind voters what Trump has done and said — bragging about overturning Roe v. Wade, saying that there has to be some form of punishment for women who have an abortion, proposing cuts to Social Security and Medicare and tax cuts for big corporations — the voters who moved away from us after the debate came home. And, after hearing messaging about the stakes of the election, we move ahead of Trump in vote choice.

Our team has seized on this unique opportunity by amplifying Trump’s deeply unpopular agenda online and in ads. Project 2025 is now more frequently searched than Taylor Swift and the NFL, and President Biden himself weighed in, warning that Project 2025 “would give Trump limitless power over our daily lives and let him use the presidency to enact ‘revenge’ on his enemies, ban abortion nationwide and punish women who have an abortion, and gut the checks and balances that make America the greatest democracy in the world. It’s extreme and dangerous.”

When we reach our target voters with the President’s positive vision, they respond to it. This is not a simple task in this media environment, but it is a straightforward one. While we will aggressively attack the threat that Trump poses, we will simultaneously paint the picture of the America Joe Biden and Democrats nationwide are fighting for. One where we restore Roe, make billionaires pay their fair share in taxes, lower costs for American families, and protect our fundamental rights and freedoms.

During the 2022 midterms, Democrats were disciplined and banded together to expose Republicans up and down the ballot for their extremism on democracy and reproductive freedom, heading off a red wave the pundits said was inevitable. We have an opportunity to do that again over the next three and half months — and there is no better time than next week to start.

The Bottom Line

No one is denying that the debate was a setback. But the President and this team have made it through setbacks before. We are clear eyed about what we need to do to win. And we will win by moving forward, unified as a party.

We must focus on defeating Donald Trump every single day between now and Election Day. There’s never been a more important moment than right now to show that you are ready to defeat him once and for all. So, I have to ask:

Will you make a $25 donation today to reelect the President and Vice President in November?

Thank you for your support,


Jen O’Malley Dillon
Campaign Chair, Biden for President

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

10. July 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Elections, Recent Events

You’re invited to join us for a fundraiser in support of Maria Beltran’s campaign for State Senate and Ana Ruiz Kennedy’s campaign for State House on Sunday, July 14th! The event is hosted by Zahra Khan and Jillian Cadwell.

Maria’s and Ana’s races are especially exciting because the boundaries of the 14th legislative district were redrawn just a few months ago. It’s now a district that voted for Joe Biden in 2020. Central Washington has not elected a Democrat to the legislature in thirty years, and this is the year that could change. 
This event is a great opportunity to learn more about Maria’s and Ana’s priorities heading into this campaign. Please see the details below and RSVP if you can join us!

7.14.24 Maria Beltran & Ana Ruiz Kennedy Event Details

Please join us for a fundraiser in support of Maria Beltran for State Senate,14th District, and Ana Ruiz Kennedy for State House, 14th District, Pos. 2.

Hosted by: Zahra Khan & Jillian Cadwell
Date & Time: Sunday, July 14, 2024 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Location: Pasco
Address: Available upon RSVP

Suggested Giving Levels:
$100 | $250 | $500 
RSVP Online or with Marshanike Biggs 
at Marshanike@BlueWavePolitics.com

If you are not able to attend, please consider supporting this event with a contribution to Maria’s and Ana’s campaigns. You can donate online here.

Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you on July 14th!

All the best,

Team Beltran

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011
Yakima, WA  98907
10. July 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General Merchandise – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Elections

 Exciting news: Nick Brown merch is available now!

Nick Brown yard sign and t-shirt from merch store

Yard signs, tote bags, stickers, and shirts are a great way to show your neighborhood and community that you’re voting for Nick for Attorney General. With ballots dropping soon, there’s never been a better time to get this conversation starter — and help spread the word about Nick’s campaign to create a safer and healthier Washington for all, no matter age, race, gender, where you live, or who you love.

Click here to order your Nick Brown for Attorney General swag today!

Want to support Nick with a donation to his campaign instead? You can do that here too! Any kind of support — from putting up yard signs to making a grassroots contribution — helps us build this people-powered campaign throughout the state.

Chip in here to help our team reach voters across Washington’s 39 counties before ballots drop later this month.

Thank you!

— Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


10. July 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Our democracy has been gravely wounded. Last week, the Supreme Court granted Donald Trump breathtaking immunity from prosecution. This is absurd and dangerous, and there is no basis in the Constitution for this Court-constructed monstrosity.

There is no cavalry coming. No miracle solutions or saviors. There is only us, the American people.

We bear the responsibility to defend our democracy from Donald Trump.

Every generation faces a moment when they are called upon to defend democracy, and this is our moment. I have the utmost faith in my fellow citizens, but polls predict November’s election to be such a nail-biter, it isn’t enough to blindly trust that others will pick up the slack.

Whether our democracy endures or crumbles depends on how we respond at this critical moment. Will you chip in $5, or even more to Team Biden-Harris today?

Let me say one more thing:

Donald Trump wreaked havoc during his first term, but he’d cause even more damage in a second after last week’s Supreme Court decision. It doesn’t require speculation — Trump has made his agenda public knowledge. If elected, he plans to…

  • Pardon the rioters of the January 6 insurrection;
  • Enact a national ban on abortion;
  • Further attack all our rights and freedoms — including voting rights and civil rights.

One person can single-handedly erode the institutions that we’ve spent generations building up strong.

We must not give Trump that opportunity.

With that in mind, I hope you will click on your personalized link and make a $25 donation to President Biden’s reelection campaign: https://secure.actblue.com/donate/em-bfp-july-2024

Grassroots donations make the organizing and voter protection work required to stop the MAGA Republicans who endanger our democracy possible.

Failure is not an option with our most essential liberties and freedoms on the line. Let’s carry out our historical duty.

Thank you,

Eric H. Holder, Jr.
82nd Attorney General of the United States
Chairman of the National Democratic Redistricting Committee

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.