14. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 14, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

We just hit an amazing milestone of 100,000 people who have attended a live training or taken a course in our Online Academy🎉

If you’re receiving this email, we know you’ve been a part of this achievement. Whether you refreshed your skills in an online course or attended a panel during Build Blue Week, we’re thrilled to have you achieve this goal alongside us.

From the entire staff at NDTC, thank you for being a part of our community – and thank you for your efforts to build blue in communities across the United States.

[SPECIAL EVENT] NDTC Expert Q&A: Messaging Around Reproductive Rights & Abortion
Thursday, July 20 at 1pm ET

It’s important that progressives stand up for reproductive rights in the wake of the Dobbs decision and right-wing attacks on these rights.

In fact, this topic is so important that we’re hosting a special NDTC Expert Q&A focused specifically on messaging around abortion. Whether you’re a candidate or working on an issue campaign, being familiar with common questions and misconceptions about abortion can only strengthen your conversations.

Building Equity-Centered Volunteer Teams
Monday, July 17 at 1pm ET

Centering equity isn’t just a value; it’s a series of actions that show how diversity makes all campaigns better.

This training will go over how to bring an equity mindset into team and volunteer settings. From the hiring process to building an inclusive team culture, you’ll walk away with actionable ways to better retain and accommodate diverse talent.

How to Make Hard Asks for Volunteers
Wednesday, July 19 at 1pm ET

Volunteering is inherently a sacrifice. Whether that’s a sacrifice of time, effort, or talent, your campaign is always asking that your volunteers give up something to help your cause or candidacy.

That’s all the more reason crafting a genuine, well thought out hard ask is essential. In this training, you will walk through ways to make hard asks of volunteers in order to better staff your campaign’s efforts including phone banks and canvassing.

What is a Democratic Precinct Chair
Monday, July 24 at 1pm ET

It’s back – one of our most requested trainings! A precinct chair is the linchpin of your campaign’s field strategy. And your local Democratic Party will play a huge role in how you strategize around various precincts in your community.

This 1.5 hour training will go over key ways to engage your local party, organizing in non-electoral cycles, and provide a general, comprehensive overview of ways to work with your local party to find the most success. Whether you’re just interested in local politics or running yourself, we recommend every Democrat go through this training!

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

07. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 7, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Partner Program Spotlight: Blue Leadership Collaborative

Our partners at Blue Leadership Collaborative, in partnership with the Pipeline Fund, invite you to attend a virtual information session to learn about their State Manager Program and how you can apply to be a campaign manager in 2024!

Since 2019, their State Manager Program has trained over 80 leaders to manage state legislative campaigns who have gone on to manage competitive congressional, senate, and statewide races.

Interested in being part of the 2024 State Manager Program? Click here to sign up to attend an upcoming BLC information session to learn more about this program, when to apply, and how to apply.

[SPECIAL EVENT] NDTC Expert Q&A: Messaging Around Reproductive Rights & Abortion
Thursday, July 20 at 1pm ET

It’s been just over a year since the disastrous Dobbs decision that overturned abortion access under Roe. Despite this outcome, state referendums and elections alike have shown that Americans across the country care about defending reproductive rights.

Join abortion and reproductive justice experts on July 20 as they discuss ways progressives can frame abortion as a winning policy priority. Additionally, learn how to combat disinformation around this critical issue area.

How to Have Meaningful One-on-One Conversations
Tuesday, July 13 at 1pm ET

One-on-one conversations will be an integral part of your field and canvassing strategy. In addition to these conversations on the trail, by mastering meaningful conversation strategies, you’ll be better equipped to have candid conversations with your volunteers too.

Learn more about values-based conversations, establishing a good flow, and the many contexts you might have one-on-ones in this important training.

Building Equity-Centered Volunteer Teams
Monday, July 17 at 1pm ET

Centering equity isn’t just a value; it’s a series of actions that show how diversity makes all campaigns better.

This training will go over how to bring an equity mindset into team and volunteer settings. From the hiring process to building an inclusive team culture, you’ll walk away with actionable ways to better retain and accommodate diverse talent.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

06. July 2023 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus -Better Practices – July 2023 · Categories: Committee News, Recent Events

ARC July Better Practices

July Schedule

6:30 pm Thursday 6 July
 Better Practices roundtable

LD 7: Where to start
Kathie Schutte, Lisa Wolfe, Katie Haven, Karen Keleman


Policy Series
Vacation: No Policy program in July

I wrote last week that LD 7 is big and it is red. Neither is unique to LD 7. LD 9 is very large as well. I have not calculated square miles but take a look at the map. And certainly, Grant County is red, as is Columbia County.

Is there something more? Tolstoy has it that “every family is unhappy in its own way.” Is each difficult district unique? Or are rural districts enough the same to permit generalization?

For some reason, the north counties feel different than it does in Moses Lake or Dayton. What may be shared is a perspective that nature is to be managed. Natural resources are to be employed to generate income, albeit in a way that keeps on producing (“sustainable”). There is more, but just what is it?

Thursday may start out as a nuts-and-bolts discussion of how to build a progressive party from scratch in a remote, rural community, but we may try to figure out what makes it so difficult.


LD 7 is big and it is red. It takes four and a half hours to drive, in the summer. It is home to Washington’s backwoods radicals. The electoral trend for Democrats is not good. In 2018 Democratic LD candidates won 32 percent; 2019 the votes were 28 and 25 percent. In 2022 no Democrats ran for the house or the senate. Maybe not so bad actually, since no Democrats ran in 2016 either.

So, what do you do as a Democrat in LD 7? What is your first step, since you pretty much are starting from scratch? Or, are you?

Join Kathie (Kat) Schutte (PDO), Lisa Wolfe (ST), Katie Haven (OK), and Karen Keleman (DG) to talk about backwoods organizing.

For more about Washington’s backwoods radicals, check out OPB’s Bundyland podcast on Stevens County:  https://www.spreaker.com/user/oregonpublicbroadcasting/b2-finals-ep4

The series title is Better Practices, not Best Practices. We each have our own experience with what works well. Join us to learn from your colleagues and to share your own experience.


Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2023.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2023. 

Copyright © 2023 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
05. July 2023 · Comments Off on Benton County Elections – Observer Training · Categories: Announcements, Elections, Recent Events

Good Morning,

Below are our dates for our mandatory observer training and our Official Logic & Accuracy test for the Primary Election.  This is for the paid observer program.

Mandatory Observer Training – July 7th 2:00pm (please keep in mind that any observers you have for your group must come to the training in order to be part of the program)

Official Logic and Accuracy Test – Wednesday July 5th  at 2:00 pm.  Due to this election only being local items the State will not be involved.  It will just be our internal Logic and Accuracy test.

I have attached the coordinator guidelines if you are still going to be the coordinator for your group as well as the observer manual.  If so, please complete and return back to me at your earliest convenience.

We may also be having a test run of our evacuation drill at the time of the training.  If it is scheduled I’ll send out more information as time gets closer.

If you have any questions, please let me know.

Link to Observer Manual

Link to Observer Coordinator Guidelines

Amanda Hatfield
Elections Manager
Benton County Auditor | Elections Division
2618 N. Columbia Center Blvd. | Richland, WA 99352
(509) 736-3085 ext. 5639
Email: amanda.hatfield@co.benton.wa.us
30. June 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – June 30, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Happy Independence Day from NDTC 🇺🇸

By running for office, working on a campaign, or simply getting involved with your local Democratic party, you’re doing your part to help make your community a better place.

We’re still taking a break from trainings next week, but go ahead and save your spot to our slate of volunteer-focused July trainings!

How to Recruit & Train Volunteers
Tuesday, July 11 at 1pm ET

You truly can’t run a campaign without volunteers.

Learn about the tried and true strategies for recruiting and managing an all-star volunteer team. Your next stellar volunteer might already be a friend, coworker, or someone else in your day-to-day circle! Join this training to review ways to find volunteers as well as train them effectively.

How to Have Meaningful One-on-One Conversations
Tuesday, July 13 at 1pm ET

One-on-one conversations will be an integral part of your field and canvassing strategy. In addition to these conversations on the trail, by mastering meaningful conversation strategies, you’ll be better equipped to have candid conversations with your volunteers too.

Learn more about values-based conversations, establishing a good flow, and the many contexts you might have one-on-ones in this important training.

Building Equity-Centered Volunteer Teams
Monday, July 17 at 1pm ET

Of course you should focus on training your volunteers in the skills they’ll need out in the field. But don’t ignore these equally essential parts of volunteer management: diversity, equity, and inclusion.

This training will review some of the biases in recruitment, how to implement inclusive strategies, and questions to consider at all stages of volunteer management. Even if you’re a campaign veteran, reviewing these important considerations can be a great way to refocus ahead of GOTV and other big campaign stages.

Volunteer management is one piece of the field strategy puzzle. Another key aspect of this work is data management. This week, take some time to review our self-guided courses available to you on ways to organize your field data. Whether you’re a candidate yourself or a volunteer, these data skills are indispensable to your success!

First in VoteBuilder 101 you will go over how VoteBuilder can better organize your voter targeting and canvassing efforts.

Then, Using MiniVAN for Canvassing is a great overview of how this popular application for Democratic campaigns can save you time and money.

NGP Fundamentals rounds out our courses on field applications. NGP is capable of fundraising and digital outreach, as well as maintaining a record of your voter outreach.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

28. June 2023 · Comments Off on Indivisible Rural – June 28, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Dear Rural and Red District Indivisibles,

How do we build A Bigger We to take back more control of our lives and our political process? That’s a huge question for Rural Indivisibles and one we’re working on together this summer. And to deepen and inform our organizing in rural communities and rural districts, we’re hosting our First Ever Rural Caucus Book Club! 

Join us for the June and July Rural Caucus calls as we’ll be reading and discussing Jane Kleeb’s Harvest the VoteRegister here for the June 28th call.

Don’t miss out. We’re making the book free to the first 75 folks who sign up. We will need your book order in by the June 16th so you have time to read it. You can order your free copy here

We’re splitting the book up over two calls. For June, read “Part One: Rural-Urban Divide: Building the Bridge.” For July, read “Part Two: Rural People at the Democratic Table.” 

Bring your thoughts, reactions, real-life examples and willingness to think through the material and how it might apply to your local organizing. 

Also on the call, our new Indivisible Rural Caucus team member Molly will update us on the Farm Bill and review some critical SCOTUS decisions.

Flag your calendars: we’re launching the Powering Progress campaign to celebrate the tangible benefits (millions of jobs! reliable renewable energy! lower healthcare costs!) of the Inflation Reduction Act. This transformative bill was made possible by all of us joining together to fight Big Oil and Big Pharma, and deliver what our families need to thrive. We wanted the Rural Caucus to be among the first to know about this new campaign since there are billions of dollars to support rural electric co-ops and rural renewable energy. Join us to learn how you can take action to celebrate the IRA’s  1-year anniversary in August! Register for this July 13th call here

As always, the Rural Caucus is about you, your experiences, your vision for your community, and your fight to make America better for everyone, no exceptions. And we do this together. Register Here! See you on June 28th, 8pmET, 5pmPT. 

With love + solidarity, 

Indivisible’s Rural Team (Natalie, Cameron, Rachelle, Scott, and Molly)

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

28. June 2023 · Comments Off on Indivisible Rural – June 28, 2023 Update · Categories: Recent Events

Join us for the June Rural Caucus Call!

Hello Rural Indivisibles,

Reminder to join us Wednesday June 28th 8:00 ET/5:00 PT where we will begin our Summer Book Club!

Register here: 


Indivisible’s Rural Caucus (Natalie, Cameron, Molly, Scott and Rachelle)

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

24. June 2023 · Comments Off on 2023 Valoria Loveland Dinner · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

A party you can’t buy into at the door

Greetings Democrats!

Have you gotten your ticket(s) to the Valoria Loveland Dinner? It’s Saturday, June 24 at 5:30 p.m. at the Local 598 Plumbers and Steamfitters hall in Pasco. Our keynote will be by Deputy Majority Leader State Senator Manka Dhingra.

Your ticket pays for your dinner and supports our mission to recruit, train and mobilize people to help with our get-out-the-vote efforts here.

Tickets will NOT be available at the door.

Your only way to see Senator Dhingra is to buy a ticket by June 21 from the invite below.

As always, please consider setting up a monthly dues payment through our ActBlue donation account.

We’ll see you there!

— Your FCDCC Executive Board

Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2621 Pasco WA 99302