Good Morning,
Below are our dates for our mandatory observer training and our Official Logic & Accuracy test for the Primary Election. This is for the paid observer program.
Mandatory Observer Training – July 7th 2:00pm (please keep in mind that any observers you have for your group must come to the training in order to be part of the program)
Official Logic and Accuracy Test – Wednesday July 5th at 2:00 pm. Due to this election only being local items the State will not be involved. It will just be our internal Logic and Accuracy test.
I have attached the coordinator guidelines if you are still going to be the coordinator for your group as well as the observer manual. If so, please complete and return back to me at your earliest convenience.
We may also be having a test run of our evacuation drill at the time of the training. If it is scheduled I’ll send out more information as time gets closer.
If you have any questions, please let me know.
Link to Observer Coordinator Guidelines
Amanda Hatfield Elections Manager Benton County Auditor | Elections Division 2618 N. Columbia Center Blvd. | Richland, WA 99352 (509) 736-3085 ext. 5639 Email: