23. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris March 23, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Fourteen years ago today, I watched President Obama sign the Affordable Care Act into law. I was proud to serve as his Vice President every day, but never more so than on that historic day.

Today in America, the Affordable Care Act is more popular than ever, and coverage is more affordable than ever.

There are more than 100 million Americans — friends, family, neighbors, people you love — who can no longer be denied coverage because of a preexisting condition.

More than 45 million Americans have health coverage thanks to the Affordable Care Act and millions of seniors have lower prescription drug costs.

That is still a very big deal.

But if Donald Trump and extreme MAGA Republicans in Congress get their way, they will gut the Affordable Care Act and rip away health care from millions — just like they tried to do in 2017.

I’m not going to let that happen.

We stopped them before, and in this election we will stop them once again.

So today, I have a very specific ask.

If you think the Affordable Care Act is worth protecting, I’m asking you to do something that will help ensure its future, while sending a powerful message of support for the bill:

Can I count on you to make a $25 contribution to my reelection campaign? If protecting and expanding the Affordable Care Act seems worth it to you, please make that donation today.

The American people have made it clear: they don’t want the Affordable Care Act ripped away — they want it strengthened and protected.

If I am reelected, that is just what we will do.


Joe Biden

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

22. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 22, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Is there anything we can say to convince you to add your grassroots support to Nick’s people-powered campaign?

What if we told you that Nick would bring an experienced and valuable perspective to the Attorney General’s office and that he’s running to make Washington safe for everyone — regardless of their age, race, gender, where they live, or who they love?

What if we reminded you that Nick has 20 years of experience serving others — first, as a JAG Corps attorney in the U.S. Army, then as general counsel for Governor Jay Inslee, and most recently as the U.S. Attorney for Western Washington appointed by President Biden?

And what if we told you that winning this historic election would make Nick the first Black statewide executive branch elected official in Washington state?

We’re making history, Kendall, but we need to keep up our momentum to ensure Nick has the resources he needs to win. That’s why we’re determined to earn your support today.

Chip in $10, or whatever works for your budget, to help us fuel this campaign and make history by electing Nick Brown as Washington’s next Attorney General.

Thank you so much for taking the time to support Nick.

— Tracy

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


22. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Cantwell for US Senator – March 22, 2024 · Categories: Elections

This week, we celebrate the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act. I was proud to help pass this historic legislation, which fundamentally changed the landscape of American health care.

The ACA has expanded health care coverage to millions of Americans, saved lives, driven down costs, and ensured that people can’t be discriminated against because of their medical history.

Since its enactment, Republicans have tried time and time again to dismantle the ACA and sabotage Americans’ health care. With the GOP vying for control of the Senate and Donald Trump on the ballot this year, we can be sure they’ll only ramp up their attacks.

Add your name with mine to send a powerful message: We will never stop fighting to ensure all Americans have access to affordable, quality health care.

Conservatives want to completely eliminate the Affordable Care Act, regardless of who is harmed or what it costs our country. If they succeed, millions of Americans would lose their health insurance, premiums would drastically increase, and prescription drug costs would skyrocket.

It would be devastating, Ben, particularly for those who already face barriers to care, including seniors, lower-income families, women, and those with pre-existing conditions.

The ACA improves the health and lives of Americans everywhere to this day, but our fight for lower costs, expanded access, and better health care outcomes for all is far from over.

Stand with me and defend affordable, quality health care for all.

Thanks for all you do.


Friends of Maria
PO Box 12740
Seattle, WA 98111
United States

22. March 2024 · Comments Off on More Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 22, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Last year, I proposed a gun safety law known as the Firearm Industry Responsibility & Gun Violence Victims’ Access to Justice Act. The legislature adopted this new state law which ensures gun manufacturers and dealers must take reasonable steps to prevent their products from getting into the wrong hands.

You can guess what happened next — the gun lobby took us to court and tried to block the law from going into effect.

Now, it’s official: we stopped them. A federal judge dismissed their case.

Want some more good news? My legal team remains undefeated against the gun lobby in court.

As you can imagine, the gun lobby is not happy with me. Elected officials who stand up to the gun lobby and win can expect that they will spend significantly to defeat them in their next election. This race will be no different.

I am the only candidate who doesn’t accept donations from large corporations or corporate PACs. I rely on individuals like you.

If you’re with me, will you chip in a donation today to help our campaign reach its $500,000 goal?

Thank you,

Bob Ferguson

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
22. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 22, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friend, it’s Attorney General Bob Ferguson, candidate for Washington Governor.

For the last three months, my campaign was prohibited from fundraising due to Washington’s legislative session fundraising freeze – we literally could not accept a penny!

This freeze did not apply to my opponent, anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert. While I was working to strengthen laws that protect our rights and keep us safe, he raised half a million dollars. Doesn’t seem fair, does it?

Here’s the good news: My fundraising freeze is finally over and I can once again accept donations! With so much at stake in this election, I need your help to rebuild our momentum and prepare for a close campaign. Will you make a $5 contribution to my campaign and Patty Murray right now?

With Donald Trump on the ballot, this Governor’s race is more important than ever. While I fight for Washingtonians, Reichert votes with Donald Trump. In fact, he aligned with Trump on 92.5% of the critical votes he cast in Congress. Dave Reichert lacked the political courage to stand up to Donald Trump.

In contrast, I challenged Trump and defeated him more than 50 times in court. I won critical victories to defend our environment, protect access to health care, prevent discrimination, and preserve voting rights.

This campaign won’t be easy, especially with the millions of dollars we expect the Republican Governors Association to spend on attack ads. They will stop at nothing to make anti-choice Republican and Trump-ally Dave Reichert our next Governor.

So please, make a donation to my campaign and Patty Murray now: $5 or anything you can give makes a difference and helps us work toward a victory this Nov`ember.

Thank you,

Bob Ferguson

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
22. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris March 22, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Is there ANYTHING we could say to convince you to make your first online contribution to President Biden’s reelection campaign today? Especially today.

What if we told you that Trump sweeping through Republican primaries means it’s us against him this November? Either we elect Joe Biden, or it’s Trump back in office.

What if we told you that as you read this, Trump is likely raising huge sums of money from MAGA Republicans?

And what if we told you that while Trump relies on the MAGA right and outside spending organizations, almost all of our donations come from lots and lots of people chipping in, often in response to emails like this?

We know… we know. It doesn’t feel like one donation itself can do a lot. But this week, President Biden has received lots and lots of donations from people who want to reelect him and keep Trump out of office.

Now they’re hoping you’ll do the same. Especially today.

Can President Biden and everyone else donating today count on you to contribute $25 to help reelect Joe Biden and keep Trump out of the White House? It adds up fast when we’re all chipping in.

Thank you in advance for donating. Today is a hugely important day for our campaign.

The Biden Campaign

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

21. March 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, March 21, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

Happy Spring Equinox! Now is a time for renewal and to celebrate new beginnings. This week also marks an end to my chemotherapy regime. For the last six months, I’ve undergone preventative chemo to ensure I remain cancer-free.

The change of season brings new excitement for my campaign to be your next Public Lands Commissioner. This race is about my deepest passion — connecting the people of Washington to their own power to face the most pressing needs of our state: a changing climate, growing inequality, and hopelessness.

I’m a fighter, but I don’t fight alone. Since my diagnosis, I have had so many people reach out about their own cancer journey and how cancer has impacted their lives. This, along with community support, has given me so much hope and encouragement. I’m grateful to be turning the next chapter with all of you. Together, we can successfully take on a new challenge: winning this race! We know first-hand that Washington State can do better because I’ve seen us come together to do hard things.

This is a big moment for our campaign. We are less than 10 days away from the end of our first month of fundraising since the legislative session ended and the fundraising freeze was lifted. Where we land at the end of March shows that our campaign has the momentum to go the distance and win in November.

I’ll be direct: I’m behind other candidates due to the fundraising freeze while serving as your State Senator. I need to close the gap, and I need your help to do it. Can you donate $50, $100, or more by the end of today?

I am not accepting money from big timber or corporate polluters, so every dollar you give powers this campaign and helps get our shared vision to all Washingtonians. I know you trust me to fight for you, and together, we can show people across our state I will continue fighting for them. 

Please also save the date for my Campaign Kickoff on Tuesday, April 23 at 6:00 p.m. at the Filipino Community Center (5740 Martin Luther King Jr Way S, Seattle, WA). Details to come!


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

21. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 21, 2024 · Categories: Elections

You’re not going to believe what Nick’s Republican opponent, Pete Serrano, said recently.

In a shocking display of disregard for the impact of the January 6th attack on our democracy, Serrano referred to the Capitol rioters as “political prisoners.” Washington deserves better than an extremist focused on helping Donald Trump rewrite the history of January 6th.

Will you contribute to Nick’s people-powered campaign and ensure Washington has an Attorney General who is committed to democracy and upholding the rule of law?

Serrano’s failure to condemn the January 6th rioters who sought to undermine our democracy shows just how critical it is that we keep him far away from the Office of the Attorney General.

But Serrano didn’t just stop there.

He also applauded the efforts of conservative Texas Attorney General Ken Paxton. His support for Paxton is troubling because Paxton consistently prioritizes personal and political gain over the well-being of the public. Washingtonians don’t want an Attorney General who looks to Ken Paxton as a role model or who shares Donald Trump’s view that the January 6th rioters are “hostages” of the American legal system.

Perhaps most concerning of all is Serrano’s promise to “take over” the offices of local prosecutors who don’t align with his views of what’s constitutional.

Kendall, we cannot allow someone with extremist beliefs and disregard for our democracy to hold the Office of the Attorney General. Nick’s running to build a better and safer future for all Washingtonians, and we need your help to ensure he defeats his Republican opponent.

If you’re with Nick in this fight, can you chip in $10 or more to help Washington secure a future in which our democratic values are upheld?

Thank you for your constant support!

— Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


20. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – March 20, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Maria Beltran has been working tirelessly for the past month to lay the foundation for a strong campaign to flip the 14th LD State Senate seat, but she can’t do it alone. She needs our help to continue building momentum!

Can you help Maria today?

As a member of our community, I proudly endorse Maria Beltran for State Senate. Her dedication and commitment to serving our community are truly inspiring. She deeply understands the issues our district faces and is passionate about making positive change. With her vision and integrity, I am confident Maria Beltran will represent us effectively at the State Senate. 

Having been involved with the community for many years, I know the importance of having a successful fundraising program. A strong fundraising program will help show Maria has the support in our community and is the strongest candidate in this race. But, not only that, it will also enable her to fund her voter outreach efforts which, come November, will translate into votes. That is why I want to ask you to join me in donating today.

Will you make a contribution today of $14, $50, $100, or any amount within your budget?

With our help, I am sure that Maria can be successful in November, and be our community’s voice in Olympia. Let’s support Maria Beltran in her campaign for State Senate.


Gabriel Muñoz

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011

Yakima, WA  98907