16. January 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – January 16, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


When two Boeing jets crashed a few years ago, a wave of intense regulatory attention followed. Investigations were launched, approvals were delayed, and software was re-tooled. And yet, despite all this, Boeing somehow retained the power to inspect its own planes. This perhaps has something to do with the fact that the aerospace industry is highly concentrated, and powerful companies tend, over time, to build the political power necessary to maintain a high degree of influence over their regulators.

Now, after the recent near-disaster when a plug door blew out of a Boeing fuselage soon after takeoff, federal agencies are reportedly “considering” whether to remove Boeing’s right to inspect its own planes. Instead, they’re “exploring” options for third-party inspections — that is, they’re pondering whether or not somebody besides Beoing should determine whether Boeing’s planes are in compliance with the rules. While this is pretty obviously a good step… how many visible failures of deregulation do we need to witness before we stop trusting companies to regulate their own behavior? How are we still at this point, and how on earth is this still a question?

Make it make sense.

don’t think political leaders care about them, according to a new Axios poll. The sentiment is overwhelming across all demographic groups. 

in pension funds have been granted to 3M CEO Mike Roman since he was hired as CEO in 2018. The company recently announced they are suspending company pension plans for thousands of non-unionized workers who are not the CEO.

is owned by the richest 10% of the country. While many people own a small amount of stock, mostly through retirement plans, these holdings are dwarfed by the amount of stock owned by the wealthy few.

The Federal budgets approved by Congress regularly provide for collecting less money in taxes than the government spends, which means the national debt keeps on rising. And this, in turn, tends to produce a corresponding increase in the number of articles in which neoliberal commentators wring their hands about the fact that the national debt is rising. But as economist Claudia Sahm argues in Bloomberg with welcome lucidity: debt in itself is not necessarily good or bad. What matters is what the money is spent on, and what kind of return it provides. 

The scale also matters. And while $34 trillion — the current total size of the US debt — is a lot of money, the cost of interest payments on the debt remains relatively low compared to just a few decades ago. The scale of the debt also matters, and other similarly big numbers are involved in that kind of comparison. As Sahm’s graph below shows, the total US debt as a portion of the total wealth held by Americans remains quite manageable. The point being: we can absolutely afford to continue to spend money on productive public investments — in fact, it’s the most important thing we can do with our national wealth.  

It’s quite a bold claim: Ellie Quinlan Houghtaling writes in the Washington Monthly that despite a lack of public attention to the policy solution, “Joe Biden Has Solved the Student Debt Crisis.” But this is more than clickbait: the writer goes on to make a strong argument that the SAVE payment plan rolled out by the Biden administration effectively addresses the biggest concerns about student debt by lowering payments, tying those payments to disposable income, and automatically forgiving any remaining debt after 10 – 20 years.

No, this isn’t a comprehensive debt holiday, and the SAVE plan does not offer borrowers the pleasure of seeing their principal dramatically marked down from one day to the next. But it does make student debt far less of a burden for borrowers — and even less of a thing to think about. Which is perhaps why this major policy change in how student debt is administered hasn’t gotten the attention it deserves: it deals with the problem on a month-to-month and year-to-year basis, instead of doing it with a single stroke of the pen, a single act of Congress, or a single Supreme Court ruling. It’s a public relations challenge for certain, and that has economic implications as well as political ones: the biggest catch is that borrowers need to apply for this payment plan in order to receive its benefits.

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

16. January 2024 · Comments Off on FUSE Washington January 16, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Are you tired of Big Oil having a free pass to jack up our costs?

The Big Oil Corporations who pollute the air we breathe and the water we drink are making record profits at our expense. They are driving the climate crisis, while keeping their price gouging a secret from public scrutiny.

We need a way to hold them accountable.

That’s why we’re coming together to demand that Big Oil corporations be held accountable for price gouging. The Oil Industry Accountability Act1 will force these corporations to open up their books and face big fines for market manipulation. The bill has a public hearing Wednesday morning in the Senate Environment, Energy & Technology Committee and we need to show our support!

Sign your name to the official list legislators read by selecting “pro” in the first box at the link below, and filling in your details (only your name will be publicly visible). Will you add your name?

Gas and electric utilities are already regulated to prevent price gouging, so it’s only right that the oil industry should be subject to the same kind of oversight. The Oil Industry Accountability Act would impose a fine of up to three times the profits gained or losses avoided as a result of illegal price gouging.

Thanks for all that you do,
Rosey and the entire team at Fuse

P.S. Pulling back the curtain on Big Oil profits and holding them accountable will take a lot of work to achieve. Will you chip in $5 now to help us pass these critical progressive reforms?

  1. app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=6052&Year=2024&Initiative=false

Want to support our work? Become a monthly donor!

Fuse is the state’s largest progressive organization — people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.

Together for Progress

Join us at

12. January 2024 · Comments Off on WSDCC Wrap-up January 12, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News


Hello Democrats and happy Friday!

Hello Democrats and Happy 2024!

I hope all of you had a terrific and restorative holiday season – and now that the new year is here it’s time to hit the ground running! I look forward to working with each and every one of you to help Democrats win across Washington State and nationwide this November and I’m so excited to see what our Democratic team can accomplish together.

I wanted to kick things off with a quick rundown of our top priorities heading into the year – so we can all get in sync and make sure we’re doing everything in our power to help terrific candidates statewide!

In 2024 we must:

  • Turn out voters statewide to deliver a commanding victory for Senator Maria Cantwell
  • Ensure the Governor’s Office remains in Democratic control and Washington goes overwhelmingly blue in the 2024 Presidential election. 
  • Protect every single one of our Democratic incumbents in Congress – including vulnerable “must win” seats in WA-03 and WA-08 while ensuring the newly open seat in WA-06 remains bright blue.
  • Maintain Democratic control of every state level office, including the recently won Secretary of State seat.
  • Protect and expand our diverse majorities in both chambers of the WA State legislature. 

These are our “topline” goals – but they’re really just the tip of the iceberg. We won’t be satisfied until we’ve activated every Democratic voter statewide and we refuse to leave a single race up to chance! 

Thank you for standing with us in this critical work – we’ve got a huge year ahead and we won’t stop until we win!

2024 Coordinated Campaign Leadership Hires!

We’re thrilled to announce that we’ve hired top talent to lead our Coordinated Campaign in 2024! Today, we wanted to introduce you to two of our newest, and most consequential hires! 

Christina Carvalho – Coordinated Campaign Director

We’re thrilled to announce that Christina Carvalho has joined our team as Coordinated Campaign Director! 

Before joining Washington Dems, Christina worked at NextGen America where she developed and led an eight-state effort to register and mobilize young people ahead of the 2022 midterm elections. In 2020 she led the NextGen Wisconsin team’s efforts to virtually mobilize young people to vote during the pandemic.

Prior to her work with NextGen, Christina worked on coordinated campaigns in North Carolina, Virginia, and Wisconsin. She is excited to explore Washington, try every ice cream shop across the state, and win some elections!

Brett Andres – Deputy Coordinated Campaign Director

We’re pleased to say we have promoted former WA Dems Data Director Brett Andres to Deputy Coordinated Campaign Director!

Brett brings 2.5 years of experience supporting WA State Campaigns to the table and he’s excited to take his commitment to electing Democrats to the next level! He grew up in Nebraska and started his political career there as an organizer. After a couple of campaigns as the organizer who liked Votebuilder a little too much, he made the switch to data. Brett worked on campaign and nonprofit data teams across the country before joining the Washington Democrats as the Data Director in 2022. He is excited to help build Democratic momentum in Washington as the Deputy Coordinated Campaign Director this year! In his free time, Brett enjoys playing games with friends, watching sports, and cooking.

Stay tuned for more hiring announcements in the weeks and months to come!

Working for Washington

I’m writing to you this week from the Association of State Democratic Committees (ASDC) meeting in San Diego – where hundreds of Democratic Party leaders have come together to start 2024 with a bang!

Here I am hanging out with Michigan Chair Lavora Barnes, can you tell I lost a bet??

It’s always so inspiring to connect with terrific Democrats from across the nation and share strategies and inspiration for the year ahead. 2024 is going to be a massive year for our Party nationwide and it’s never been more important for us to pool our resources and knowledge and work together to ensure we win the most competitive races! 

I look forward to working closely with peers and allies from across the nation as we work hard to win races everywhere in 2024!

Democrats in the News

Starting his final year in office, Washington Gov. Jay Inslee stresses he isn’t finished yet

Addressing the Legislature at the start of his final year in office, Democratic Gov. Jay Inslee returned to one of his top priorities and the issue that defined his brief presidential bid: climate change.

Jayapal, Murray, DelBene, Larsen, MGP, Kilmer, Smith, Strickland Secure Over $41 Million For New Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Across Western Washington State

U.S. Representative Pramila Jayapal (WA-07), U.S. Senator Patty Murray (D-WA), chair of the Senate Appropriations Committee, and Representatives Suzan DelBene (WA-01), Rick Larsen (WA-02), Marie Gluesenkamp Perez (WA-03), Derek Kilmer (WA-06), Adam Smith (WA-09), and Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) announced that the U.S. Department of Transportation (DOT) has awarded four grants totaling $41.19 million to help communities across western Washington state install more charging stations for electric vehicles.

House Democrats boost spending to reach Black, Latino, Asian voters

DCCC push includes tools to fight misinformation aimed at key voting blocs

Keep in touch, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for all you do!

With gratitude,

Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democratic Party

The work we do today wins elections tomorrow. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in every race and every place in Washington state, invest in our efforts and make a contribution now. 

Want to support our work year round? Join Blue Washington, our monthly giving program! It is the most effective way to help candidates, volunteers, organizers, activists, and staff because it gives us the certainty we need to scale up our program with confidence. Your monthly investment ensures we can defend our strong legislative majorities, flip key congressional seats from red to blue, and fight for progressive values. Help us lead the way to victories at all levels of government today!

Washington State Democrats
PO Box 4027
Seattle, WA 98194
United States
11. January 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – January 11, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Have you seen the latest poll numbers?


We’ve always known this would be a close race. In the last two campaigns for Governor without an incumbent, like our race, the average margin of victory for Democrats Chris Gregoire and Jay Inslee was just 1.5%.

Here’s what we learned from today’s poll:

  • Only half of the respondents were familiar with ANY candidate for Governor. In other words, we have a lot of work to do to get our message out to voters.
  • This is yet another poll that shows us a tight race. In this poll we happen to have a slight lead, in others we trail by a few points.

We can’t let anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert become Governor. From reproductive rights and workers’ rights to the future of our environment, there is a lot at stake in this race.

We’re going to need your help to overcome the inevitable multimillion-dollar dark money attacks from the Republican Governors Association. But right now, we’re prohibited from accepting any campaign contributions until the legislative session ends in March.

The good news is there are other ways to help. Sign up to become a volunteer today and be part of the statewide grassroots movement we need to defeat Dave Reichert this November!


Team Ferguson

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
11. January 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU Washington – January 11, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

This legislative session, lawmakers have the chance to offer hope to many young, incarcerated individuals by raising the age for post-conviction sentence review.

If Washington state were a country, it would have the sixth highest incarceration rate in the world. For decades, our state has been overly reliant on life and long sentences, specifically for young people.

Yet, instead of keeping people safe, these sentences have devastated marginalized communities.

Sign in PRO on HB 1325 by 12:30 p.m. on Monday, January 15, and tell lawmakers to increase the age for sentence review consideration from 18 to 25.

Please note: This link will take you to a third-party website, leg.wa.gov.

It is time to offer hope to a large population of incarcerated individuals, many of whom are people of color, who have been harmed by a sentencing system that did not take into account modern brain science around their young age or their capacity for growth.

Backed by modern brain science which says a young person’s brain is rarely fully developed before age 25, this bill modernizes state code, decreases incarceration costs, and takes meaningful steps to address racial disparities in sentencing.

Take action now – tell lawmakers to bring Washington state sentencing practices in line with the best evidence regarding brain development.

*Instructions on how to show your support and sign in pro:

  1. Click on this link
  2. Pick the position “Pro.”

Thanks for taking action with us,

ACLU of Washington

PS – please share this on Facebook and X.

ACLU of Washington
P.O. Box 2728
Seattle, WA 98111-2728

11. January 2024 · Comments Off on Alliance for Gun Responsibility – January 11, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Next week, two crucial hearings will take place that could significantly impact our mission. Your presence and participation are urgently needed. We are on a mission to make sure every voice that wants to be heard is at the table. If you would like us to automatically add your name in PRO for the bills that we have outlined in our agenda, click the link below. This is the best way to make sure you’re being heard, and will save you a lot of time signing in individually.

Monday, Jan 15: A Day for Strategic Support

While we don’t require a large physical presence on this day, your online participation is critical. There will be a hearing on SB 5444, a lifesaving measure designed to keep firearms out of places like our parks, libraries, zoos, and transit centers. Legislators are already receiving a high volume of opposition messages. It’s imperative that they hear our collective voice too.

Tuesday, Jan 16: A Day of Maximum Mobilization!

THIS IS THE BIG ONE! The House Civil Rights and Judiciary Committee will be hearing FIVE extremely important bills, and we need your help in voicing your support for life-saving gun violence prevention policies.

Hearings on Key Bills:

HB 1902Permit to Purchase 
HB 2054Bulk Weapons Purchases
HB 1903Reporting of Lost or Stolen Firearms
HB 2118Dealer Accountability
HB 2021Keeping Crime Guns Off the Street

This is a crucial day for us. We must show our strength in numbers and make our collective voice heard.

Every email, every sign-in, and every testimony makes a difference. Lawmakers do take note of our collective actions. Let’s ensure they hear loud and clear from their constituents.

Together, we can make a difference in the fight against gun violence. Thank you for standing with us in this crucial fight.

Warm Regards,

Alex (she/her)

Field Organizer

Alliance for Gun Responsibility 

P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check out our legislative agenda here.

P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194

11. January 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – January 11, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

2017 to 2023, Women’s Marchers protested, voted, and took to the streets to win for women and drive our power to the polls. 

We will march until we win for women and us all. 

On January 20th, days before the 51st anniversary of Roe v. Wade, we’re hosting our #BiggerThanRoe national march in Phoenix, Arizona – and we want you with us!

Will you march?

Why Arizona? Arizona is the next major abortion battleground. In selecting Arizona for our 2024 National Women’s March, we focus on a key truth: women consistently show up to vote when abortion rights are at stake. 

As one of the nine states with anticipated ballot measures around abortion rights, Arizona’s role is crucial. It’s not just a battleground for rights; it’s a key swing state that will shape the 2024 elections. 

Women vote to defend reproductive freedom and bodily autonomy, the cornerstone of a functioning democracy. 

Women’s March is building the largest base on the front lines in all 50 states to defend democracy. Will you be there?

Can’t make it to Phoenix? Host or join a #BiggerThanRoe mobilization near you the weekend of Jan 20-21, 2024.

See you out there,

Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
10. January 2024 · Comments Off on FUSE Washington January 10, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

If we’re not serious about keeping families in their homes, we’re not serious about fighting homelessness. No matter how much money we have, we should all be able to live in a home we can afford. But greedy landlords keep jacking up rents as high as they can, displacing Washington families and forcing others into homelessness.

That’s why we’re excited that a bill to stabilize rents by limiting rent increases to 5% and move-in fees to the equivalent of one month’s rent has a hearing this Friday in the Senate Committee on Housing!

Rent stabilization is critical to solving our housing crisis. Show your support for Senate Bill 59611 by clicking on the button to sign in “pro” below and adding your information (don’t worry, only your name is publicly viewable). Will you help keep families in their homes and urge legislators to support rent stabilization today?

This legislation also requires landlords to give six months notice to tenants if they plan to raise the rent by 3% or more. With more time to find a new place to live, families will be much less likely to be forced into homelessness after a rent increase. It will also protect manufactured homeowners, and people who rent month-to-month.

Thanks for all that you do,
Rosey and the entire team at Fuse

P.S. Overturning long standing barriers to preventing homelessness is going to take a lot of work to achieve. Will you chip in $5 now to help us pass these critical progressive reforms?

  1. app.leg.wa.gov/billsummary?BillNumber=5961&Year=2023&Initiative=false

Want to support our work? Become a monthly donor!

Fuse is the state’s largest progressive organization — people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.

Together for Progress

Join us at

09. January 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – January 9, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


When a new year rolls around, the minimum wage rises in cities and states across the country. And when the minimum wage rises, there’s sure to be some jokers setting out to see who can make the most ridiculous claim about how giving modest raises to poverty-wage workers will supposedly have devastating economic consequences.

This year’s achievement in minimum wage concern trolling goes to the executive vice president of the National Taxpayers Union, who went on Fox News last week to claim that a new $20 minimum wage for California fast food workers was “unfair” because of the impact on customers, who he says will be “all of the sudden paying $12, $15 for a Big Mac.” In fact, the average Big Mac in California currently costs $5.89, so this guy is effectively arguing — on national TV — that increasing the minimum wage a few dollars an hour will somehow make the price of a burger more than double… and that this impossible, made-up result is “unfair.” He went on to also predict — also with no basis whatsoever — that raising wages would cause as much as a “12, 15% reduction” in fast food jobs. So apparently the whole thing here is that the guy gets a headline where he’s called an “analyst” because he just really likes to repeat the numbers 12 and 15? 

Make it make sense.

is now the cost of an insulin prescription for millions more people in the US. The sharp price reduction comes as the result of public pressure and some smart policy changes that were part of President Biden’s American Rescue Plan.

is spent by consumer goods companies on third-party audits, which are supposed to ensure compliance with labor laws and other basic standards. However, these private inspections— paid for by the brands whose products they’re inspecting — have repeatedly failed to identify child labor violations.

of the benefits of the Trump tax law went to the 10% richest people in the country. This extreme trickle-down result was an intended consequence of how the bill was designed. 

One of the ways our federal tax system works is that when the value of an asset such as a stock, bond, or other financial investment goes up, you generally don’t have to pay taxes on that increase in value until it’s “realized” — that is, until the asset is sold. At that point, you generally have to pay capital gains tax on your profit.

The problem is that much of the increased value of assets owned by the ultra-wealthy is never realized, so they never pay taxes on the assets. Here’s the trick: when the owner of a valuable asset is alive, they can take out low-interest loans against that increased value and enjoy the benefits of their increased wealth without having to cash out and pay taxes on the gain. And when they die, they get to pass on these assets to heirs without anyone involved ever paying any tax on the gains. This is called the stepped-up basis loophole, and it’s quite generous and massively unequal: as the chart below shows, fully 18% of all unrealized and untaxed capital gains — a staggering $8.5 trillion — are held by just 64,000 ultra-wealthy households.

There’s so much hype around AI lately that even the concerns that get aired seem to function as part of the same promotional scheme, just echoing the vast power and inevitable transformation AI will bring. So it’s welcome to see Silicon Valley Congressman Ro Khanna grapple with AI in a vastly different context — and one that’s vastly more valuable.

In a recent piece in the NY Times, Khanna draws a compelling parallel between the conversation about AI and the conversation about globalization in the early days of NAFTA and the WTO. Back then, because mainstream economic models indicated that free trade would benefit people overall, many dismissed the specific impacts of globalization on working-class communities, and the political class failed to do anything about it… with political implications that continue to echo today. We’re now at a similar moment with AI, Khanna argues: generative AI may very well bring aggregate economic benefits, but those benefits won’t be equally distributed, and in fact, many people and communities could very well lose out in the transition… unless we actually doing something about these impacts this time around. As he puts it: “Our generational task is to ensure that A.I. is a tool for lessening the vast disparities of wealth and opportunity that plague us, not exacerbating them.”

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

08. January 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU Washington – January 8, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter, if we don’t act now, countless families and children will be at risk.

Our country is built on the promise of hope and freedom for those fleeing persecution, violence, war, and human rights violations around the world.

But right now, our elected leaders are considering abandoning these core values – gutting our asylum system, terrorizing our neighbors and families, and in turn, scaring people from seeking critical protection. And all in exchange for unrelated short-term funding.

Congress cannot trade away our morals for political deals – which is why it’s so important that lawmakers hear from every one of us. Tell your representatives to protect people seeking safety NOW by rejecting violent anti-immigrant policies.

ACLU Supporter, the policies that Congress is considering are inhumane and ineffective – and will only lead to more unfairness and suffering without making real improvements that our immigration system desperately needs.

What Congress should be spending their time on is debating and passing meaningful immigration reform – including support to border communities, humane solutions for border management, improved processes for screening at ports of entry, and faster work authorization for people seeking asylum.

Our values – and the safety and wellbeing of people seeking asylum – are not chips to be traded away for political points.

It is shameful that Congress is even considering a deal that would endanger people who are seeking safety, and put families in the United States at greater risk of wrongful arrest and deportation. Tell your members of Congress to unequivocally REJECT any attempts to restrict asylum.

Thank you for speaking out,

The ACLU Team

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA