06. January 2024 · Comments Off on Alliance for Gun Responsibility – January 6, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

As we mark the anniversary of the January 6th insurrection, a day that profoundly underscored the critical intersection between gun violence and the health of our democracy, we find ourselves reflecting on the journey we have embarked upon here in Washington State. This event is a stark reminder of the dangers posed by the irresponsible use of firearms, which catalyzed another nationwide call for meaningful gun responsibility reforms.

In Washington, we’ve made commendable strides in gun violence prevention, a testament to our collective commitment and advocacy. As we approach the beginning of the legislative session on January 8th, it’s crucial to acknowledge our achievements and the work that still lies ahead.

Our state has been a beacon of progress, enacting laws that enhance public safety and respect the rights of responsible gun owners. Our focus on evidence-based policies and community-driven initiatives has yielded tangible results, making our communities safer and more resilient.

This year, we have set forth an ambitious policy agenda, particularly emphasizing the implementation of a permit-to-purchase system. This system is designed to ensure that firearms are acquired responsibly and legally, adding a crucial layer of oversight that aligns with our core mission – reducing gun violence within our communities. By requiring permits for firearm purchases, we aim to close loopholes, strengthen background checks, and ensure that those who possess firearms do so with the utmost responsibility.

As we enter the legislative session, let us channel the spirit of resilience and determination that has guided us thus far. With your continued support and advocacy, we can make significant strides towards a safer and more responsible society. Your voice, vote, and unwavering commitment are crucial in this endeavor.

Let’s continue to work together for a future where the horrors of events like the January 6th insurrection are relegated to history, never to be repeated. Join us in advocating for the critical measures that will safeguard our communities and uphold the values we cherish.

Thank you for your dedication to this cause. We look forward to another year of impactful advocacy and meaningful change.


Renée Hopkins 
CEO, Alliance for Gun Responsibility

P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194

06. January 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU Washington – January 6, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

There is a growing understanding that young adults need to be treated differently in the criminal legal system, particularly juveniles given long sentences. While there are some opportunities for sentencing review, incarcerated individuals over the age of 18 are left out. Does current Washington law align with modern brain science? Take the quiz and find out!

Complete the quiz to learn more and find links to additional resources:


True or False: Federal and state courts have ruled in support of the idea that young people (including those over the age of 18) should be uniquely considered in the criminal legal system.

ACLU of Washington
P.O. Box 2728
Seattle, WA 98111-2728

05. January 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – January 5, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Elections

Three years ago tomorrow, on January 6th, 2021, far-right insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

They failed, but not before forcing Congress to evacuate and endangering the lives of all who work at the Capitol.

Over the last three years, many rioters have faced prosecution for their actions that day. Yet their ringleader — the person whose conspiracy theories about stolen elections incited the violence — has escaped accountability under the law, and continues to be a lead contender for the Republican presidential candidacy.

Donald Trump’s fraudulent claim that he won the 2020 election drove his supporters to insurrection.

We won’t let him win again.

In 2017, the first Women’s March of millions protested Trump’s election.

In 2018, we won a historic midterm election victory for Democrats — preventing Trump from enacting all of his authoritarian agenda.

In 2020, we evicted him from the White House.

In 2022, a Women’s Wave blocked a Republican red wave — and we proved once again that when women join together, we have the power.

In 2023, women continued to win for reproductive freedom at the ballot box across the country.

As an organization that relies ONLY on funding from everyday women, feminists, and allies like you, we need YOU to chip in $25 or anything you can so we can keep up our fight for a better future >>>


Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
05. January 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – January 5, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

2024 is winding up to be a spectacular year 💥

It’s never too early to get started on campaign building blocks. Develop your winning campaign playbook and election year plan.

January’s event lineup is geared towards exactly that: getting back to basics. Take the first look at next week’s events below!

So You Want to Run for Office?
Monday, January 8 at 1pm ET

While many New Year’s resolutions are about attitude or behavior changes, ever considered making yours running for office? It’s totally possible – and this can be your starting line. 

Next Monday, join a community of fellow engaged Democrats who are also considering making an impact in their communities by running for office. Our trainer will guide you through all of the considerations and possibilities, equipping you with the knowledge to make this important decision and even strategies for garnering support.

Running in a Red District
Tuesday, January 9 at 1pm ET

Even in the heart of conservative counties or precincts, Democrats can become catalysts for change. Join Tuesday’s training, where our expert trainer will unveil the secrets of organizing effectively in these ruby red districts.

You’ll delve into the unique considerations campaigns must navigate when venturing into red districts, from messaging tactics to field plans. Get ready to learn the strategies that help make waves in even challenging political landscapes.

What is a Democratic Precinct Chair?
Wednesday, January 17 at 1pm ET

Gain valuable insights into the pivotal role your local precinct chairs plays in driving turnout in your community. In an election year, no Democrat can afford to neglect voter turnout in their campaign plans!

Grassroots campaign initiatives and turnout are supported by precinct chairs. Learn how to engage yours, and other strategies for precinct organizing.

Setting Up Your Local Democratic Party's Structure
Friday, January 19 at 1pm ET

Gain valuable insights into the pivotal role your local precinct chairs plays in driving turnout in your community. In an election year, no Democrat can afford to neglect voter turnout in their campaign plans!

Grassroots campaign initiatives and turnout are supported by precinct chairs. Learn how to engage yours, and other strategies for precinct organizing.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

05. January 2024 · Comments Off on Democratic National Committee – 2024 Priorities Survey · Categories: Announcements, Committee News

Hi team,

First and foremost, Happy New Year! I hope you’re feeling energized and ready to take on the new year, I know we are here at the DNC.

With a big election year ahead of us, we want to hear from you. Your input means a lot to us, so we’re curious: What are your 2024 priorities?

There are countless issues — from health care costs to racial justice to reproductive rights — that we’re focused on this year, especially with MAGA Republicans on the ballot who are threatening our progress. As a valued member of this team, we want to hear which priorities you personally feel need to be addressed most urgently.

Take a quick minute to fill out our 2024 priorities survey and let us know what issues matter the most to you. Your feedback helps inform our plans for the year:

Thanks for being a part of this team.

To a great year,


Erin Conway
Grassroots Fundraising Director
Democratic National Committee

04. January 2024 · Comments Off on FUSE Washington January 4, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Dear Friend,

The new year brings a new Washington state legislative session! With only 60 days in this year’s session, we’re looking forward to pushing quickly on everything from making Big Oil corporations pay to clean up their pollution to building enough affordable housing for everyone to have a home.

Our legislative priorities this year were shaped by your responses to our member survey in December, as well as conversations with partners and community leaders. The issues we will be working on this year include:

  • Expanding affordable housing across Washington. No matter how much money we have, we should all be able to live in a home we can afford. We’re fighting for limits on rent increases so that families can stay in their homes, and for our state to be able to build more affordable homes every year through a permanent funding source created by rebalancing the tax rates on the sale of multi-million dollar properties.
  • Rebalancing our upside-down tax code and fighting wealth inequality. We’re going to continue the fight to make sure that Washington’s ultra-wealthy pay their share for the community services that we all rely on by supporting new approaches to taxing wealth. We’re also working to expand the Working Families Tax Credit and supporting a Guaranteed Basic Income that would help struggling working families afford rent and put food on the table.
  • Extending life-saving benefits to all working Washington residents. Immigrant workers who pay taxes in our state deserve to access the same kinds of health care and unemployment insurance benefits as other workers, so we’re joining with immigrant justice partners to make this right.
  • Stopping Big Oil from price gouging Washington residents. We’re supporting legislation to hold Big Oil corporations and other polluters accountable for price gouging the people of Washington. They should pay to clean up the pollution they create.

With such a short session this year, developments will happen quickly and progressives will need to be ready to respond quickly to help these bills pass. Follow us on social media to keep up to date on everything happening this session, and for opportunities to have your voice heard in Olympia.

Thank you for all you do,
Rosey and the entire team at Fuse

P.S. It’s going to take a big grassroots push to enact these progressive policy changes. Will you chip in $5 to fund our organizing and communications campaign to push lawmakers to build a more progressive Washington?

Want to support our work? Become a monthly donor!

Fuse is the state’s largest progressive organization — people creating change online, on the ground, and on issues that matter.

Together for Progress

Join us at

03. January 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU Washington – January 3, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

At the ACLU of Washington, we show up to work every day choosing to believe in the power of our work, communities, and collective imagination. When we dwell in possibility, we’re able to create a brighter future for all – one that is rooted in equity, justice, and fairness.We invite you to read our 2023 Annual Report to learn about our commitment to protecting and advancing equity and justice for all, including our efforts to:

  1. support policies to make Washington a leader in protecting and expanding access to reproductive and gender-affirming health care,
  2. advance first-of-its-kind legislation to protect consumer health care data from abuse – a particularly important safeguard in a post-Roe world,
  3. fight alongside people impacted by police violence on a groundbreaking effort to eliminate racially biased traffic stops,
  4. and so much more.

The work doesn’t stop when the calendar changes. 2023 may be behind us, but our commitment to a just and humane Washington persists in the coming year and beyond.

Thank you,
ACLU of Washington

ACLU of Washington
P.O. Box 2728
Seattle, WA 98111-2728

28. December 2023 · Comments Off on Women’s March – December 28, 2023 · Categories: Announcements

Did you argue with your family over politics this holiday season? We sure as hell did. Many families won’t talk about politics at gatherings anymore– it’s gotten too hard. 

Women’s March is formally launching an initiative called WTF is Even Happening? As you may have picked up from the name, this campaign is set to help us understand what the actual fuck is going on around our kitchen tables, in our communities, and across the country. WTF is Even Happening is an intervention to help us make heads or tails of the current political moments as they unfold, and give us the tools to help move those we care about from where they are to where we all need to be. 

We know we need to meet folks where they are, but we must not leave them there. Click here to get early access to WTF is Even Happening content!

We won’t ever win by disengaging from people that we don’t agree with. Over the next months and years, we need to deepen our commitment to organizing and educating if we are going to grow to the scale necessary to win for our communities in 2024 and defend those wins in the future. 

WTF is Even Happening will 

  • Organize the feminist movement to align vision, strategy, and messaging
  • Build in-person and digital spaces for feminists (both experienced and new activists) to convene, build community, and build power
  • Welcome, onboard, and catapult new activists into the feminist movement
  • Sharpen and clarify our priorities, people, and plans
  • Build a feminist movement that is sharp and sustainable

Are you trying to learn more? You have friends that would be interested in WTF is Even Happening? Family you want to volunteer as tribute? Sign up here for insider updates and early access to WTF is Even Happening programming. 

In service & gratitude, 

Team Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
28. December 2023 · Comments Off on League of Women Voters Washington – December 28, 2023 · Categories: Announcements

As this year comes to a close, the League of Women Voters of Washington reflects on all that has happened and all that is before us in 2024.

This coming year, an important presidential election year, will have much impact on our democracy.

The League cannot do this vital work without your support. Your contribution, no matter the size, helps the League empower voters and defend democracy.

Thank you.  

Wishing you a wonderful New Year!

Mary Coltrane, President

League of Women Voters of Washington

The League of Women Voters is a nonpartisan political organization that encourages informed and active participation in government, works to increase understanding of major public policy issues, and influences public policy through education and advocacy.

The League of Women Voters of Washington
1511 Third Ave, Suite 900
Seattle, WA 98101
United States

26. December 2023 · Comments Off on Alliance for Gun Responsibility – December 26, 2023 · Categories: Announcements

Dear Supporter,

For the ninth year in a row, the Alliance for Gun Responsibility has graded Washington State Legislators on their support for gun violence prevention. The scorecard measures each legislator’s commitment to reducing the number of gun deaths and injuries in Washington state as demonstrated by their votes, sponsorships, and advocacy. 

We’ve made tremendous progress in Olympia recently, and it shows! This year, a record number of legislators received A++ and A+ ratings. These elected officials demonstrated true commitment to reducing gun violence not only by sponsoring and supporting life-saving gun safety bills but also by supporting community advocacy efforts. 

Unfortunately, many legislators did not score high and earned an F or F- rating this year. These legislators actively worked against measures that would help keep guns out of dangerous hands and keep our communities safer. 

See where your legislator stands!

Dylan O’Connor (he/him)
Director of Government Affairs
Alliance for Gun Responsibility