20. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – February 20, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

We’re wondering – Have you been looking for a one-stop shop for key campaign fundraising skills? Learning things like starting up email fundraising or recruiting volunteers to make phone calls?

We are at the point of the cycle where your campaign or local party should be reaching out for financial support to set yourself up for success down the line!

So our experts put together a one-day bootcamp focused on the best practices of fundraising with multiple in-depth trainings.

Click the link below to register for our National Fundraising Bootcamp on Saturday, March 9 (and yes, it’s all virtual!)

This is the opportunity to learn the fundraising fundamentals. Our bootcamp combines our core standalone trainings and expertise on campaign fundraising into a single-day event!

You’ll delve into multiple comprehensive sessions covering the essential aspects of fundraising. You will have immediate access to strategies for achieving consistent fundraising success on the trail.

Learn in a collaborative environment with fellow dedicated Democrats from across the country all while tapping into the expertise of our trainers, all of whom have successfully fundraised for campaigns!

Save your spot now by RSVPing for NDTC’s National Fundraising Bootcamp on Saturday, March 9 at 11:15am ET.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

20. February 2024 · Comments Off on Kennewick School Board Special Meeting · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Public Comment at KSB Special Meeting

Tuesday, February 20, 2024 at 9:00 - 9:30 AM
Kennewick School District Administration Center, 1000 W 4th Ave., Kennewick

The Kennewick School Board is contemplating formal opposition to Legislative bills, ESB 5462 and ESHB 2331. These bills require the state Office of the Superintendent of Public Instruction to revise our educational standards to include the histories, contributions, and perspectives of LGBTQ people and they bar local districts from not using materials related to or including the study of the role and contributions of individuals or groups that are part of a protected class as established in public school nondiscrimination provisions.

Essentially they are considering refusing to use materials that expand diverse and inclusive education in the school district.

We invite those who wish to comment on this critical issue or just to show support for diversity education to attend this meeting.

16. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – February 16, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Celebrating Black History Month with Elect Black Women PAC

All month long, we want to elevate the work of some of our amazing partners whose own work elevates Black voices in progressive politics.

Elect Black Women PAC is committed to advancing the representation and leadership of Black women in elected office. Their mission is to actively support and endorse Black women candidates running for various positions by providing financial resources, guidance, and grassroots support. By amplifying the voices and perspectives of Black women in politics, they seek to foster greater diversity, equity, and inclusion in decision-making processes and spaces.

Learn more and get involved: Elect Black Women PAC

And keep an eye out for a Women’s History Month event we’re hosting with them in March!

How to Connect with Voters Through Personal Stories
Thursday, February 22 at 1pm ET

Discover how your life’s journey embodies your values, then learn how to tell those stories on the campaign trail. Personal stories are vehicles for connecting with voters in a more personal way.

Uncover the power of sharing a well-crafted personal story to ignite action and inspire others. In this training you will learn the essential components of a compelling personal story, refine your narrative with expert tips, and utilize feedback to enhance its impact.

Building a Candidate Support Plan
Friday, February 23 at 1pm ET

Support for candidates comes in many flavors, from hard support like money to soft support like personal networking. Distinguish between these types of support and evaluate which types your local party or Democratic organization can use with your 2024 slate of candidates.

By creating a support plan, you are investing in candidates in your community, which is ultimately a benefit to your community. Don’t miss out on this important building block for local-level politics.

So You Want to Run for Office
Monday, February 26 at 1pm ET

Maybe you’ve considered running, or even know someone who would be great to represent your community. Regardless, take the very first step and learn about the various offices to run for and other preliminary considerations.

This training features an introductory look into the actual processes behind running for office, from researching open elected positions this cycle to reaching out for support within your personal networks.

National Fundraising Bootcamp
Saturday March 9

One day, multiple sessions, endless fundraising insights. Our national bootcamps are designed with a specific focus in one area of campaigning (in this case, fundraising) in order to equip you with the best practices and relevant resources to take back to the trail.

Join our National Fundraising Bootcamp, where you’ll walk through the best strategies to actually garner the funds your campaign needs. This day-long event will lay the groundwork for a robust fundraising strategy right from the start of your campaign, guaranteeing sustained success in funding every essential aspect. You will walk away ready to make phone calls, lay out a fundraising plan, and get that coin! 💰

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

15. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training Events – February 15, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

Here are some ways you can take action.

All times Eastern

Connect with us on social media!

Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

12. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – February 12, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

We agree — Senator Raphael Warnock said it best:

During Black History Month, we should undoubtedly celebrate the countless amazing achievements of Black Americans.

But this is also a time to reflect and invest in the essential work to ensure these communities are being prioritized for campaigns and beyond.

And this week’s NDTC Expert Q&A: Black Voices for Grassroots Change is going to be your front-row opportunity to learn from Democratic leaders who bring experiences in organizing in Black communities.

Things get started on this Thursday, February 15 at 1pm. Bring your questions and get ready to learn a lot!

Now you might be wondering who our panelists are. Let’s introduce you!

Kimberlyn Carter is the Executive Director of Rep GA, which offers training and development for leaders across Georgia. Carter is a Georgia native whose national expertise serves her work from Atlanta all the way to the doorsteps of Georgia’s smallest cities.

W. Mondale Robinson is the current Mayor of Enfield, North Carolina. On top of his role in office, he founded the Black Male Voter Project, the first and only national organization with the sole purpose of increasing Black men’s participation in electoral politics. Robinson is a prolific speaker and writer, and has appeared in dozens of national publications.

Tequila Johnson is a lifelong community organizer who co-founded the Equity Alliance, a Tennessee-based nonprofit that, according to their website, “envision[s] a society where Black communities are thriving and have equitable access to power, resources, and the freedom to choose our quality of life.” Johnson also serves as the Assistant Director of Outreach and Student Engagement at Tennessee State University’s Center for Service Learning and Civic Engagement.

Learn from this amazing lineup of experts this Thursday!

— The NDTC Team

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

09. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – February 9, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

Celebrating Black History Month with The Collective PAC

All month long, we want to elevate the work of some of our amazing partner organizations whose own work focuses on elevating Black voices in politics.

The Collective PAC’s overarching mission is simple: build Black political power. Their work takes a variety of forms, from on-the-ground voter mobilization and GOTV efforts to empowering Black candidates through endorsements. They also work to recruit Black candidates to elections around the country in support of closing the racial gap in political representation.

Learn more and get involved: The Collective PAC

Maximize Your Field Strategy Through Precinct Prioritization
Tuesday, February 13 at 1pm ET

Precinct prioritization is a strategy that allocates resources effectively and targets specific areas where a campaign is likely to have the most impact.

You’ll need to look at demographics, historical election results, turnout rates, and other relevant factors to identify the most pivotal precincts. It may seem like a lot at first, but our trainer will give you strategies to navigate through this data and make it relevant for your campaign.

NDTC Expert Q&A: Black Voices for Grassroots Change
Thursday, February 15 at 1pm ET

This Black History Month, we’re challenging the one-size-fits-all strategy that too many campaigns fall prey to. Black voters and communities are disproportionately targeted by voter suppression and misinformation, and it’s on candidates, staff, and volunteers to organize with intention and equity in mind.

So this month’s NDTC Expert Q&A: Black Voices for Grassroots Change brings together organizing veterans to discuss their own experiences out in the field. Their backgrounds span elected local office to student civic engagement, so you are truly in for a lively, substantive discussion.

How to Connect with Voters Through Personal Stories
Thursday, February 22 at 1pm ET

The stories of your life experiences reflect your values and priorities, establish authentic connections with your community, and inspire others to action. Learn when and how to leverage well-crafted personal stories while campaigning.

Identify the building blocks of an effective personal story, get tips on polishing it, and also learn to use feedback to further refine your story.

Building a Candidate Support Plan
Friday, February 23 at 1pm ET

A candidate support plan is really just a detailed document that lists the way that your local Democratic organization can provide support to the candidates that are running for office. It shows the concrete ways that your local party or org can help them win. Most importantly, it’s a living document that might adjust over time.

This training will name the components of a campaign support plan and walk through its benefits.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

National Democratic Training Committee
910 17th Street NW, Suite 925 Washington, DC, 20006, US

08. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training Events – February 8, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

Here are some ways you can take action.

All times Eastern

Connect with us on social media!

Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

08. February 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – February 8, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Hey there – I’m James from NDTC! If you’ve ever seen a graphic from us shared on social, email, or our website, that’s what I’m up to here as our lead graphic designer.

In my work I get to visually tell the stories of people running for office, working on campaigns, or supporting their local parties’ efforts. Often, these folks come from underrepresented backgrounds or they’re overcoming some degree of adversity, which I find inspiring.

One thing I’m especially passionate about is elevating the experiences of the Black community. Systemic exclusion from traditional politics and voting means that we still have a ways to go to ensure Black voices actually have a say in what happens in our communities and beyond.

That’s why I am excited for fellow Atlantan Stacey Chavis to moderate our Black History Month panel touching on all these issues and more! Our upcoming NDTC Expert Q&A: Black Voices for Grassroots Change is on Thursday, February 15 at 1pm ET.

I love our Expert Q&A events because they’re truly unique within our offerings of day-to-day training programs. They’re real, focused, and candid conversations among experts and campaign veterans.

In celebrating Black History Month, we’ll be joined by Black leaders including Mondale RobinsonKimberlyn Carter, and Tequila Johnson on our expert panel.

We welcome – in fact we encourage – you to bring your burning questions to this crucial panel. Overarching topics including how to combat voter suppression and misinformation campaigns, on top of ways to center Black priorities in your own planning and field efforts.

We want to see you here next week! Be sure to register for this important Q&A panel event coming up on Thursday, February 15 at 1pm ET.

I hope you’ll join us (and bring your questions!)

James J.
NDTC Marketing Team

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

08. February 2024 · Comments Off on 8th LD News Conference SB 5770, February 8, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Recent Events

Dear friends and neighbors, 

The worst bill before the Legislature this year is Senate Bill 5770, which will triple the allowable annual growth rate of your local property taxes. This means local governments would be able to increase your property taxes by up to 3% WITHOUT VOTER APPROVAL. This will cost hardworking taxpayers $6 billion over 12 years and would compound from there.

You, me, and the citizens of Washington State know that we are in an affordable housing crisis and this legislation will only exacerbate it.  It needs to be clear, should the majority party pass this legislation, your property taxes will increase, your rents for both homes and apartments will rise.  Food, fuel, and housing are already expensive enough, this is the wrong policy at absolutely the worst time.

The members of the Senate Republican Caucus strongly oppose SB 5770.

More than 9,300 people signed in to testify on SB 5770 when it was heard in committee. More than 92% OPPOSED increasing their property taxes.

Senate Democrats plan to run the bill on the Senate floor later in the day.

We will hold a news conference at 9:30 a.m., Thursday, Feb. 8 in the Senate Rules Room on the 2nd floor of the Legislative Building on the Capitol Campus in Olympia.

You are invited to attend and join us in opposing the bill. The people deserve to be heard.

You can also watch it live on our Facebook and X accounts. @WashingtonSRC


Sen. Matt Boehnke

02. February 2024 · Comments Off on WSDCC Wrap-up February 2, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Recent Events


Hello Democrats and happy Friday!

Thank you to everyone who joined us for our terrific State Committee Meeting in Bellingham last weekend! It was a privilege to meet with Party Leaders from across the state and we were thrilled to get folks trained up and ready to roll on delegate selection for this Summer’s Convention!

We were also excited to have the opportunity to introduce our Party leaders and volunteers to new members of our Coordinated Campaign team and help kickstart what are sure to be positive, productive relationships across the State!

Cheers to our great Democratic team – we have a lot of work to do this year but I’m confident that together, we can win the most competitive races statewide and build an even more Democratic Washington!

Save the Date! Grassroots Happy Hour on 2/15 in Olympia!

Democrats are off to a running start in 2024 – but we need your support and investment to launch and scale a massive Coordinated Campaign to help every candidate on the ballot win this November!

We need everyone to get engaged now if we want our best chance at victory – and I wanted to personally invite you to an exciting event we’re building next month to fuel our statewide efforts.

Please join us at Octapas Cafe in Olympia on Thursday, February 15th for a special happy hour with Democratic legislators, Democratic Party leaders, and top Party partners, to discuss the exciting legislative session and all our hard work to support Democrats in 2024!

We’re also incredibly thankful to Lt. Governor Denny Heck for sponsoring this event and making it possible for us to gather as a party. Next time you see him or his staff, please thank him for us for his commitment to civil discourse and engagement with the legislative process.

You can RSVP online here – and please direct all question and sponsorship inquiries to joebarden@wa-democrats.org.

We hope you can make it!

Democrats in the News

Generative AI: Inslee executive order prepares Washington for opportunities, challenges

Generative artificial intelligence has the potential to change the world, but it also presents ethical concerns

Senator Murray Speaks on Senate Floor About Her Longtime Fight to Make Summer Nutrition Benefits Permanent—Summer EBT Program She Delivered Takes Effect This Year

507,000 children in Washington state will benefit from permanent summer grocery benefits program based on Murray’s original legislation; Murray led the fight for over a decade to make Summer EBT a permanent reality to end child summer hunger

In the wake of 2022 losses, Suzan DelBene eyes a comeback for House Democrats

The head of the DCCC prefers to work behind the scenes and is using a new leadership style to hopefully set the stage for future Democratic wins

Keep in touch, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for all you do!

With gratitude,

Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democratic Party

The work we do today wins elections tomorrow. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in every race and every place in Washington state, invest in our efforts and make a contribution now. 

Want to support our work year round? Join Blue Washington, our monthly giving program! It is the most effective way to help candidates, volunteers, organizers, activists, and staff because it gives us the certainty we need to scale up our program with confidence. Your monthly investment ensures we can defend our strong legislative majorities, flip key congressional seats from red to blue, and fight for progressive values. Help us lead the way to victories at all levels of government today!

Washington State Democrats
PO Box 4027
Seattle, WA 98194
United States