04. August 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – August 1, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

If you’re reading this – you’ve been a part of our impact up and down ballots everywhere

And we just launched our new NDTC Impact page to show everyone exactly what you’ve been a part of. Here, you’ll find all of our important victories and endorsements since our very first training in 2016.

We hope this inspires you to continue towards your goals, whether you’re a local party volunteer or a candidate in your own community.

[Special Partner Event] So You Want to Run for Office: AAPI Edition with Public Wise
Tuesday, August 8 at 1pm ET

We’re partnering with our friends from Public Wise, the leading organization dedicated to building multiracial representation in Democratic politics, to bring you a special Asian American and Pacific Islander focused So You Want to Run for Office training

Intended for individuals who identify as AAPI, this training will provide a broad overview of why you should run for office and initial considerations. Led by trainer Salim Shariff, you’ll walk away with a more tangible idea of whether running is right for you!

What is Get Out the Vote?
Thursday, August 10 at 1pm ET

Before it’s time to hit the ground running in the “get out the vote” phase of your campaign, it’s important to refresh yourself on the key principles and goals of this campaign period.

Examine real-life case studies, GOTV best practices, and review the components of making a plan in this essential training.

How Local Parties Prepare for GOTV
Monday, August 14 at 1pm ET

Calling local party leaders, volunteers, and staff! This training takes the most valuable GOTV principles and applies them to the local party level.

Local parties are a quintessential part of GOTV and work in conjunction with individual campaigns. This training provides a roadmap for ways to get involved, how to execute GOTV goals, and how to stay realistic with your projections.

NDTC Expert Q&A: Climate Change at the Local Level
Thursday, August 17 at 1pm ET

This month’s NDTC Expert Q&A is tackling an issue that affects every American: climate change. While this topic can often feel abstract, or even too large to begin tackling as individual communities, it’s important that Democrats lead the charge on addressing climate issues by offering solutions and rallying support.

Join a panel of experts as they discuss ways to discuss climate change locally, plus calls to action for effective climate-based organizing.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

03. August 2023 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus -Better Practices – August 2023 · Categories: Committee News, Recent Events

ARC August Better Practices

August Schedule

6:30 pm Thursday 3 August
 Better Practices 

Advocacy: How to be effective in Olympia
Dean Takko
Brian Blake


Better Practices

Advocacy: How to be effective in Olympia
Dean Takko
Brian Blake


Advocacy: Fit into Legislator Calculus?

Legislating is hard work. Emoting and passionate rhetoric may help set the agenda. Getting something actually done, though, not so much. We tend to underestimate the skills politicians bring to the legislature. Legislators need subject knowledge, sure, but they also need social skills and comfort using them.

Rural Democrats, especially, do not go into their caucus with a ready-made majority. They need first to persuade their urban colleagues. Often their urban colleagues will have no life knowledge of rural concerns. Rural Democrats need to win at least twice: In their own caucus first and then in committee and on the floor.

Why is this important to those of us aspiring to be effective advocates? Because we need to fit into the legislators’ world, their calculus. We need to do our own homework. Most of us don’t bother. And we are not particularly effective.

This is all me speculating. Join Brian and Dean Thursday to get the blood behind these dry words.

31 July 2023

Effective Advocacy, or just feel good?

When was the last time you received an email from your go-to 501C(3) asking you to push a button and send an urgent message to your legislator? About 15 minutes ago?

You felt good if you did push that button and signed the form letter. Your voice was heard. But how loud? Will it have anything to do with the solicitation letter that you will receive tomorrow?

On Thursday 3 August we are going to talk to Dean Takko and Brian Blake about what works to get legislation passed. And about what just makes us feel good.

Senator Takko and Representative Blake served LD 19 until the 2020 election when LD 19 shifted red. They know the inside game.

COVID had the good effect of pushing public testimony to legislative committees out to us. We could compose 60 seconds of persuasive text, Zoom in to the legislature and wait for our turn. If the committee ran out of time, we could always email copy of our text to the committee.

 I have done this. I have testified remotely on behalf of ARC…the Lorraine Loomis Act, EFSEC authority, Rural Commission, Cap-and-Invest, Clean Fuels, DOT-owned rail in Whitman County, Capital Gains tax, and so forth.

Was my testimony taken seriously? I mean did anyone recognize my arguments and their nuance? Or did a staffer put me in the Pro, Con, or Other box and report a count?

The count probably was not so important anyway up against the conversations I might have had with my local legislator. But usually did not.

Dean and Brian can help us understand what mechanisms we can use to counter the personal, day-to-day contact our legislators have with full-time paid lobbyists or local elected county commissioners or city council people, or simply their friends.

Personal networking, consistent messaging, setting the agenda early, neutralizing opposition, and solid homework…these work in our daily lives. Is it any different in the Legislature?

Join us. Share your experiences. Ask Dean and Brian for insight.

25 July 2023

Three notes from our LD 7 conversation:

  1. Kathie Schutte reported that levies pass in Pend Oreille County’s three school districts. Schools are a point of local convergence.
  2. Anne Udaloy said that all candidates are running against Seattle. And Brian Blake talked about folks in Seattle demonizing rural values. Tribal identities are points of state-wide divergence.
  3. Brian Blake rhetorically posed “What would Democrats elected in LD 7 do differently than the current Republicans?” What’s our answer?

Policy Briefing

Have  you read about the flood of passport applications? I think most of Washington State is on the move next month. We will resume our Policy Briefings in September with opioids in rural Washington, and October we will take up community newspapers.

25 July 2023

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2023.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2023. 

Copyright © 2023 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
28. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 28, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

This August, we’re getting you out to GOTV trainings! 📋🚪

All month long, we’re hosting trainings that will cover the ins and outs of get out the vote (GOTV) strategies for winning campaigns and parties. Learn how the prep work you did in volunteer recruitment and field data translates into voter outreach ahead of Election Day.

See below for a preview of our upcoming slate of events!

Running in a Red District 
Tuesday, August 1 at 1pm ET

When your race or election is in a conservative area, your GOTV strategy needs to adjust!

This foundational training will go through principles of relational organizing so that you can turn out as many voters as possible in your community. Plus, learn how to tell your personal story on the trail to connect with voters and volunteers.

[Special Partner Event] So You Want to Run for Office: AAPI Edition with Public Wise
Tuesday, August 8 at 1pm ET

We’re thrilled to partner once again with Public Wise, the leading organization in Democratic politics focused on multiracial leadership up and down the ballot.

Intended for individuals who identify as AAPI, this training will provide a broad overview of why you should run for office and initial considerations. Led by trainer Salim Shariff, you’ll walk away with a more tangible idea of whether running is right for you!

What is Get Out the Vote?
Thursday, August 10 at 1pm ET

Maybe we’re mentioning all this stuff about “GOTV” and you’re still not quite sure what that means. This training is for you!

Providing the best overview, this training will walk you through the purpose of GOTV and how it fits in the campaign cycle overall. You’ll also examine real-life successful case studies in executing the GOTV phase successfully.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

26. July 2023 · Comments Off on Indivisible Rural – July 26, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Join us for the July Rural Caucus Call!

To the best rural activists east and west of the Mississippi,

First of all, thank you all so much for your kind words and understanding after our technical difficulties last month. It means a lot to us that we’re surrounded by such wonderful folks, and the fact that we couldn’t see you last month means we’re even more hyped to see you for our July call. 

Part of what makes the Rural Caucus so special is that we’re all curious people. We like to learn and innovate in our field, hear other people’s stories, and implement the best of the best practices. That’s why this month, we’re wrapping up our first Rural Caucus Summer Book Club reading of Jane Kleeb’s, Harvest the Vote. This discussion about advocacy and organizing for rural change will not just be about knowledge, but how we put these lessons into practice as we move into the fall. But this discussion will also be guided by you, AND by Jane Kleeb herself. That’s right, we have the author of Harvest the Vote with us to chat about the book. 

As the dog days of summer get hotter and hotter, we invite you to unwind and join us for a refreshing conversation with author, Jane Kleeb!

Register now for an amazing evening with the Raucous Caucus!

 We can’t wait to see y’all there!

Indivisible’s Rural Caucus (Natalie, Cameron, Molly, Scott and Rachelle)

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

21. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 21, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Happy “Barbenheimer” weekend to all who celebrate, but for when you get back…

…check out some of our upcoming trainings, covering a range of topics to help you make your volunteer team as fantastic as life in plastic!

What is a Democratic Precinct Chair
Monday, July 24 at 1pm ET

It’s back – one of our most requested trainings! A precinct chair is the linchpin of your campaign’s field strategy. And your local Democratic Party will play a huge role in how you strategize around various precincts in your community.

This 1.5 hour training will go over key ways to engage your local party, organizing in non-electoral cycles, and provide a general, comprehensive overview of ways to work with your local party to find the most success. Whether you’re just interested in local politics or running yourself, we recommend every Democrat go through this training!

Running in a Red District 
Tuesday, August 1 at 1pm ET

Did you know that a majority of people who use NDTC tools work or run in conservative, red districts?

And that’s awesome – it means Democrats like you are stepping up to provide a voice to voters in your community and alternatives to right-wing politics.

This training is the best overview of considerations for running a campaign in a red district, from ways to prioritize swing voters to strategies for canvassing. Learn more about relational organizing, precinct prioritization, and more.

[Special Partner Event] So You Want to Run for Office: AAPI Edition with Public Wise
Tuesday, August 8 at 1pm ET

In partnership with Public Wise, this training will celebrate and encourage Asian American representation in Democratic politics!

With a focus on the unique challenges and opportunities for AAPI candidates, our expert trainer will cover the ins and outs of making the decision to run and for what office. Whether you’re already gearing up to run or have maybe only considered it, this training is for you!

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

20. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 20, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Hey there — It’s been just over one year since the Dobbs decision, which greenlit states’ abilities to overturn safe, legal abortion access.

Yet in states across the country, referendums to enshrine these rights continue to gain broad support.

What does this mean? Progressives need to keep the momentum of pro-choice support. We have the power to reverse course and further reproductive freedom!

But it all begins with talking about these issues on the ground with voters. That’s why we’re thrilled to host an interactive panel dedicated to talking about abortion and reproductive rights.

Join NDTC on Thursday, July 20 for a special NDTC Expert Q&A: Messaging Around Reproductive Rights & Abortion. This event will give you actionable strategies for discussing these issues in your campaigns and work.

Fighting for reproductive justice must be a focus of our work if we ever want to build a truly inclusive bench of progressive elected officials.

That’s why we invited our panelists, experts in research and messaging, to share their own experiences. The goal of this event is to learn from one another and even take some of your questions on action steps to center and defend reproductive choice and bodily autonomy.

This conversation is an essential one. Join us on Thursday, July 20 at 1pm ET as our panelists dig into combating misinformation and conveying a strong commitment to abortion rights.

We sincerely hope you’ll join us on July 20.

— The NDTC Team

19. July 2023 · Comments Off on Emerge Boot Camp – July 2023 update · Categories: Recent Events

It’s not too late to apply for the 2023 Southern Regional Boot Camp! To accommodate the flurry of inquiries we received late last week, we are extending the deadline until Wednesday, July 19th! The boot camp is open to self-identified Democratic women and non-binary folks who are running in 2023 or thinking about running in 2024 and want to get a headstart on their campaign. The Boot Camp will train you on the fundamentals of running a successful campaign, including campaign strategy, message creation, and fundraising. You’ll also become part of a powerful network of alumni pushing for progress at every level, from local school boards to the U.S. Congress.

While applications from Southern states will be prioritized, we encourage candidates from across the country to apply. Your voice matters, and we want to hear from you!

Don’t let this additional opportunity to apply pass you by. Submit your application by Wednesday, July 19th, to seize this incredible opportunity.

Best regards,

Melissa Watson Ward

Deputy Affiliate Director

P.S. The ultimate compliment is telling an inspiring woman in your life she should run for office. Forward this message to someone who should run in 2023 or 2024! 

Empowering Democratic women to run – and win!

818 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 450
Washington, DC 20006

16. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 18, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Just touching base — Our panel event on messaging about abortion and reproductive rights is this Thursday.

We’re bringing together a stellar panel of folks to discuss ways you can talk about abortion in your communities. Additionally, we’ll cover ways to combat misinformation and dangerous right-wing rhetoric.

We truly encourage every Democrat to register for this event. An NDTC Expert Q&A is more than just a training. It’s a chance to engage in conversation with a community of fellow progressives and hear from experts in the field. Will you sign up to join us?

Now let’s meet our amazing panelists!

Ashley Aylward is a Research Manager at HIT Strategies, where she specializes in policing reform, reproductive justice, and young voters.

Rachel Sweet has worked on a variety of issue campaigns, including policy at Planned Parenthood and as a campaign manager with Protect Kentucky Access.

And moderator Allyson Raines currently serves as NDTC’s COO. Allyson brings years of operations experience at Planned Parenthood, and is a fierce advocate for reproductive freedom.

We sincerely hope you’ll join us on Thursday.

— The NDTC Team

14. July 2023 · Comments Off on Emerge Boot Camp – July 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Emerge has trained over 5,500 women who are changing the status quo – fighting for LGBTQ+ rights, reproductive justice, fair access to higher education, and a robust democracy. And now, we are looking for the next generation of women to train so they can win. 

The Emerge Boot Camp training is designed to support women as they face the challenges of running for office, and has helped over a thousand individuals get elected. 

Applications for the Emerge Southern Regional Candidate Boot Camp are open now through July 14th. We need your help to recruit our next class of women of the New American Majority who are leading change across the country.

Boot Camp participants learn the fundamentals of running a campaign, including campaign strategy, building a winning team, and fundraising. They also join a powerful network of alumni who are pushing for progress in their communities, from their local school board all the way to the U.S. Congress. 

But time is running out! The deadline to apply for the Boot Camp is fast approaching, and you don’t want to miss this opportunity to apply, or share this with someone who should run for office in 2023 or 2024. While applications from Southern states will be prioritized in the selection process, we’re accepting applications from across the country.

Applications are due on Friday, July 14th, so apply now!

The ultimate compliment is telling an inspiring woman in your life she should run for office. Forward this message to someone who should run in 2023 or 2024! 

Empowering Democratic women to run – and win!

818 Connecticut Ave NW
Suite 450
Washington, DC 20006