Just touching base — Our panel event on messaging about abortion and reproductive rights is this Thursday.
We’re bringing together a stellar panel of folks to discuss ways you can talk about abortion in your communities. Additionally, we’ll cover ways to combat misinformation and dangerous right-wing rhetoric.
We truly encourage every Democrat to register for this event. An NDTC Expert Q&A is more than just a training. It’s a chance to engage in conversation with a community of fellow progressives and hear from experts in the field. Will you sign up to join us?
Now let’s meet our amazing panelists!
Ashley Aylward is a Research Manager at HIT Strategies, where she specializes in policing reform, reproductive justice, and young voters.
Rachel Sweet has worked on a variety of issue campaigns, including policy at Planned Parenthood and as a campaign manager with Protect Kentucky Access.
And moderator Allyson Raines currently serves as NDTC’s COO. Allyson brings years of operations experience at Planned Parenthood, and is a fierce advocate for reproductive freedom.
We sincerely hope you’ll join us on Thursday.
— The NDTC Team