20. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 20, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hello! My name is Peter Ferguson! As you can see, I am a cat. 🐾  My human dad is Bob Ferguson — and he’s running for Governor of Washington!

It’s my dream to become Washington’s First Cat

On the screen behind me in this photo is Katherine. She’s in charge of Dad’s fundraising. She told me that the whole team is working hard to reach a big goal right now, and they’re counting on folks like you to pitch in.

Look — all I really know about money is that you can use it to get salmon treats. Apparently, it’s also pretty important if you want to win a campaign for Governor.

That’s why I’m taking a break from finding a warm lap to send this email. My dad isn’t just an amazing cat dad — he’s a problem solver, a proven fighter for Washingtonians, and unafraid to take on special interests.

Can you help my Dad win this competitive race for Governor by chipping in whatever you can now? We need all paws on deck!

Time to take a cat nap. Talk to you later,

🐾Peter the Cat

P.S. Want to follow the campaign from my perspective? I have an Instagram page! Click here to follow along.

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
19. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris March 19, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Looking for Saturday plans? Join us THIS Saturday, March 23rd to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi! We hope to see you there!

 I’m Roohi, the Biden-Harris 2024 National Organizing Director! When Campaign Manager Julie Chavez Rodriguez asked me to join this fight to reelect Joe and Kamala, I couldn’t say yes fast enough.

Let me tell you why.

This year, organizing is not just an important part of our campaign’s strategy — it’s central to getting out President Biden and Vice President Harris’s story of progress.

In 2020, volunteers across the country had conversations with voters, reached out to key communities, and empowered folks to take action, all from their living rooms and kitchen tables. That kind of collective power is even more essential this year, in an election that will determine the future of our democracy and fundamental freedoms.

As the first LGBTQ person and first woman of color in this role, this election is deeply personal to me.

I grew up in community organizing, where you can’t just turn away from your neighbor or city official — you have to face every campaign and every election, from school board races to federal elections, with empathy and understanding. Because empathy wins races and builds power.

There are no two people more empathetic than Joe Biden and Kamala Harris. They listen to the stories core to each and every one of us, and they’ve always fought to change lives for the better. They face difficult moments with an unwavering desire to do what’s right by the American people and they’ve led on the progress we’ve made on health care, infrastructure, and so much more.

That’s why I’m on board with Joe and Kamala, and why I’m thrilled to be organizing to keep them in the White House. But the only way that we can build a strong, winning campaign is if folks like you join us.

So, I’m excited to personally invite you to celebrate the 14th anniversary of the Affordable Care Act with President Joe Biden, President Barack Obama, and Speaker Emerita Nancy Pelosi, happening THIS Saturday, March 23, at 12 p.m. ET!

I’m so excited to work alongside you this year. Trust me when I say that none of this work is possible without folks like you on our team.

When we organize, we win. Thank you for all you do.

More soon,


Roohi Rustum
National Organizing Director, Biden-Harris 2024

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.

19. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 19, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hi, it’s been a busy few weeks on the campaign trail, so I wanted to take a moment to share with you what I’ve been up to. But before I do, can I count on you to make a grassroots contribution today to help keep me on the road meeting with Washingtonians in their communities?

As I’ve said before, my favorite part of this campaign so far has been traveling our beautiful state and connecting directly with folks.

Recently, I had the opportunity to speak with the change-makers at the non-profit association, Tabor 100, in Tukwila and celebrate the API New Year at the Asia Pacific Cultural Center’s 26th Annual event in Tacoma.

It’s been incredible to see Washingtonians connect so deeply with our shared vision for a brighter future where equality and truth triumph over hate and conspiracy theories. I’m grateful for this grassroots team because, without your support, I wouldn’t be able to spend so much time on the campaign trail.

So that’s why I have to ask today: can you chip in $10, $39, or more to keep me on the road traveling Washington and helping grow our people-powered campaign’s momentum?

Thank you for your continued support!

— Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


19. March 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, March 19, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

The time is now. In the face of worsening climate change, we need a leader who will deliver for our communities. 

In order to protect our lands and waters and make sure the Department of Natural Resources is working for the benefit of all Washingtonians, we need a leader who will prioritize climate justice and the diverse needs of people across our state.

That leader is me. 

If you agree, could you donate $25, $50, $100 or more today?

Together, we can show people across our state that we are ready for bold, Progressive, and practical ways of stewarding our public lands. I have put real thought into how I’ll serve as your next Commissioner of Public Lands. I will lead the DNR by putting people first because people drive environmental policy. I am the only candidate with a track record of governing on these issues. But I can’t do this without you.

Winning a statewide election requires building coalitions in every corner of these beautiful lands and in different communities with different priorities. It also takes resources. By donating today, you’ll help me get our shared vision to people across the state — people looking for answers to the questions: How can we manage lands in other ways? How can we be in better relationship with Tribal Nations? How can we be climate and fire resilient? Together, we can set new standards for how our lands are managed and how we steward our forests, protect our waters, and ensure we all have clean air.


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

18. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Cantwell for US Senator – March 18, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Maria has long been a steward of environmental conservation in Washington. New technology to protect our whale population was recently launched in Seattle, made possible by legislation Maria authored.

It creates a real-time traffic alert system that will operate 24/7, allowing mariners to have actual real-time data about the location of orca whales. This new tool will go a long way in protecting critical orca populations while keeping our economy moving at the same time.

Orcas are a beloved icon of the Pacific Northwest, and an important part of our ecosystem. Washington needs a Senator who defends our vulnerable species and natural resources – will you pitch in to keep Maria in the Senate leading this work?

 Maria knows that Washingtonians care deeply about orcas, coastal ecosystems, and the communities that depend on them.

That’s why she’s continuing to champion projects like this whale tracking technology, which will provide us with the necessary data for long-term protection and restoration of our beloved orca populations.

We need Maria’s leadership in the Senate to keep this progress going. Rush in $10 to help re-elect a champion of environmental conservation →

Thanks for your support.

– Cantwell HQ

18. March 2024 · Comments Off on Indivisible WIN Redistricting April 6, 2024 · Categories: Elections, Recent Events

If you are concerned with fair representation in Washington state, we invite you to join Washington Indivisible Network (WIN) for a People First Redistricting presentation and Q&A on Saturday, April 6th – 10:30am-12pm on zoom.

The Soto Palmer v Hobbs Federal lawsuit declared a Yakima Valley district (LD15) discriminatory towards Latino voters. Redrawing this district may force the re.drawing of 12 additional legislative districts in central Washington. The State has deferred to the courts to draw the maps. The new maps must be finalized by March 25th.

Join Alison McCaffree, from the LWV, to learn more about the change in the boundaries and how we can make systematic changes to the redistricting process that assure communities have the best chance to elect the representative of their choosing in the future.

People First Redistricting 

April 6th from 10:30-12pm


Hannah Oliver 
Senior Regional Organizer
Pronouns: They/Them

The Indivisible Project is a registered 501(c)(4). Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide.

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

17. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – March 17, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Have you heard the breaking news? As the result of a Voting Rights Act lawsuit, the 14th District boundaries were redrawn by a judge.

I applaud the court’s decision to adopt new, fair maps in LD 14. For years, Latino voters have been subject to partisan gerrymandering by the redistricting commission and have not had an equal opportunity to elect candidates of their choice to the state legislature. This is a historic and unifying win for our community. I look forward to meeting all of the new constituents of the 14th and engaging in meaningful conversations about our shared future. I want to thank previous and current voting rights leaders, who for generations have worked tirelessly to get us here.

Here’s why this new district is such big news: This new 14th District is majority Latino for the first time ever, it’s a district where Democrats have won in the past, and there is no incumbent. This means that my campaign has a chance to make history and flip the 14th District senate seat and elect the 14th’s first Democratic Latina Senator! 

But I can’t do this without you! The court’s decision gives our campaign a major boost and provides us with a level playing field.

However, that alone is not enough to ensure our success. We need to reach out to voters, inform them about our campaign, and encourage voter turnout. Accomplishing this will be an expensive task.

If you can contribute $14, $54, or $114 today, it would help our campaign continue gaining momentum. To contribute online, click here!

This is a huge opportunity to make history in the 14th District. If you’re unable to contribute at this time, please consider forwarding this email to your friends and family. I know that with the support of this community, we can be successful in November.

Thank you for your consideration,

Maria Beltran
Candidate for Washington State Senate, 14th District

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011

Yakima, WA  98907

17. March 2024 · Comments Off on Biden-Harris March 17,2024 · Categories: Elections

Remember how you felt the day after Donald Trump was elected president in 2016. Remember walking around in disbelief and fear of what was to come. And remember time and time again how those fears were realized over the next four years.

Now, remember how you felt after Joe Biden was elected president in 2020. Remember the relief knowing that we didn’t have to deal with Trump in office any longer and the hope you felt that we were getting America back on track.

We can’t go back.

We can’t go back to the way we all felt when Trump was elected.

It might be wild to think, but you — yes you, Kendall — have a role in making sure we win. The work we need to do to keep Joe and Kamala in the White House is quite literally funded by folks like you making the decision that we can’t go back… we can only go forward.

We don’t expect anyone to donate every day, but with Joe and Kamala facing millions in attack ads, they’re counting on you to make today the day. That’s why we’re asking:

Will you chip in $25 or more now to the Biden-Harris reelection campaign? So much is at stake in this race, and we can’t defeat Trump again without you.

Thank you. You are securing the future of our country with your support. That’s the truth.

Team Biden-Harris

15. March 2024 · Comments Off on Steve Hobbs For Secretary of State, March 15, 2024 · Categories: Elections


In the last 10 days, I’ve had not one, but two MAGA Republican opponents file to challenge me in 2024. 

Bob Hagglund and Dale Whitaker

In 2022, Mr. Hagglund made clear his belief that “voter fraud” existed during the 2020 presidential election, buying into Trump’s Big Lie. At the same time, Mr. Whitaker’s deeply conservative organization – We Believe, We Vote – tends to offer glowing ratings to anti-choice candidates.

This week, the Democratic Association of Secretaries of State said, “Bob Hagglund would be a disaster for voting rights in Washington if elected. He has said that his first priority if elected would be implementing voter ID laws – despite research showing that they strongly discriminate against communities of color. He has even cast doubt on the 2020 election results, throwing his hat in with the most dangerous, radical elements of the Republican Party.”

With views this extreme, Mr. Hagglund and Mr. Whitaker must be kept as far away from the Office of the Secretary of State as possible. 

As your Secretary of State, I’m proud of the progress we’ve made over the last three years. Because of your support, we’ve added sophisticated cybersecurity systems to prevent election intrusion and interference, we’ve strengthened public libraries, and we’ve expanded democracy by making it easier for eligible voters to cast a ballot.

To defend this office I will need your support. I would greatly appreciate your contribution below to ensure we keep Washington moving forward, and to reject the MAGA agenda. 

Thank you,


Friends of Steve Hobbs · 3309 114th Dr NE · Lake Stevens, WA 98258-8787 · USA