07. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 7, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

We’re back on our💩, talking Porta Potties once again. They might not be sexy, but Porta Potties are critical infrastructure when you’re hosting any kind of mass mobilization!

We’re gonna need Porta Potties. Again. That’s why we’re asking you to help us get sh!t done by chipping in to fund a Porta Potty >>>

So, if you can, please throw a few bucks to our Get Sh!t Done Porta Potty Fund (AKA, the Porta Potty Piggy Bank). It might not be the most glamorous act of philanthropy you’ve ever been involved in, but I promise you it will make a HUGE difference for our marchers! And if you’re planning to join us in Washington, DC just ask yourself: Will I ever need to go?

We are SO grateful for everything you do!

Women’s March

06. March 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU – March 6, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

Results from Super Tuesday are in, and the risk is clear: If the general election were held today, Donald Trump could be elected as our next president.

When Trump talks about his authoritarian plans for a second term, we take these threats seriously. We have the battle-tested playbook to take on his unconstitutional policies in court and win – and we’re ready to mount an even bigger resistance than last time.

We’ll do whatever it takes to protect our rights. That’s why we’re showing this video on primetime and across the web to make it clear: No one, including Donald Trump, is above the law. Watch now – then share with your community to help build our movement.

The power of the ACLU is rooted in our community. Supporters like you, ACLU Supporter, who understand what’s at stake and believe in the power of fighting for what’s right. That’s why we’re sharing this video message with you today and across all our channels too. To not only mobilize activists like you as we near November but also remind you of our mission – and our pledge to you: No matter where our rights are being threatened, we will show up to fight back.

We made good on that promise throughout Trump’s disastrous first term, filing over 400 lawsuits to preserve our democracy – and if he takes office again, we’ll show up even stronger.

In fact, no matter who is in the Oval Office, we’ll use the full firepower of the ACLU to defend our most fundamental rights. We’re ready for any president.

Share our video with your friends, family, and beyond to spread the word about our resistance.

For all our rights,

The ACLU Team

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA

06. March 2024 · Comments Off on Invest in Washington Now – March 6, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

In this issue: 

  • Estimates show capital gains tax repeal [I-2109] draining billions from Washington budget
  • Tax evasion by millionaires and billionaires tops $150 billion a year, says IRS chief
  • It’s no secret our tax system punishes low-income people. It doesn’t have to.
  • Do high taxes on our rich make any sense? (Yes, they do.)
  • Where the rich got richer in the Seattle area

Good news and bad news this week. First, state lawmakers listened to us and refused to adopt I-2109, an initiative to cut billions from education, childcare, and early learning by giving a tax break to the mega-rich. 

That’s great news. Lawmakers refused to put the needs of fewer than 4,000 wealthiest people above the needs of millions of Washington students, parents, and young children. They sent I-2109 onto us, the voters, for November’s ballot. 

Now the bad news: I-2109 still has a chance. Polling shows Washingtonians would reject this initiative if they had to vote on it today. But November is a long way off, and the hedge-fund millionaire behind I-2109 has already spent $6 million just to get it, and others, on the ballot.

We won’t sit still. We must let everyone know that I-2109 will:

  • cut more than $5 billion  from much needed education and childcare, reducing the workforce and impacting Washington’s economy
  • increase tax pressure on people with low and middle incomes, who already pay up to 6 times more of their incomes on sales and property taxes than the super rich do. 

Want to find out what you can do to help? Join our Rapid Response Team now. 


“A proposal headed to voters to repeal Washington’s capital gains tax would knock roughly a billion dollars a year from the state budget, money that would otherwise go to early learning and child care programs and school construction, according to new state estimates.

Initiative 2109 is on track to appear on this November’s ballot. It would repeal the 7% tax on capital gains over $262,000 (up from $250,000 for taxes due last year). During the 2025 fiscal year, which begins July 1, a projected $913 million would evaporate from the state’s budget if the tax were nixed. Between $941 million and $1.09 billion would disappear during fiscal years 2026 to 2029, according to the estimates, prepared by the state Department of Revenue.

To put that number in perspective, the state’s operating budget, which covers most day-to-day government operations, public schools and state colleges and universities, is around $69 billion. Sen. June Robinson, D-Everett, wrote the capital gains tax bill that the Legislature approved in 2021. If it’s repealed, it is a big hole in the budget, said Robinson, chair of the Senate Ways and Means Committee. We’re going to have to come back next year and deal with that reality.

More – Bill Lucia, Washington State Standard

“The nation’s millionaires and billionaires are evading more than $150 billion a year in taxes, adding to growing government deficits and creating a lack of fairness in the tax system, according to the head of the Internal Revenue Service.  

Audits of taxpayers making more than $1 million a year fell by more than 80% over the last decade, while the number of taxpayers with income of $1 million jumped 50%, according to IRS statistics.

When I look at what we call our tax gap, which is the amount of money owed versus what is paid for, millionaires and billionaires that either don’t file or [are] underreporting their income, that’s $150 billion of our tax gap, Werfel said. There is plenty of work to be done.

More – Robert Frank, CNBC

“Especially at the state level, taxes worsen America’s yawning wealth gaps rather than easing them. Low-income taxpayer attorneys and other experts say clear paths exist for states to do better.

States can choose to alter their tax structure so it weighs less heavily on those who make less money. The reliance on sales taxes plays a big role in this inequity since they place a higher burden on lower-income residents. 

Another option? Data collection to better track how tax policies affect people by race and income, and to determine whether some practices are counterproductive. State revenue agencies handling tax collection don’t tend to track demographic data that can make clear how impacts differ by race. But it’s already apparent these disparities exist. People with less money pay a greater share of it in state and local taxes than wealthy residents, who are disproportionately white. 

By allowing this data to be collected, we can begin to look at how to dismantle the racism intrinsically woven into our tax system, and the race-related distributional impacts, said Creeana Bort, policy and advocacy organizer at the NAYA Action Fund.”

More – Maya Srikrishnan and Ashley Clarke, Mother Jones

“Jurisdictions that tax the rich, the standard conservative mantra goes, will always wind up watching their richest flee to jurisdictions that sensibly refuse to “soak the rich.” But right-wing harrumphing about the foolishness of raising taxes on the rich rests on a relative handful of high-profile anecdotes — like the Bezos windfall — that profoundly distort the actual tax-the-rich story.

So points out Cornell University sociologist Cristobal Young. Migration overwhelmingly occurs when people are establishing their careers. The wealthiest among us have oodles of business and social contacts that make them prominent, well-connected insiders where they live.

The numbers back up Young’s case. His research draws on data from the tax returns of every million-dollar income earner in every U.S. state over thirteen years, along with  Forbes global billionaire data. By the time people reach the peak of their careers — and enter the top tax brackets of their states and countries — many have become embedded elites. Places are sticky: When you achieve success in a place, it becomes harder to leave.

Right-wing champions of the richest among us simply ignore stats along this line. They continue to insist that taxes on the rich are running far too high in far too many places. Our actual tax-time reality: Taxes on our rich in no places are running high enough.”

More – Sam Pizzigati, Inequality.Org

“Four Seattle-area cities are among the top in the nation where the rich got richer in the last few years, according to an analysis of census data released last week. While Americans as a whole prospered during the pandemic, stock market booms primarily boosted the wealth of households at the top of the ladder.

Among 100 American cities with the highest mean household incomes, Bainbridge Island and Issaquah saw the largest percent increase between 2019 and 2022, per an analysis of 2022 American Community Survey data:

  • Bainbridge Island, with a mean household income of about $215,000 in 2022, saw the nation’s largest percent increase in mean household income, 48%, over three years, per the report.
  • Issaquah, with a mean 2022 household income of $196,000, saw a 43% increase in mean household income over the same three-year period.
  • Mercer Island, with a mean household income of $291,000 in 2022, showed a 29% increase, while Sammamish increased 24% to $262,000, per the report.”

More – Christine Clarridge, Axios

Join our Rapid Response Team!

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06. March 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU 2 – March 6, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

ACLU Supporter, as we continue to assess the results of Super Tuesday primaries yesterday, my team and I are already looking ahead.

I’ll be clear: Trump’s authoritarian plans would be catastrophic for our democracy, our essential freedoms, and every right you and I hold dear. He has been specific about exactly what his anti-immigrant, anti-trans, anti-abortion, anti-democracy agenda entails – and a second term threatens us all. Fears of irreparable threats to our democracy and freedoms are neither abstract nor hyperbolic.

But one thing I know is that terrifying as these threats are, despair and resignation are not a strategy. Our team right now is working relentlessly to fight for pro-civil liberty initiatives down the ballots. Meanwhile, our lawyers are working around the clock to stop voter suppression and protect your ability to vote safely.

With so much on the line this November, we also can’t afford to go into the general election unprepared. That’s why I’m already working with our team on our battle-tested playbook to ensure we are ready for ANY president – strengthening our legal strategy, consulting with our policy teams to make sure we stay one step ahead, and mobilizing organizers on the ground to fight back.

We’ve already faced a Trump presidency once – and while I share the fear of what a second term would entail, I know that we have the strategy to stop him. Trump and his allies may have spent the last four years plotting their revenge, but we’ve gotten stronger, too.

We know how to protect our communities – and we’re not afraid to do whatever it takes.

Here are just a few examples of how we’ve fought back:

  • We’ve taken 434 legal actions against the Trump Administration – defeating the worst proposed policies and delaying the implementation of others.
  • We helped reunite 3,200 families at the border – thanks to our unique reach, combined legal and grassroots strategy, and supporters like you.
  • In the years since Dobbs overturned Roe v. Wade, we’ve fought for – and won – major progress for abortion access at the ballot box.
  • And we continue to push for federal legislation reforming the Electoral Count Act, revitalizing the Voting Rights Act of 1965, and ensuring every eligible voter is fairly counted.

ACLU Supporter, the state of politics right now can be terrifying. But amidst the uncertainty, the ACLU has your back – and we have a plan to protect us all. Read more about how we can fight back here.

I’ve never been more grateful for the strength of our ACLU community. Together as voters, advocates, and lawyers, I know we can be ready for whatever November holds.


Anthony D. Romero
Pronouns: He, him, his
Executive Director, ACLU

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA

05. March 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – March 5, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


By now, most Tapback readers have likely heard about Wendy’s now-aborted plan to invest in new video display boards and introduce surge pricing. Or, as their CEO had announced it: “Beginning as early as 2025, we will begin testing more enhanced features like dynamic pricing and daypart offerings along with AI-enabled menu changes and suggestive selling.” And yeah, it’s more than a little ridiculous for Wendy’s, of all companies, to be hopping on the AI bandwagon, and no, corporate executives don’t need ChatGPT to tell them to charge people more money if they can get away with it.  

But despite the frosty reception, indulging in this kind of ridiculous announcement of a ridiculous tech initiative has long been a biggie at Wendy’s. For example: they claimed in 2017 they would soon replace tens of thousands of workers with ordering kiosks, claimed in 2021 that they had struck a deal with a parking lot company to open 700 delivery-only ghost kitchens, and claimed last year that they would partner with a company planning to build a national network of underground tubes to shoot hamburgers through “instant pickup portals.” It’s all nonsense, and after the initial publicity pushes, all of these claims have tended to fizzle out and go flat over time. But what made this latest announcement the most nonsense yet was that the company has now “clarified” that they would never institute surge pricing, nope, definitely not, why would you think that, was it something they said? No, see, what they were talking about was “dynamic” pricing, which is totally a completely different thing. Just don’t think about what you might call dynamic pricing when it makes prices dynamically go up when demand is high. 

Make it make sense.

would be guaranteed to workers in Kentucky if state bill HB500 passes into law. The bill, which already passed out of committee onto the House floor, would eliminate requirements that employers provide workers with rest and lunch breaks, but the sponsor of the bill has clarified that employers will still be allowed to choose to provide breaks if they feel like it

was paid last year to WG Kellogg CEO Gary Pilnick, who recently stoked a public backlash after bragging about how low-income consumers struggling with grocery store greedflation are boosting company sales because they’re increasingly eating cereal for dinner. When asked by a CNBC host whether this could “land the wrong way,” Pilnick insisted that “it’s landing really well right now” because “cereal for dinner is something that is probably more on trend now.”

of the Mississippi State House voted to expand Medicaid coverage to at least 200,000 more people in the state, with only 20 voting no. The state’s Governor remains strongly opposed to expanded Medicaid on the grounds that providing health care coverage amounts to “free stuff for everyone,” and, he continued, is exactly what Chuck Schumer, Nancy Pelosi, and Barack Obama would want.

Food has become increasingly expensive since the pandemic, as greedflation has hit hard in the highly concentrated market for grocery products. In fact, as the chart below showsthe cost of food is now taking up 11.3% of household spending — a 30-year high which is felt all the more sharply because it comes just a few years after an all-time low.

While it’s well-known that grocery prices are up significantly in the past few years, the data shows that a big part of the increase in food costs is due to the fact that consumers are spending a record high share of their incomes on dining out, the cost of which is also up. Increasing prices are painful, and when you spend more on food, it takes away from other forms of consumer spending and investment. But some context is also in order: despite the significant uptick since the pandemic, food still consumes a far smaller share of household incomes than it did in the 1980s, 1970s, 1960s, or earlier

Last week’s joint announcement by Starbucks and the baristas’ union could be a historic breakthrough: Starbucks would be the first major company in the service sector to negotiate a new union contract in decades. And while the move came after thousands of workers organized for years to overcome an aggressive multimillion-dollar anti-union campaign by the company, nobody seems to have any good explanation for what triggered the company to make such a big concession. (And this is despite the large number of think pieces that the brief announcement has already triggered.)

On the one hand, that makes a lot of sense: it’s hardest to attribute decisions like this in the present tense, when so much pride and ego are still at stake for so many of the parties involved. But it’s also a reminder to take a similar perspective when looking at previous historical breakthroughs like the railroad strikes of the late 19th century or the sit-down strikes of the 1930s. It’s easy to look back at these kinds of things and digest them into historical inevitabilities, but what if it was just as unclear at the time why these things worked as it is today about why the Starbucks campaign seems to have worked? Look back on a set of events when you know the outcome, and it’s easy to see everything that happened as leading to that point of victory. But it can be more instructive to hold on to how mysterious major breakthroughs can be. And to remember that history isn’t things that happen to us, it’s things we do.

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

05. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 5, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

It’s Women’s History Month, and we’re here to📣📣  wear it loud + proud!📣📣  

Check out our BRAND-NEW Women’s March gear for you to wear while mobilizing for the feminist future we deserve.

Be sure to order by midnight on March 6th if you want to rep your new feminist swag for our SCOTUS action on the 26th. 

And as always, every purchase you make from our shop fuels our work to harness the power of everyday women.


Women’s March

04. March 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU – March 4, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter, Super Tuesday is tomorrow – the 2024 election year is underway.

As we look toward November, one of our top priorities must be ensuring that every single eligible voter has the resources they need to cast a meaningful ballot at the polls.

And as millions go to the polls tomorrow to cast their vote in their state primary, we’re sharing three updates at the top of the week:

  • The John R. Lewis Voting Rights Advancement Act was reintroduced just last week. This legislation is our best chance to safeguard voters against racist voter suppression efforts and restore the Voting Rights Act to its full power. Read more about what’s at stake here.
  • While we advocate fiercely for voters on Capitol Hill, our lawyers also are fighting for voting rights in courtrooms nationwide – including two cases that went to trial this week in Mississippi and Kansas. In Mississippi, we’re challenging discriminatory state legislative district maps that dilute Black voters’ political power in MS. Similarly, in Dodge City, Kansas, we’re pushing back against the at-large voting system that deprives Latine voters of a meaningful chance to elect their preferred candidate to the city commission.
  • And federal elections like Tuesday’s primary will set the stage for ALL of our rights – including our current fight for reproductive freedom. Take Alabama’s latest devastating new ruling attacking IVF, for example,which you can learn more about here. The Alabama Supreme Court issued a decision that forced IVF providers across the state to halt services, leaving the families depending on these services in limbo.

This is another extreme step in the movement to restrict our access to reproductive health care – including access to birth control, abortion and miscarriage care, IVF, and more. We must elect federal lawmakers who reflect our values and are committed to protecting our reproductive freedom.

ACLU Supporter, for a truly fair, representative democratic process, it’s going to take major structural change – from federal protections for mail-in voting to guardrails against extreme racial gerrymandering, and everything in between. As we continue this critical work, we’re so grateful to supporters like you who enable us to keep fighting.

Thanks for all you do,

The ACLU Team

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA

02. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 2, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

There’s so much bullshit all around us that it can feel like we’re living in end times. We wanted to take a quick minute to celebrate two wins we saw this week. Thousands of you took to the streets, signed petitions, organzied, and put your bodies on the line to make this possible. Thank you. 

1) A state judge in Montana struck down 3 anti-abortion laws, naming them unconstitutional. 

2) Tens of thousands of you signed petitions to Walgreens and CVS demanding they sell Mifepristone in states where it’s legal…. and that’s what they did. 

We know these wins might feel small – and yes, we’re also asking why the fuck are we even here.

We know this isn’t the end of the fight – and that we’re far from an end.

And we know all this is a direct result of the fall of Roe vs. Wade. 

But for now, we’ll celebrate our work. 

To keep the wins up, we need to build the largest base of pro-choice feminists. And we can’t do it without you. Rush $15, or whatever you can, to our Reproductive Justice Fund today.

Thank you.

– Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.

01. March 2024 · Comments Off on WSDCC Wrap-up March 1, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News


Hello Democrats and Happy Friday!

In a big news week, one of the biggest pieces of political news has to be Mitch McConnell’s announcement Wednesday that he will be stepping down as Republican Leader of the Senate in November. 

While I won’t be sad to see him go (I think everyone will agree with me that few have done more to help establish the cowardly, win-at-all-costs approach of today’s GOP than McConnell), there is no doubt in my mind that his replacement will be even worse. For all the negative things I can and will say about McConnell, he has at least admitted that Joe Biden won the 2020 election and on rare occasions has taken action to temper the furthest right members of his Party. There is no doubt in my mind that the next Republican Leader will be as MAGA as they come, and we must do everything we can to stop the extremist wing of the GOP in their tracks. 

The only way we can make this happen is by retaking the House and holding the Senate this November – otherwise we risk suffering a rollback of all the progress we have made for the American people. 

The stakes are rising each and every day – and we can’t rest for a moment. I’m not exaggerating when I say the road to winning back the House and holding our narrow majority in the Senate runs through Washington State and we must do everything in our power to make this vision of victory possible.

Thank you for standing with us – we’re going to need all of you on board to get this work done, but I’m confident we can do it if we stand together. Remember that every hour you volunteer and every dollar you donate helps secure our future, and cheers to hard work that pays off! 

One more thing – all of you should have received your ballots for Washington’s Democratic Presidential Primary – Please don’t delay, be sure to cast your vote ASAP to make your voice heard in this critical election! 

If you still need to register to vote, or want to check the status of your ballot – you can do so at VoteWA.gov – and dropbox locations can be found here! 


Meanwhile in Washington State we continue to lead the nation in secure elections – and I hope you will join me in cheering SB 5843, requested by our Democratic Secretary of State Steve Hobbs, passing through the WA House and Senate! 

The bill would improve elections security in the following ways, as assessed by the Legislature’s nonpartisan staff:

  • Requires every county to install and maintain an intrusion detection system to monitor their network and to disclose certain malicious activity or breaches of security of information technology systems.
  • Authorizes the Secretary of State to certify the results of an election if a county canvassing board refuses to certify the results of the election without cause.
  • Establishes violations and penalties related to election interference, including prohibited interference by election observers, destruction of voted ballots and certain election supplies and materials, interference with the operation of a voting center, and unauthorized access to election administration locations and systems.

Secure elections are free and fair elections and the opposition of nearly every Republican in the legislature clearly demonstrates where the GOP stands on this issue. 

We are grateful and proud to have powerful Democratic majorities ready to champion voting rights and election security at every opportunity. Please join me in thanking our terrific elected officials for delivering this victory on behalf of every voter! 

What I’m Listening To This Week

This week I’ve been listening to former Biden White House Press Secretary and all around amazing human being Jen Psaki’s podcast investigating the rot at the core of today’s GOP. It’s an enlightening listen and at under an hour it shouldn’t be too hard to fit into your busy schedules! 

Check it out here – https://podcasts.apple.com/us/podcast/inside-with-jen-psaki/id1692806415?i=1000646785995

Democrats in the News

Patty Murray’s push to fund nutrition and child care

As Democratic U.S. Sen. Patty Murray works on writing a budget for the entire country, she’s keeping two issues affecting kids here in Washington top-of-mind: nutrition and child care.

Strickland Launches 4th Annual Congressional Art Competition

Congresswoman Marilyn Strickland (WA-10) announced today that her office will begin accepting submissions for the 2024 Congressional Art Competition as an opportunity to recognize, honor, and encourage young artistic talent across the nation.

House passes Secretary Hobbs’ election security bill, sending it to Governor Inslee

An election security bill requested by Washington Secretary of State Steve Hobbs has completed its journey through the legislative process and will now be presented to Governor Jay Inslee for his signature following a successful floor vote in the House of Representatives.

Keep in touch, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for all you do!

With gratitude,

Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democratic Party

The work we do today wins elections tomorrow. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in every race and every place in Washington state, invest in our efforts and make a contribution now. 

Want to support our work year round? Join Blue Washington, our monthly giving program! It is the most effective way to help candidates, volunteers, organizers, activists, and staff because it gives us the certainty we need to scale up our program with confidence. Your monthly investment ensures we can defend our strong legislative majorities, flip key congressional seats from red to blue, and fight for progressive values. Help us lead the way to victories at all levels of government today!

Washington State Democrats
PO Box 4027
Seattle, WA 98194
United States
01. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 1, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Today is day one of Women’s History Month, and we’re here to remind you that quiet women seldom make history.

During this Women’s History Month, the MAGA cartel and their compromised Supreme Court are trying to erode decades of progress toward women’s rights and freedoms.

But we won’t sit back and let that happen. Make history with us. 

Here are three actions you can take this Women’s History Month. Plug in where you fit in. 

1) March 6: Super Tuesday – mass online education and organizing around Trump, MAGA, democracy and freedom. 

2) March 13: Launch of Bans Off Our Bodies Weekly Actions, weekly protests everywhere through the elections. Sign up to get trained up and host an action in your community.

3) March 26: SCOTUS Mifepristone Oral Arguments. Put your body on the line in Washington, DC.

Let’s make history,

Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.