31. January 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – January 31, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


It checks out that big banks are bitterly opposed to new regulations from the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau that would limit how much they can charge customers in overdraft fees. After all, banks take in more than $8 billion a year in consumer fees, and they are pretty much always going to oppose constraints on their profits.

But it’s not obvious how anyone else could try and make it sound like there are legitimate reasons for companies with trillions of dollars in assets to price gouge people who temporarily run out of money before their next paycheck. So, credit of a sort to Megan McArdle, who writes in the Washington Post that “Capping overdraft fees could actually hurt poor families.” And while that’s a standard piece of corporate bullshit, it does imply something curious: that high overdraft fees help the very people they’re intended to hurt. So really what we have here is an openly sadist approach to income inequality and consumer protection in the pages of one of the most influential newspapers in the country.

Make it make sense.

U.S. households pay more than half of their income to their landlords in the form of rent. Housing is generally considered affordable if it costs less than one-third of your income. 

were laid off from Microsoft’s videogame division soon after the company closed its purchase of Activision Blizzard. When the purchase was first announced, the then-CEO of the acquired company assured employees that “the transition is going to be smooth because [Microsoft is] committed to trying to retain as many of our people as possible.”

would be reaped each year by billionaire Charles Koch if a proposed new flat income tax is implemented by the state of Kansas. The Republican Speaker of the State House said the law was “purposely designed to primarily help those who are on the lower rungs of the economic ladder.”

A lot of us like to assume that  political debates about budgets and spending are primarily debates about issues, priorities, and economics. Commentators often write about this stuff as battles of ideas, taking it as a given that people analyze these questions according to how they land on an ideological spectrum. And on some matters, that might very well be true.

But sometimes it’s just words. Debates about “welfare” have played an important role in American politics, at least since President Reagan went after “welfare queens” and then President Clinton promised to “end welfare as we know it.” And as the chart below highlights, “welfare” remains highly unpopular: just 30% of Americans tell pollsters we should spend more on “welfare.” But instead ask if we should spend more money on “assistance to the poor” — quite literally welfare by another name — and you find overwhelming 71% support.

Much has already been written about the multiple failures of Boeing management which led to their latest round of serious safety and quality control issues. And given the company’s recent history, which includes $60 billion in stock buybacks, two headquarters moves, and intense lobbying for exemptions from safety rules, many more deep dives and analyses of archival documents remain ahead. 

But amidst all this well-considered hindsight, it’s quite extraordinary to revisit the foresight shown in this article — published about a month before the Alaska door plug incident — which examines concerns about Boeing’s practice of conducting self-inspections on quality issues. The piece details how the strong commitment of front-line workers to high-quality work has been repeatedly undermined by management decisions aimed at maximizing short-term profits. And strikingly, in a discussion of why independent safety inspections matter, an example is offered which is remarkably prescient given the events that followed: namely, how to confirm that bolts are tightened to specifications.

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

26. January 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – January 26, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Last week, we took to the streets. Next week, we get ready for the fight ahead.

Polls show the country is more divided than ever. The only way to defeat the MAGA cartel is to build a movement across race, class, and identity. 

Join us for a 60-minute training on how to talk to your loved ones, neighbors, and networks about freedom over fascism.

Join us on Feb 7th for our Digital Defenders training >>>

We know that we’re in this fight for the long haul. It will take a mass movement building narrative and political power to take back our rights. No one can do everything, but everyone can do something.

Register here >>>

In struggle,
Women’s March

P.S. Want to dive deeper? Our host, Anat Shenker-Osorio, just launched season 3 of her podcast Words to Win By, where each episode profiles a campaign we won somewhere in the world and how we did it. We’ve covered legalizing abortion in Argentina, getting Jacinda Ardern elected Prime Minister in New Zealand, and flipping WI in 2020 among others. The third season is out now!

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
26. January 2024 · Comments Off on Alliance for Gun Responsibility – January 26, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

We have more great news coming out of Olympia! Currently, we are following 4 bills that are on track to get floor votes. This includes:

  • HB 1903 – Requiring reporting of lost or stolen firearms
  • HB 2021 – Mandate WSP to destroy confiscated firearms
  • HB 2118 – Outlining requirements for dealer licensing
  • SB 5444 – Concerning firearm-sensitive places

I know we’ve asked a lot of you, but we need your help to get these lifesaving bills across the finish line. Email your legislators now and urge them to vote YES on gun violence prevention legislation!

Both chambers will begin floor votes next week, which means we have a limited number of days in which our bills can be voted on. We need every voice possible echoing the impact these life-saving policies will have on our communities. Take one minute out of your day and email your legislators now!

Hazel (They/them)
Policy and Advocacy Manager
Alliance for Gun Responsibility

P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194

25. January 2024 · Comments Off on Alliance for Gun Responsibility – January 25, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

The gun lobby is flooding legislators’ inboxes to oppose commonsense gun violence prevention measures, and we need to make sure our voices are heard. Will you take time today to email your legislators?

Each day, we wake up to a barrage of headlines highlighting the persistent challenge of gun violence. However, there are concrete solutions within our reach that can effectively curb fatalities and injuries caused by firearms on a statewide scale. Fortunately, this year, we’ve crafted a comprehensive agenda poised to address these issues head-on. Our initiatives include:

  • Requiring a permit to purchase firearms
  • Requiring reporting of lost and stolen firearms 
  • Outlining requirements for dealer responsibility 
  • Keeping firearms out of specific places like parks, libraries, zoos, aquariums, and transit centers 
  • Restricting bulk weapons purchases 
  • And much more

Your action today is key to turning these bills into law. Please use the link below to contact your state legislators and voice your support for this comprehensive legislative package. By doing so, you help ensure the safety and well-being of our communities across Washington.

Thanks for helping us advance these lifesaving bills,

Abdirahman Mohamed (he/him)
Director of Communication 
Alliance for Gun Responsibility 

P.S. If you haven’t seen it yet, you can check out our legislative agenda here.

P.O. Box 4187 Seattle, WA 98194

23. January 2024 · Comments Off on National Run for Office Day – 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

NROD Community Partnerships One-Pager


This year voters cast their ballots in thousands of state and local elections across the country. What did these races have in common? Far too often, the people on the ballot don’t reflect the diversity of our country. More than half of all Americans are millennials or younger, but only 6% of state legislators are 35 or younger. Among state legislators, only 33% are women, 10% are Black, 6% are Latino, and 4% are Asian/Pacific Islander. And only 0.2% of elected officials openly identify as LGBTQIA+. Together, we can change that. 

My name is Shu-Yen Wei and I am the Western Regional Director at Run for Something. I am writing to share an exciting announcement about the launch of our newest campaign:

National Run For Office Day
January 23, 2024

National Run For Office Day is a partnership between Run For Something Civics and Civic Nation to increase representation at every level of government – especially local offices. Our goal is to educate and engage thousands of people who have been historically underrepresented, leading them to take the first step of signing up to run for office. 

That is why we are asking you and your organization to sign on as a partner of National Run For Office Day. The campaign will focus on recruiting millennials and Gen Z candidates with an emphasis on people who have historically been underrepresented in the political process —  women, people of color, people who identify as LGBTQIA+, working-class people, and people with disabilities. We know that you are a trusted voice in the community. We want you to help ensure that your audience see themselves as ballot material. 

We’re asking partners of National Run For Office Day to utilize their platforms as trusted community messengers to meet people where they are – using social media, in-person events, and creative content to encourage your audience to take the first step toward running for office. Leading up to our day of action, Civic Nation will supply all of the tools and messaging you need to make it happen including social media toolkits, talking points, email language and more. More details can be found in our one-pager attached. 

If you are interested in joining us on January 23, we ask that you submit this form at your earliest convenience. I am also available to meet with you and your team in the next few weeks to discuss any questions you may have. Together, we can build a stronger and more representative democracy. We hope you’ll join us.

Thank you for your consideration. We look forward to hearing from you! 

Best regards,

Shu Shu-Yen Wei (she/her/hers)
Western Regional Director
Run for Something207-512-0005
Please note: Run for Something operates on a 4-day work week and is fully offline on Fridays.

23. January 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – January 23, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


Airbnb has faced criticism for years over the way its short-term vacation rentals can drive up the price of rental housing, particularly in tourism-heavy areas. The fundamental problem is baked into the model: renting a unit for upwards of $200 a night on Airbnb promises to bring a lot more money than a standard lease with a tenant would bring in. Landlords tend to follow the money, so when there’s demand for Airbnb, housing tends to move into the vacation rental market, and housing for working people becomes more expensive, and harder to find.

So it’s pretty extraordinary that Airbnb had the chutzpah to announce last week that they’re launching a “council of experts” tasked with finding ways to improve housing affordability. That’s right: a company whose entire business model is premised on replacing monthly rentals for people with jobs into daily rentals for people on vacation is going to study how they might… reverse their own direct impact. This is like Walmart announcing they’re going to solve corporate concentration, DoorDash taking on the problem of high delivery fees, or Larry Summers working to address the impact of bank deregulation. How did the PR staff even manage to send out the press release without bursting into uncontrollable laughter?

Make it make sense.

in cost savings was found by the BART transit agency in the San Francisco Bay area in the recent design and purchase of several hundred new railcars. By doing a substantial amount of design work in-house instead of through corporate subcontractors, the agency managed to deliver a major project significantly under budget. 

have rejected federal funds that would have provided food assistance over the summer to hungry children who receive free and reduced price lunches during the school year. The food assistance would have come at zero cost to state budgets. 

will be paid to Uber & Lyft drivers in New York State as a settlement of charges the companies cheated drivers of pay and failed to provide sick days. Dig deeper into the startling scale of wage theft heist in the latest video on our YouTube channel, Who Gets What and Why.

Social Security keeps millions of people out of poverty, and when people get their Social Security checks, they spend them at local businesses, putting that money right back into the economy. So it’s never really made sense that so many mainstream politicos, economists, and writers seem so determined to find a way to cut this large, successful, and popular public program. Unless, of course, it’s precisely the scale, success, and popularity of the program that has made it such a key target for the trickle-down crew.

Perhaps that’s also why for all the decades of efforts to attack Social Security and replace it with “market-based alternatives”, there never seems to be much talk about the massive budgetary cost of the tax benefits that go to private retirement savings vehicles like 401(k) accounts, which total about $185 billion a year. And as the chart below shows, the value of these tax benefits goes disproportionately to the richest people, while the poorest 60% of the country only receives 15% of the benefits. So next time some self-important “expert” blabs about how we need to cut Social Security, maybe they could look here first.

President Biden’s signature investments in infrastructure, clean energy, and American manufacturing are beginning to come online, and to the administration’s credit, they’re doing what they can to shine a spotlight on what they’ve accomplished. As Lael Brainard, one of Biden’s top economic advisors, argues, the administration is doing nothing less than “engineering a revival of economically disadvantaged communities across the nation.” 

And this isn’t just a consequence of a strong economy overall: they’re also pursuing “place-based strategies” which take a comprehensive approach to reviving former industrial areas like Allentown, Pennsylvania. As Brainard articulates, this is a sharp contrast from decades of trickle-down approaches to economic growth, and the results are clear. While decades of deregulation and tax cuts only increased inequality, a few years of middle-out economics have driven the unemployment rate in Allentown down to just 3.9%. This is just one example among hundreds, but notably, this is less unemployment than the city saw before the pandemic and dramatically less than the nearly 10% unemployment the city saw in the depths of the 2008 financial crisis. 

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

21. January 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – January 21, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

This past weekend we took to the streets. Thousands of women showed up at hundreds of marches across the country!

We raised hell. We showed politicians and the anti-abortion movement that we are organized, united, and stronger than ever.

Photography by Chadwick Fowler

We did this.

To every person reading this: Thank you for your involvement in this movement. Thank you for showing up, speaking out, and donating what you can, when you can.

Because WE show up for US – and the world is taking notice.

There are many more fights to come – in the streets, at the voting booth, and at state capitols all over the country. Help us grow our impact and our movement with a contribution of any amount.

Thank you,

All of us at Women’s March HQ

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
19. January 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – January 19, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Even though January’s not over yet, making a campaign plan early on will save you both ⏰ and 💸

This week’s featured learning plan is Setting Up Your Campaign Strategy, a suite of five courses that will walk you through the fundamentals of planning. From voter targeting to basics of field, you will be ready to launch by the end.

We offer a host of Learning Plans tailored to your needs in our Online Academy! You’re able to track your progress and we ensure your courses continue to meet your needs.

Looking for something else? Create or log back into your Online Academy account today!

Setting Up Your Local Democratic Party's Structure
Friday, January 19 at 1pm ET

From working groups to creating a leadership structure, today’s training will show you a range of strategies for creating the best structure for your local party.

Evaluate the strengths and weaknesses of various types of structures. Help your local party operate efficiently, logically, and victoriously!

Recruiting Strong Candidates to Run for Office
Monday, January 22 at 1pm ET

f you’re part of a local party or progressive organization, you want the people in your district to represent your values authentically.

Monday’s training goes over the pillars of effective candidate recruitment. Learn about what makes someone a stellar candidate and tactics in convincing them to run.

What is a Democratic Precinct Chair?
Wednesday, January 24 at 1pm ET

Gain valuable insights into the pivotal role your local precinct chairs plays in driving turnout in your community. In an election year, no Democrat can afford to neglect voter turnout in their campaign plans!

Grassroots campaign initiatives and turnout are supported by precinct chairs. Learn how to engage yours, and other strategies for precinct organizing.

Looking Ahead >> So You Want to Run for Office: Black History Month Edition with Higher Heights and The Collective PAC
Monday, February 5 at 1pm ET

Black History Month celebrates the monumental strides of Black Americans.

And that celebration of progress can be the driving force of change.

Join experienced veteran trainer Atima Omara as she introduces prospective candidates to the process of running for office, plus unique conisderations for Black candidates hoping to launch their candidacy in 2024.

Looking Ahead >> 3 Steps to Establishing Your Campaign
Tuesday, February 6 at 1pm ET

We’re giving you a sneak peek into what’s coming this February at NDTC, where we’re focusing on Building Your Political Start. This simply means Februrary’s lineup is concerned with the data-driven strategies campaigns need to get started.

In order to fully establish your campaign, you need to get on the ballot, evaluate what data you need, and understand ballot access requirements. This training is really about the “nuts and bolts” that turn your campaign from an idea into a tangible effort.

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

18. January 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – January 18, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Here are some ways you can take action.

All times Eastern

Connect with us on social media!

Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.