Hello Democrats,
Happy Spring! The sun is out, flowers are in bloom, and our legislators are reminding us every day why it’s good to be a Democrat. We’ve made concrete progress on an issue that is particularly important to me and so many in our Party – reducing gun violence through common-sense safety legislation.
Just last week the WA House passed HB 1143 – a lifesaving bill promoting responsible gun ownership by requiring safety training and a 10-day waiting period for the purchase of all firearms – and HB 1240 – banning the sale of assault rifles here in Washington.
And we’re not just making progress on the state level – on Tuesday, President Biden announced an Executive Order to make our communities safer by mandating the following:
- Increase the number of background checks conducted before firearm sales, moving the U.S. as close to universal background checks as possible without additional legislation
- Keep more guns out of dangerous hands by increasing the effective use of “red flag” laws
- Strengthen efforts to hold the gun industry accountable
- Accelerate law enforcement efforts to identify and apprehend shooters
Please join me in thanking the President and his team for working hard to keep people across the country safe!
It has never been clearer that Democrats are the only major Party to recognize the critical threat that unfettered and irresponsible access to firearms poses for our communities and particularly the lives of our children. I am so proud that the work we did to elect Democrats means we now have the power to put meaningful protections in place against the devastation that these weapons can cause. This only happened because we showed up and worked hard to build power on a state and national level – and with stakes this high we can’t afford to yield a single inch.
Thank you for standing with us in the struggle to build a better, safer state and country.
Biden Issues Executive Order to Strengthen Background Checks for Guns
President Biden announced steps designed to improve enforcement of existing gun laws during a trip to Monterey Park, Calif., the site of a mass shooting in January.
The bill would establish a commission and convene experts to review, analyze, and make recommendations to Congress in an effort to better incorporate federal data and evidence-based policymaking throughout the legislative process.
Schrier leads caucus Farm Bill task force
Eighth District U.S. Rep. Kim Schrier is chairing a caucus task force on the upcoming national Farm Bill.
Rifle ban, housing bills and more advance in the WA Legislature
At the midpoint of the 2023 legislative session, these are the winners and losers so far.
Keep in touch, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for all you do!
With gratitude,

Chair Shasti Conrad Washington State Democratic Party
The work we do today wins elections this November. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in every race and every place in Washington state, invest in our efforts and make a contribution now.
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Washington State Democrats PO Box 4027 Seattle, WA 98194 United States