01. December 2023 · Comments Off on WSDCC Wrap-up December 1, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News


Hello Democrats and happy Friday!

I hope all of you were able to relax and recharge with the people who matter to you most during this past Thanksgiving week. I was very grateful to have some time to reflect on what has been an incredible year for me personally, and for our Party. Thank you to each and every one of you for believing in our work as Democrats, and the continued importance of supporting terrific candidates and helping ensure they have what it takes to win, lead, and build a better future for the people of Washington State.

As 2023 comes to a close, it is of critical importance that we all take time to remember what we are fighting for and why we choose to be Democrats every single day. We are the Party of democracy, the Party of choice, the Party of working people, the Party of equitable access to healthcare and education, the Party of environmental preservation, and so much more. 

I hope you will take some time this month to charge up your Democratic batteries – both by reaffirming your belief in our work, and getting some much needed rest. We all need to be ready to hit the ground running come January and we will be able to accomplish so much more together if we use the time we have now to take care of ourselves and make sure we’re bright eyed and raring to go next year! 

Thank you as always for all you do – we have a truly remarkable Democratic team statewide and I’m so glad you’re on board! 

WA Dems Holiday Party – Please RSVP!

Now that December is here, we wanted to follow-up about the WA Dems Holiday Party on 12/12. We are pleased to announce that Attorney General Bob Ferguson will be joining us as a featured speaker! 

WA Democrats Holiday Party
Tuesday, December 12th 
4:30pm Sponsor Reception | 5:30pm Main Event
1932 1st Ave, Seattle, WA
$30 - General Admission | $55 - VIP (Main Event + Sponsor Reception)
Individual Sponsors
$100 - Grassroots Sponsor (1 VIP Ticket + Special Recognition)
$250 - Grassroots Champion (2 VIP Tickets + Special Recognition)
Organizational Sponsors
$500 | $1,000 | $2,500 | $5,000 | $10,000

RSVP Online Here

Please note that an earlier invitation incorrectly listed 12/7 as the date of this event – 

12/12 is the correct and official date of this event. 

We anticipate a terrific event with Democrats from across Washington State and inspiring addresses from some of our top Democratic leaders. 

Please address all questions and sponsorship inquiries to joebarden@wa-democrats.org

Thanks so much – we hope you will be able to join us!


Many folks have raised concerns about a recent poll from our friends at the Northwest Progressive Institute that shows Republican Dave Reichert slightly ahead of AG Bob Ferguson in a gubernatorial matchup. First of all I encourage everyone to take a look at the content of the poll and NPI’s analysis as there’s some great information there that is very helpful for understanding the current landscape and the environment we are heading into next year.  

Secondly, I want to encourage people to take this information with a boulder-sized grain of salt – but also to recognize that the race for WA Governor could be very competitive and we cannot take anything for granted heading into 2024. The single most important thing we can do to ensure we hold the Governor’s office is to show up and execute the critical GOTV work needed to get our candidate over the finish line.

This strategy has worked for the last 40 years, and there’s no reason it won’t work in 2024, but it counts on each and every one of us doing our part. Whether that’s door-knocking, donating, making phone calls, helping with voter registration and protection, or any number of other democracy-fueling activities – we all need to show up. That’s how we’ve won before, and it’s how we’ll win in 2024. 


Democrats look to take momentum from Virginia win into 2024 statehouse fights

After Democratic wins in Virginia, both parties chart paths forward through legislative elections across the country in 2024.

Senators Murray, Collins, Baldwin Introduce Bipartisan Legislation to Reauthorize Important Substance Use Disorder Prevention Programs for Pregnant and Postpartum Women

Murray negotiated and secured passage of bipartisan SUPPORT Act in 2018 as top Democrat on Senate HELP Committee; Bipartisan Promoting Maternal and Child Health Through Substance Use Prevention Act would reauthorize portion of legislation dealing with post- and prenatal health

DOT Launches New, Cantwell-Created Office to Prevent Costly Supply Chain Snafus

After pandemic-era freight congestion clogged NW ports, Cantwell wrote provision creating Multimodal Freight Office & secured its inclusion in Bipartisan Infrastructure Law

Keep in touch, stay engaged, and as always, thank you for all you do!

With gratitude,

Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Democratic Party

The work we do today wins elections tomorrow. If you’re ready to elect Democrats in every race and every place in Washington state, invest in our efforts and make a contribution now. 

Want to support our work year round? Join Blue Washington, our monthly giving program! It is the most effective way to help candidates, volunteers, organizers, activists, and staff because it gives us the certainty we need to scale up our program with confidence. Your monthly investment ensures we can defend our strong legislative majorities, flip key congressional seats from red to blue, and fight for progressive values. Help us lead the way to victories at all levels of government today!

Washington State Democrats
PO Box 4027
Seattle, WA 98194
United States