The next meeting of the Washington State Democratic Party (WSDP) Veterans and Military Families Caucus (VMFC) is 21MAR2021 at 1300 (March 21, 2021 at 1pm PST for those not accustomed to military date/time format). If you would like to attend, please message this Facebook page (https://www.facebook.com/WA.VETS.CAUCUS/) and you can get the following emailed to you: draft Agenda, Bylaws, Code of Conduct, and Standing Rules.
Please make sure to register for the meeting with the link highlighted below. The information collected at registration is mostly information requested by the WSDP for our next annual report. Regarding dues, if you pledge to pay the $10 dues for this year once the VMFC has a means to pay dues electronically and/or meet in-person, or if you are unable to pay this amount due to financial hardship and therefore respond with “Hardship” to that questions, you are considered a Member in Good Standing of the VMFC. If you wish to only observe the meeting or be considered a prospective member, please feel free to respond “No” to that question.
A line item on the draft Agenda under the New Business section is for Resolutions. This item is only for Resolution that involve issues concerning Veterans and Military Families. If approved by the membership, they will be forwarded to the WSDP for the next Washington State Democratic Central Committee (WSDCC) meeting. Speaking of, the next VMFC Genera Membership meeting will be within one week of the WSDCC meeting, which is scheduled for 01MAY2021 and 02MAY2021. A Doodle Poll will go out soon regarding when VMFC members and prospective members are able to attend our next caucus meeting. Message this page to get added to our list and have the Doodle Poll sent to you.
If needed, there may be one more VMFC EBoard meeting before the next meeting of the body, but I doubt that will be the case (famous last words, I know).
Recap of schedule for upcoming meetings:
-21MAR2021 1300-1430 – VMFC General Membership meeting (Register here: https://zoom.us/…/tJ0ucuGrrjMuGtRhx4cTnnoTDE_cJ0Ap_a2l)
-Date and Time TBD (Prior to 01MAY2021) – VMFC EBoard meeting (if needed)
-01MAY2021 and 02MAY2021 – WSDCC meeting
-Date and Time TBD (Within one week before or after 01MAY2021) – VMFC General Membership meeting
If you know of anyone interested in joining the VMFC, please share this information with them.