Hey there – This month’s training focus at NDTC is campaign planning, and it’s not a mystery why. At this point in the cycle, you should be establishing your plans and laying foundations. Check out this week’s lineup to learn more.
First up is What is a Democratic Precinct Chair on Tuesday, March 14 at 1pm ET.
The best person in your community for getting connected to Democratic constituents is your local precinct chair.
By the time get out the vote (GOTV) time is here, you’ll want to have meaningful connections with all of your potential voters. Gain the best insights on engaging with your precinct chair and more on Tuesday.
Then on Thursday, March 16 at 6pm ET, Calculating Your Vote Goal will get you your most important campaign number.
The fundamental goal of any campaign is getting more votes than your opponent. But how do you get this number, and how do you use it to strategize your money and time effectively?
These questions and more will be answered on Thursday as our expert trainer walks you through the process of finding and using your vote goal.
Finally on Friday, March 17, How to Build and Use Your Campaign Plan begins at 1pm ET.
So you’ve decided to run, now what? Making a plan will serve as your map to the finish line on Election Day.
Take the various aspects of your campaign and put them all in one place. It’s okay if your plan changes as the cycle moves along – it’s all part of the process!
And later on in March, we’re hosting another NDTC Expert Q&A: Making Big Plans (Women’s History Month Edition)
We’re bringing together yet another amazing panel of Democratic experts and strategists to talk all things planning!
You’ll be able to learn from our panelists’ own experiences, plus you’ll have a chance to ask your own questions and learn from fellow 2023 candidates, staff, and local leaders.
Connect with us on social media!
Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.