04. May 2022 · Comments Off on LWV Voter Newsletter 05-2022 · Categories: Committee News

In This Issue:

The LWV of Pullman’s Board of the Whole

The Pullman League has long operated as a “board of the whole.” This means that all paid members are part of the LWV of Pullman Board. Members are invited to attend and participate in all Board meetings.  Learn more about how this type of board works.

Civics Education Fair in Olympia Helps Spread the Word

On April 23 the LWV of Thurston County hosted a Civics Education Fair at the state Capitol in Olympia. Learn more about this activity-filled and educational day. 

Good Citizen Poster Available in English and Spanish 

“Good Citizen” posters are now available in Spanish and in English and will be on sale at the LWVWA 2022 Council in June. Learn how to order copies ahead of time or have them sent to you.

Decline to Sign I-1929

At its April meeting, the LWVWA Board approved the League’s participation in the “Decline to Sign I-1929” campaign urging voters not to sign I-1929, which would repeal the capital gains tax necessary to fund education. Read more here.

Be a MELD Pod Facilitator for the LWV of Washington 

In Washington state, the League of Women Voters has had a long-standing Membership Engagement Leadership Development (MELD) program. This program is a conduit for communication among all levels of the League, local, state, and national. Learn more. 

Report from Voter Services 

The LWVWA Voter Services has been focusing on candidate forums and debates, with local Leagues gearing up for an important voter services season. With such major concerns as mis- and disinformation and hyper-partisanship, there’s much to do. Learn more.   

Updates from the National League 

League actions around the country, and action updates. Read more about what the LWVUS is doing. 

May 2022 

Monday, May 9—Civics Bowl, student tournament, 7 p.m. on KSPS PBS (Spokane) and available the next day on KSPS.org

Tuesday, May 10— Redistricting Reform Discussion: Staffing and Starting Earlier, 5 p.m. Registration

Wednesday, May 11—LWVWA Voter Services Committee meeting, 6:30 p.m. Contact Mary Coltrane to attend as a guest. 

Thursday, May 12—LWVUS Legislative Office Hours, noon PT. The LWVUS opens its virtual offices to listen to and support local League legislative work. Check the LWVUS webpage for information about the LWVUS Legislative Office Hours.  

Monday, May 16—Civics Bowl, student tournament, 7 p.m. on KSPS PBS (Spokane) and available the next day on KSPS.org

Wednesday, May 18—SCOTUS Review, learn what’s going on with the U.S. Supreme Court, noon PT. Registration

Monday, May 23—Civics Bowl, student tournament, 7 p.m. on KSPS PBS (Spokane) and available the next day on KSPS.org

Tuesday, May 24— Redistricting Reform Discussion: Independent Citizens Commission, 5 p.m. Registration

Monday, May 30—Civics Bowl, student tournament, 7 p.m. on KSPS PBS (Spokane) and available the next day on KSPS.org

June 2022 

Monday, June 6—Civics Bowl, student tournament, 7 p.m. on KSPS PBS (Spokane) and available the next day on KSPS.org

Tuesday, June 7— Redistricting Reform Discussion: Input and Access, 5 p.m. Registration

Friday, June 10–Sunday, June 12—2022 LWVWA Council, Delta Hotel, Everett, WA. Registration.  

Thursday, June 23–Sunday, June 26—2022 LWVUS National Convention, information and registration.  

Our mailing address is:
League of Women Voters of Washington
1511 3rd Ave., Suite 900 
Seattle, WA 98101