Chavez & Huerta Student Poster Contest
From the Tri-Cities LULAC Council:
TRI-CITIES STUDENTS ARE INVITED TO DRAW/PAINT* The Washington State approved two symbolic state holidays -Chavez March 31st and Huerta April 10th. Students may enter contest an win prizes at the same time enhance their understanding about these iconic figures of our U.S. history. Ask your teacher/school/college for an entry form or call: 509.420.0596 email: port_ga@hotmail.com
Chavez & Huerta Student Poster Contest
PRIZES AGES 1ST Place 2ND Place 3RD Place
Category A Age 18+ $250 $150 $100
Category B Age 13-17 $150 $100 $75
Category C Age 8-12 $100 $75 $50
10 Students All grades 10 Art kits Honorary