Register for this online discussion at http://bit.ly/ccl-nuclear-june-7 (pre-registration required; Zoom link will be sent to you after you register).
How can Advanced Nuclear Energy help protect the climate?
• This CCL zoom forum will explore the new nuclear technologies being developed by public-private
partnerships. One project (X-Energy) is planned for Hanford WA and the other (Terrapower) may
also be placed at Hanford
• What fossil fuel uses can these technologies replace?
• How do they affect measures for safe handling and prevention of weapon proliferation?
• What is their impact on habitat and climate through the mining, operation, recycle, and disposal lifecycle?
• How do they affect intermittent energy output from wind and solar?
• How will they affect reliability and resiliency of the electricity grid?
• How will they affect construction cost?
• What are the steps to prove out new technology?
• How will carbon fees, the utility payment system, and potential global energy markets affect deployment of low
carbon energy generators?
• Bring your questions and experience!
• Speakers:
• Kurt Smithpeters, CCL member, systems engineer and independent researcher
• Jim Hopf, leader of CCL Nuclear Energy Action Team and nuclear technician
Here’s a primer on small nuclear reactors (SMR’s), Energy Imbalance Market, firm and near-firm power, and geothermal. The paper is challenging but rewarding