2022 is almost over! As the year comes to an end, we’re taking time to reflect on what we achieved together and what lies ahead for us in the new year.
From major legislation to the ballot box, Indivisibles came together this year and proved that grassroots organizing could fundamentally change the trajectory of our country. We lowered the cost of prescription drugs, reduced energy bills, closed tax loopholes for the ultra-wealthy and big corporations, and created the single largest climate investment in history.
In the midterms, we made MAGA Republicans pay for their extremism with history-defying election results. We flipped state legislatures, defeated MAGA candidates in battleground states, and expanded our Senate majority.
But we know our work is far from over.
Going into 2023, we face the harsh reality of a Republican-controlled House that is determined to spew out harmful and hateful legislation. In the wake of Dobbs, reproductive freedom is under assault across the country. And while we’ve scored crucial wins to safeguard elections, our democracy remains fragile. We’re ready to fight back, but it’s going to take each and every one of us to defend our rights and build the power necessary to advance our progressive vision.
That’s why, as folks come up with their New Year’s resolutions, we want to add one more to your list: Sign our pledge to join, reconnect with, or invite others to get involved with your local Indivisible group. After you sign our pledge, we’ll keep in touch about how you can stick to your resolution!
Indivisible groups are at the heart of this movement. Their phone calls, rallies, canvasses, bird-dogging, letters to the editor, and more made the victories of 2022 possible. This work will continue to be crucial as we confront the challenges of a split Congress, and we want you to be a part of it.
Indivisible group members are your neighbors. Some have been organizing for years and helped start the first Indivisible groups in 2016. Others wouldn’t have even described themselves as activists before getting involved in their local group, but some element of MAGA extremism — the anti-immigrant policies, the attacks on trans kids and their communities, the banning of books in their local libraries, or something else — set off something inside them and compelled them to get involved. Wherever you’re at in your journey, whatever experience you have, we’re ready to support you and local groups across the country with trainings, messaging and policy guidance, phonebanking and calling tools, and so much more.
If you’re already involved with Indivisible in your local area, thank you so much for the work you’ve done over the past year. We still encourage you to take our New Year’s Resolution pledge. With the challenges ahead, we’re asking all of us to recommit to the work of defending our democracy. The first step of that work can be as simple as inviting a friend to join your local Indivisible group.
We’ve already achieved so much this year, and together, we’ll come back even bigger and stronger in 2023.
In solidarity,
Indivisible Team
P.S. — If you’d like to support us and all of our work, click here to make a contribution and ensure Indivisibles have the resources they need to score even more victories in the new year.
Indivisible Project is a locally-led, people-powered movement of thousands of local groups in red, blue, and purple states, and in urban, suburban, and rural areas. Our mission is to power and lift up a grassroots movement of local groups to defeat the Trump agenda, elect progressive leaders, and realize bold progressive policies.
Grassroots donations, not foundations or large gifts, are our single largest source of funding. That means we’re accountable to, and fueled by, Indivisibles on the ground. Chip in $7 to keep fueling our movement.
To give by mail, send a check to Indivisible Action, PO Box 43135, Washington, DC 20010.
Contributions to Indivisible Action are not tax-deductible.