Hello Rurals:
Have you ever marched because you’re mad about something? We have, too. Welcome to Indivisible’s March Madness Rural call, where all of us have at one time marched while mad. This month, we’ll be talking about the Farm Bill, Social Security, and Medicare, and how we can come together to fight on both. Aftyn Behn from RuralOrganizing.org (and co-founder of this very rural call!) will be joining us to talk about how YOU can prevent harm from befalling our farms through advocacy work on the omnibus farm bill! So join us on March 29 at 8pm Eastern/7pm Central/6pm Mountain/5pm Pacific. Saving Social Security and Medicare AND helping our local farmers? Yes please!
We want to hear from YOU! Please take our Group Support Survey and let us know what resources you have used to support your rural work and what you need! Click here to take the survey!
Register and join us on Wednesday, March 29 at 8 ET – sign up here,
With love + solidarity,
Indivisible’s Rural Team (Natalie, Cameron, Rachelle, Scott, and Tricia)
Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States