Call to Meeting Nov. 17
November General Business Meeting Details 5:30 social hour w/guests, 6 p.m. start Thursday, October 20 Downtown Pasco library 1320 W Hopkins St. October minutes available here.
Fellow Democrats,
Please take a moment today, Veteran’s Day, to honor veterans for their service to our country.
This upcoming meeting is our last regular meeting of the year. We are going over the recent election and what we can learn from it, what our reorganization meeting in December is going to look like, and some involvement opportunities for everyone to consider.
This month’s meeting also features our ongoing series, “Why I am a Democrat.” This is where anyone can speak to the body about why they consider themselves a Democrat.
As part of our efforts for 2023 and 2024, please consider setting up a monthly dues payment through our ActBlue donation account.
This is a potluck meeting, so feel free to bring whatever dish you wish to share.
We’ll see you there!
— Your FCDCC Executive Board
Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2621 Pasco WA 99302