Keep pushing to Election Day
15th LD Canvass, Pasco
10 a.m. Saturday, Oct. 15
Peanuts Park, Pasco
Fellow Democrats,
Four weekends remain before the general election. Election Day is November 8.
We want to make you aware of a volunteer opportunity for a candidate endorsed by the Franklin County Democrats: Lindsey Keesling.
Keep watching your inbox for more opportunities to make a difference this election season!
Canvassing (door belling) for Doug White
Canvassing (door belling)
Lindsey Keesling is running for the state Senate in the 15th Legislative District against Republican Nikki Torres. Central and east Pasco, and northwest Franklin County, are in the district.
Franklin County Democrats are organizing a canvass for Keesling starting 10 a.m. on Saturday, Oct. 15. The meeting location has been changed to Peanuts Park (109 S. 4th Ave, Pasco). Please meet on the north side of the park near the restrooms.
If you are interested in joining us on the 15th, please email frankcodemocrats@gmail.com. You can also email us to let us know if you are interested in canvassing for Lindsey but cannot join us Oct. 15.
The Keesling campaign is texting voters to encourage them to vote for Lindsey in the upcoming general election.
Lindsey’s campaign uses a browser-based program that does not require a personal phone. It is safe and user friendly.
The textbanking sessions occur every week up to November 8. Please email candidate@lindseyforthefiftheenth.com to sign up to text bank for the campaign.
You can also support Lindsey’s campaign by going to her website to sign-up or donate: https://lindseyforthefifteenth.com.
— Ana Ruiz Kennedy, chair
Our mailing address is:
P.O. Box 2621 Pasco WA 99302