Ukrainians fighting oppression should strengthen our resolve to defend democracy at home
Right now the world is witnessing the grave threat autocratic regimes pose not only to their own citizens, but to the rights and safety of people everywhere. The unfolding Russian invasion of Ukraine demonstrates the depravity of Vladimir Putin’s government. However, it has also put on full-display the stunning bravery of the Ukrainian people and a U.S. president standing strong with our allies.
I have been so inspired in recent weeks by the American people – and people around the world – who have raised their voices to resist Putin’s aggression. I am inspired by Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy’s unwavering commitment to his citizens through servant leadership. Finally, I am inspired by President Biden spearheading NATO’s unified opposition to Russia and making it clear globally that the United States stands with democracy.
Perhaps more than ever, I feel fortunate Joe Biden is in office. Former President Trump and his clones cannot be trusted to deal with an adversary like Russia. Trump’s history includes praising Putin as a “genius,” seeking Russia’s admittance to NATO, plus a failed attempt to withhold Ukrainian military aid that resulted in his impeachment. Rather than firing off inflammatory Tweets or threatening foreign leaders to protect his own interests, Biden is addressing the threat of nuclear war seriously and responsibly.
By electing Doug White to Congress for Washington’s Fourth District, we can have a leader locally who mirrors the values of democracy and the Democratic party. The contrast between Biden and Trump on foreign affairs is stark, but equal to the contrast between my foreign policy and those of my opponent, Loren Culp. The failed 2020 gubernatorial candidate spent last weekend with Trump at Mar-a-Lago and subscribes to the same policy-free platform as Trump. Culp expressed the former president’s sentiment that “…this deadly Ukraine situation would never have happened!” if Trump was in office. This is no way to handle complex geo-political issues.
If elected to Congress, I will bring to bear decades of my own experiences dealing intimately with foreign markets and witnessing how the U.S. addresses global relations. Furthermore, I will ensure Central Washington’s representative aligns with the Ukrainian people and our NATO allies, not whatever Trump says.
As we support brave Ukrainians fighting for their own democratic freedom, it is imperative that we also look to our own elected officials in the U.S. who seek to suppress the voices of the people, using voter suppression legislation and other underhanded political tactics to hoard power for themselves. Republican voter suppression is nothing new, but it has become priority number one for the party since they lost the White House in 2020. State legislatures across the country, especially in places like Georgia, have instituted a rash of new barriers to voting. Additionally – and terrifyingly – Republicans have resorted to denying election outcomes in recent years, including my opponent Loren Culp.
Democracy is nothing to play around with. We don’t need voter suppression or attacks on election legitimacy at the national level, and we certainly don’t need it in Central Washington. As our country stands unified with the people of Ukraine, we should use this opportunity to harden our defenses against those who seek to undermine the will of the voters domestically. The crisis in Ukraine emphasizes the danger of unaccountable leaders and underscores the importance of America’s ability to positively influence global politics.
By electing Doug White to Congress, Central Washington will have a representative who stands unquestionably with international allies to defend democracy at home and abroad.
Out and About
Mike Lawrence and Chad Baltram of TRIDEC sat down with me Thursday to discus the Northwest power grid, hydroelectric and nuclear power. Chad and Mike are the former and current managing directors at Benton County PUD, respectively, and are some of the most knowledgeable people in the state on these crucial issues. With help from people like them, Washington will lead the nation in carbon-free energy for a long time to come.
I had a great time last night talking with voters at the Benton County and Pasco Town Hall virtual event. I am so grateful to everyone who attended and the many who shared their questions and personal experiences with me. Click here if to join us at the Town Hall in your county.
Finally, this weekend kicks off my “No More Hot Air Politics” event at the Winthrop Ballon Roundup. I look forward to watching the famous hot air balloons, meeting with community leaders in the Yakima area, and, of course, talking with voters. I hope to see you there!