06. June 2023 · Comments Off on NGPVAN Webinar · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Recent Events

In our upcoming webinar, we’ll be showing you how to find and mobilize your support base with Mobilize, the industry’s #1 volunteer recruitment and event management application used by thousands of campaigns and causes.

Mobilize allows you to tap into a network of 5+ million volunteers, create and promote events quickly, and so much more. Join us for this live event to learn how to get started on accomplishing your organizational goals.

We hope to see you there!

Date & Time

Tuesday, June 6th

12:00 PM ET | 9:00 AM PT

02. June 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – June 2, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Happy Pride Month and solidarity to our friends in the LGBTQIA+ community!

This Pride Month, we can’t help but think about the origins of Pride. The Stonewall Riots, the lightning rod moment that initiated Pride as we know it, began with the first brick thrown by Marsha P. Johnson, a proud Black transgender woman. The actions of those at Stonewall were intentionally hyper-visible, combatting the discrimination against LGBTQIA+ people that often made them invisible.

This month, we’ll spotlight partners like LGBTQ+ Victory Fund in the Democratic political space who elevate LGBTQIA+ voices. Check back every Friday to learn more about the leaders making LGBTQIA+ representation and empowerment happen.

NDTC Expert Q&A: NDTC Expert Q&A: Pride in Focus (Transgender & Nonbinary Campaign Experiences)
Thursday, June 15 at 1pm ET

Alongside our partners at LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, NDTC invites you to a panel discussion on the unique challenges and considerations of transgender and nonbinary Democratic candidates.

We’re thrilled to have Colorado State Rep. Brianna Titone, the state’s first openly trangender woman in office, as one of our panelists. She and fellow panelists will share their own experiences, tips they’ve learned along the way, and more. Don’t forget to bring your questions, as you’ll have the opportunity to ask your own.

Don't Forget: NDTC National Candidate Bootcamp Field Deep Dive
TOMORROW, June 3 from 12pm to 5pm ET

In partnership with our friends at LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, we present our So You Want to Run for Office introductory training with a special focus on candidates who identity as LGBTQIA+. We welcome and encourage anyone who is even just considering running for office..

One of the best ways to combat right-wing attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community is ensuring that LGBTQIA+ voices are centered and prioritized. This work can begin with a candidacy for office, where you’ll talk to neighbors, elevate issues that affect you, and build coalitions of support. On the fence? Register and learn more in this one-hour overview of the entire process!

Running in a Red District
Monday, June 5 at 1pm ET

Deciding to run in a conservative district or area is a bold statement in and of itself. Through this opportunity, you’ll come to find like-minded neighbors and supporters who truly want their voices heard.

Learn more about relational organizing and how to employ it in the field when you live in a predominantly red area.

Calculating Your Vote Goal
Tuesday, June 6 at 1pm ET

We’re confident telling you there’s one number that rises above the rest in terms of importance on the trail: your vote goal.

All of your field efforts branch out from your vote goal. By figuring out this number and deciding how to actually use it, you can most effectively target voters and make a plan. Our experts recommend getting this training under your belt before getting started on any other field components, so register right away!

How to Build a Political Campaign Field Plan
Thursday, June 8 at 1pm ET

Once you learn to calculate your vote goal, it’s time to flesh out a campaign field plan. Intended for any leader or volunteer in a campaign, local party, or an advocacy organization, this training will review the key components in a field plan.

Plus, get tips and expertise on operationalizing your plan once it’s laid out. This training is super important heading into the rest of the month’s topics, so don’t miss out.

01. June 2023 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus – June 2023 Events · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Recent Events

ARC June Events

Our Better Practices conversation is already this Thursday. (The first Thursday always sneaks up.) This month is a little different. We will share what we know about the Rural Committee of the State Central Committee. The mission of the Rural Committee does not compete with the Ag and Rural Caucus but it is helpful that we know the direction of the State Party and the Rural Committee..

The series title is Better Practices, not Best Practices. We each have our own experience with what works well. Join us to learn from your colleagues and to share your own experience.


June Schedule

6:30 pm Thursday 1 June
 Better Practices roundtable

Rural Committee: Work Plan
Steve Verhey and You


6:30 pm Thursday 15 June
Policy Series

The Farm Bill: What is it, actually
Andy Juris, President, Washington Association of Wheat Growers


Better Practices

Rural Committee: 
Steve Verhey and You
6:30 pm Thursday 1 June


Join us this Thursday evening to learn about the Rural Committee of the State Party.

Not the Ag and Rural Caucus, which is us, but the Rural Committee created by the State Party Chair.

Years ago, there was an Eastern Washington Committee. By custom, the State Vice-Chair chaired the committee. Valerie Rongey chaired the committee when I first attended the state meetings. As CD-5 representative to the state board, I stepped in for Valerie from time to time. It was very much an eastern Washington gathering. Recognizing that rural Washington was more than just LPO’s east of the mountains, the Eastern Washington Committee was re-constituted as the Rural Committee and co-chaired by Ron Wright from Wahkiakum County and Nancy Monacelli from Walla Walla. After a short existence the committee was again re-imagined. The last cycle and currently the committee has been chaired by Danielle Garbe Reser and Bennett Massey Helber, from CD-5 and CD-2, respectively.

Danielle and Bennett are both otherwise engaged Thursday evening and so cannot join us. Steve Verhey, who is on the committee, has graciously stepped up. He participated in the last central committee meeting and can share his impressions of the Rural Committee’s work plan.

Several of you also are members of the Rural Committee and can help Steve. Please consider yourselves part of the team.

The Farm Bill: What is actually?

6:30 pm Thursday 15 June

Andy Juris, President, Washington Association of Wheat Growers


You have all heard about “The Farm Bill”.  Some of you know that it is hot right now. It is renewed every five years and this is the year.

You may also vaguely know that “The Farm Bill” is more about food stamps than crop insurance. For this you can thank Tom Foley, D-Wash CD5, and Bob Dole, R-Kansas, a generation ago. Foley and Dole lead the ag committees in the house and senate, and realized that farmers needed strong urban support for a farm bill to pass. They bought this support by rolling food stamps and food policy into the farm bill. You sometimes will hear farmers complaining that the farm bill seems to be more for the city folk than farmers and that we should have a clean farm bill. The linkage, though, of ag interests and urban food policy is what keeps farmers in business.

Times change and agriculture is again in the cross-hairs of conflicting interests. A question for us is whether the farm bill can be a useful instrument for financial security for farmers and also deal with a changing climate and suspicion of farm practices on the ground. Do we still have family farms? Are our soils being depleted by commercial ag practices? Can farmers save the world? Are farmers CO2 and CH4 villains? Or do we enjoy a residual of nostalgia and good will?

We will take up some of these issues with Andy. Andy helped us on our Solar Siting in Klickitat County session two years ago and has agreed to help us understand what is at stake with the Farm Bill.

29 May 2023

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2023.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2023. 

Copyright © 2022 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
31. May 2023 · Comments Off on Indivisible Rural – May 31, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Hey, Rural Indivisibles!

Dear lovely rural activists, 

When’s the last time you were able to negotiate to pay your bills? Yeah, never. We don’t get to negotiate with the people we owe to make last-minute changes to our payments. We take responsibility for our own spending, our budgets, we don’t bully and we don’t threaten our communities to get a quick buck. So what’s MAGA’s MAY-jor malfunction here on the default (Yes, it’s another month pun… shhhhh)? Furthermore, what’s next after an incredible week of action to stop a MAGA Default Crisis? Where are we? And what have rural groups contributed to the conversation? And the question that’s lingering in all of our minds… what happens if we win? What happens if we lose?

The stakes for austerity policies are INCREDIBLY high in our communities, where one closing of a childcare center, clinic, or program could break our communities and leave the most vulnerable in our areas without options. And the answer to how hard rural areas fought is what’s always true of rural activists: as hard as we possibly can. Wednesday, May 31 at 8pm ET and 7pm CT, we are coming together to close out May with a look at what’s next, as well as what we’ve been able to accomplish so far. We’ll hear from groups, as always, about your successes in your own rural areas, and we’ll hear from our newest member, Molly Sandley (our incredible Political Manager) about what’s next for us. 

Lastly, we’re launching something of an experiment this summer. We all itch to get out and do something, all the time (which is why we do what we do in this movement), but it is deeply, DEEPLY important to sharpen, innovate, and keep up with the best guidance we have (after all: if reading about history, activism, and progressive politics were simply a futile chore, why would all our reps be trying to ban books, eh?). That’s why we’re starting a book club this summer – to practice what we preach about why reading, learning, and imparting knowledge is important. We’re resisting reactionary book bans by doing what they don’t want us to do: coming together and reading about how we can make these bastards irrelevant with smart organizing. Mind you, we won’t just be absorbing the information: we’ll be talking about how we can harness what we learn into practice. So join us for an explanation, and a discussion about how we can deepen our practice. Order your copy of Harvest the Vote by Jane Kleeb now to get an early start on our Summer Book Club!

See you next week, 

Indivisible’s Rural Team (Natalie, Cameron, Rachelle, Scott, and Molly)

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

29. May 2023 · Comments Off on Emerald of Siam – How to run for office · Categories: Recent Events

How to run for local office and support candidates in 2023!

Saturday, May 29, at the Emerald of Siam at 2:00 PM

On Facebook at https://www.facebook.com/events/211257724958463.

2023 is an “off-year” election where many nonpartisan seats on local city council and school board jurisdictions across Benton County will be up for re-election. Come learn what it takes to be a candidate as we break down and demystify the process of running for office. We need quality people to step up and serve our communities, especially with all the challenges we’ve been facing in our Tri-Cities community. You do not have to be wealthy and/or retired to be a successful candidate!

Filing week in Washington state officially opens Monday May 15 at 9:00 AM. This is the time frame in which individuals must declare their candidacy before the deadline of Friday May 19 at 4:00 PM to run in 2023.

The Benton County Democrats are encouraging community members to run this year who share our principles and values. A complete list of open seats across the county is available here, https://voter.votewa.gov/ScheduledRaces.aspx?y=2023&c=03. This includes positions in Benton City, Finley, Kennewick, Prosser, Richland, and West Richland.

Running for office the first time can feel intimidating, but we are here to help you get started! While we do not endorse candidates in nonpartisan races, we want to help people learn more about what it takes to run a campaign and understand how much local elections shape our communities.

Don’t think you’re cut out to be a candidate? There are still many opportunities to get involved and make a difference by supporting candidates! Please come and join our database of campaign volunteers.

Email elections@bencodems.org to reserve a seat at this event so we can plan accordingly. There is no cost to attend.

More information about this year’s election cycle is available from the Benton County Auditor’s office, https://bentonauditor.com/Guide%20to%20Elections%20and…

26. May 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – May 26, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

We’re introducing a brand new, in-depth bootcamp focused on a key area of campaigning: field strategy.

Next week’s NDTC National Bootcamp: Field Deep Dive will bring you a variety of sessions designed to take your field strategies to the next level. Starting at noon ET on Saturday, June 3, this comprehensive workshop will give your field tactics a boost.

So You Want to Run for Office (Pride Month Edition)

Thursday, June 1 at 1pm ET

In partnership with our friends at LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, we present our So You Want to Run for Office introductory training with a special focus on candidates who identity as LGBTQIA+. We welcome and encourage anyone who is even just considering running for office..

One of the best ways to combat right-wing attacks on the LGBTQIA+ community is ensuring that LGBTQIA+ voices are centered and prioritized. This work can begin with a candidacy for office, where you’ll talk to neighbors, elevate issues that affect you, and build coalitions of support. On the fence? Register and learn more in this one-hour overview of the entire process!

Running in a Red District

Monday, June 5 at 1pm ET

In June we’re pivoting to field strategy as the connective tissues between trainings. To kick off the month, we’re bringing you the ultimate session that will prepare you to turn out voters in red or conservative areas.

While running in these areas can be an uphill battle, using empathy and calls to action through relational organizing will be your best route.

Learn more about relational organizing and how to employ it in the field when you live in a predominantly red area.

[Later in June] NDTC Expert Q&A: NDTC Expert Q&A: Pride in Focus (Transgender & Nonbinary Campaign Experiences)

Thursday, June 15 at 1pm ET

It’s clear that the efforts from conservatives against the LGBTQIA+ community have been specifically targeted against transgender and nonbinary folks. So we’re partnering again with LGBTQ+ Victory Fund to host a frank, honest discussion about getting involved with politics as a transgender or nonbinary individual.

Join several panelists who are trans individuals and allies as they discuss the challenges and considerations they’re faced with in their own work, communities, and on the trail. Bring your questions and gear up for a thoughtful discussion with these amazing leaders. Use the button below to learn more about the panelists and topics covered.

24. May 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – May 24, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Hey there — Pride Month is just around the corner 


So in partnership with our friends at the LGBTQ+ Victory Fund, we’re hosting a tailored version of our So You Want to Run for Office training focused on LGBTQIA+ candidates.

Join trainer Judson Scanlon for this event on Thursday, June 1, who brings experience running as a candidate themselves. Whether you are starting out or maybe just considering the possibility, this training will give you a broad overview of this decision.

LGBTQIA+ rights are under attack across the country, notably against folks in the transgender and nonbinary communities.

And much of that vitriol begins at the state, county, and municipal level.

One of the best ways to effectuate change locally is to run for office. Running for office – beyond winning or losing – can bring community members together, raise awareness for key issues, and mobilize support for future cycles. And that can start with you.

Regardless of your motivations, we invite you to join us on Thursday, June 1 at 1pm ET as we focus on LGBTQIA+ candidates running for office for the first time.

I hope you’ll join us – and seriously consider running. Even if this event isn’t the right fit for you at this time, feel free to pass along the opportunity to someone you think would benefit from it!

— The NDTC Team

18. May 2023 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus – May 2023 Policy Series · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Recent Events

ARC Policy Series

Bitcoin Mining – Server Farms; How are we to choose?
6:30 pm Thursday 18 May
Policy Series

Ben Richards, Protect Pend Oreille
Robert Schutte (ARC Vice-Chair – East)


Case studies instruct by burying important lessons in messy everyday details. That is the idea at least. Thursday we will take up a case study in Pend Oreille County. No spoiler alert here about the important lesson but instead a shift of focus to those messy details. It is those messy details that show the intersection of multiple policy dimensions.

Policy dimensions in the Pend Oreille case include the good and bad of regional economic development, the qualities necessary for good local governance, green electricity and the power grid, something about the economics of manufacturing in rural Washington, and bitcoins.

Bitcoins? Bitcoin mining may be both a messy detail and the important lesson in this case study. Whatever the details of the Pend Oreille case, bitcoin mining has significant consequences for local resource management. It is also very big business.  But the server farms that make up “the cloud” also are resource hungry and are very big business. What is the difference for local resource management? Can we embrace server farms and spurn bitcoin mining?

Join our conversation Thursday.

15 May 2023

Economic Development or Shell Game?

6:30 pm Thursday 18 May
Policy Series

Ben Richards, Protect Pend Oreille
Robert Schutte (ARC Vice-Chair – East)


Has a bitcoin mining project in Pend Oreille County disguised as a resurrection of a paper mill revealed any special shortcomings in Pend Oreille county government…self-delusion, incompetence, gullibility, desperation, wishful thinking, greed? Or are the lessons from Pend Oreille a morality tale for all rural counties? Probably we all need to pay attention.

Rural counties, especially in central and eastern Washington, are thought to be easy marks for shysters as well as legitimate venture capitalists. We have cheap real estate and a lot of it, we have cheap power and green power at that, we are anxious to please and are easily flattered, we need jobs and incomes, and our local governments are understaffed and occasionally naïve.

Sometimes this caricature underestimates us. We have local power companies, for goodness’ sake, who build hydroelectric dams on the Columbia River, downstream of Grand Coulee. And, don’t mistake, we have intellectual resources.

Ben Richards is one of those intellectual resources in Pend Oreille county. (Check out Protect Pend Oreille.) Ben has done a masterful job of deconstructing a shell game involving a bitcoin entrepreneur from mainland China, a decommissioned paper mill, the public utility district, the economic development council, and county commissioners.

And count Robert Schutte among the really sharp people who may be your neighbor fixing his fence. Bob is ARC Vice-Chair – East living in rural Pend Oreille county after a career in commercial banking. He knows business plans and sound management. He knows planning.

We are meeting in person for a Policy Circle 2:00 pm Thursday afternoon at the Sacheen Lake Fire Station 32, at 6131 Highway 211.

I urge those of you in Spokane County to come a few minutes up Highway 2, and those of you in Stevens County to come up the highway or over the pass on Highway 20  and join us.

Thursday evening at 6:30 pm we will do our Zoom Policy Briefing as usual.

13 May 2023

Rural Economic Development: What could go wrong?

6:30 pm Thursday 18 May

Ben Richards, Protect Pend Oreille
Robert Schutte (ARC Vice-Chair – East)


Policy Circle Rejuvenated – Alive again!

Pend Oreille County hosts Ag and Rural Caucus on the 18th. Robert Schutte (ARC Vice Chair – East) and I will do a Policy Circle in the afternoon where we invite local folks, Democrats and Republicans, to brief us on local issues. In our Policy Briefing (via Zoom) in the evening Ben Richards will join us to talk about economic development in rural counties. Ben will lay out a case study in Pend Oreille County that has gone very wrong, and Robert will summarize the lessons for rural counties generally.

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2023.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2023. 

Copyright © 2022 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
15. May 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – May 15, 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

It’s coming up — Next weekend, NDTC is hosting our annual Train-the-Trainer Summit!

But you might be thinking, what is a Train-the Trainer summit?!

This event is your opportunity to dive into the tips, tricks, and best practices to become an even stronger trainer yourself. This half-day workshop will feature interactive panels and training sessions, giving you a chance to learn the best insights on event facilitation and virtual event planning to apply in your own campaigns and organizations!

Registration is filling up quickly, we only have limited spots left. Register now to secure your spot for Saturday, May 13 at 12:00pm ET:

Here’s a preview of our agenda, packed with all the sessions to prepare YOU to be an excellent trainer.P

You don’t have to be a seasoned professional to learn the ins and outs of being an event or training facilitator.

RSVP now – we only host our Train-the-Trainer summit ONCE a year.

Let’s get training.

– The NDTC Live Training Team