10. January 2023 · Comments Off on Benton County Elections Observer Training February 2023 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News, Elections


The Benton County Canvassing Board will be meeting at various times during the February 14, 2023 Special Election cycle.  This is to advise you of the current ballot processing schedule and canvassing board meetings for this election. 

Commencing Monday, January 30, 2023 the following processes may occur daily, depending on the level of ballots returned on a day-to-day basis. 

  • Drop boxes emptied
  • Signature verification
  • Prepping ballots for scanning
  • Scanning of ballots
  • Ballot adjudication/resolution
  • February 23– Pre-Certification processes begin for the February Special Election @ 9 am
  • February 24 – Certification of the February Special Election @ 9am

The processing schedule may be modified from time to time depending on the number of ballots received on a daily basis.

All election processes will take place at our new location. The Benton County Voting Center is now located at 2618 N. Columbia Center Blvd., Richland. 

During the course of processing, no persons except those employed and authorized by the county auditor may touch any ballot, ballot container, or vote tallying system.  We also ask that no photos be taken without the approval of the Election Manager.

To determine which processes are being conducted on a given day, we advise that observers contact our office directly.

Please let me know if you should have any questions.

If you wish to volunteer to be an observer for the February Special Election, please contact our Communications Chair, Durga Victorine

Amanda Hatfield
Elections Manager
Benton County Auditor | Elections Division
2618 N. Columbia Center Blvd. | Richland, WA 99352
(509) 736-3085 ext. 5639
Email: amanda.hatfield@co.benton.wa.us