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Ag and Rural Caucus

Wahkiakum School District 200 v State of Washington
Brent Freeman, Superintendent

6:30 pm Thursday 16 February


School finance dull? School bond thresholds make you yawn? Well, you have not yet met Brent and Jim. They bring passion to school issues that most of us gloss over. After all, they are talking about children – our children. Forget the notion that school issues are nerdy and best left to dry administrators. These are our issues and Brent and Jim bring an engagement that should make you proud.

To beat the late-winter doldrums, join us tomorrow (Thursday) evening. Expect to want to know where you can sign up.

And about school bond thresholds, check the Wenatchee World.

15 February 2023
Jim Kwalkowski joins Brent Freeman in our briefing on rural school finance. Jim is recently retired superintendent from Davenport and heads up the Rural Education Center. Jim will put Wahkiakum’s argument in the context of rural school districts across the state. Jim and Brent are an exceptional team.

8 February 2023

The Wahkiakum School District is suing the State of Washington to make good on its “paramount duty” to fund education by paying for the schools in which students are taught.

This is a story about the heroics of a rural community in Washington; it is a story about the inequities of school finance; it is a story about the State of Washington making good on its constitution; it is story about having or not having political representation; this is story about winners and losers, about rich and poor; this is a story about how equality defeats equity; this is a story about our children.
Wahkiakum School District v. State of Washington is all this.  

Our guest on the 16th is the hero of our story, Brent Freeman, Wahkiakum Superintendent, who will deny it. Brent will lay out the School District’s case and how Wahkiakum is speaking for all rural school districts and their communities.

5 February  2023

Background sources for the Wahkiakum case:


Legacy news items:

Surprising turn in buffers for salmon: Third time is the charm for riparian habitat bills: https://www.capitalpress.com/opinion/columns/commentary-third-time-is-the-charm-for-riparian-

Clean Fuels: Proposed biomethane plant in Sunnyside could bring benefits, but environmental advocates have concerns: https://www.yakimaherald.com/news/local/lower_valley/proposed-biomethane-plant-in-sunnyside-could-bring-benefits-but-environmental-advocates-have-concerns/article_bbe50342-88b5-11ed-b511-1354c0a89051.html

Renewable siting: Horse Heaven Wind Project: https://www.efsec.wa.gov/energy-facilities/horse-heaven-wind-project [note comment section]

Gun control: Federal appeals court strikes down domestic violence gun law: https://www.dallasnews.com/news/2023/02/04/federal-appeals-court-strikes-down-domestic-violence-gun-law/
Prospective sources: Re issues coming up

Electric Grid
NORTHWEST STATES NEED TO BUILD NEW POWER LINES, FAST: https://www.sightline.org/2022/10/13/northwest-states-need-to-build-new-power-lines-fast/

By 2050, Washington might need to buy energy from other states: https://crosscut.com/politics/2023/02/2050-washington-might-need-buy-energy-other-states?

Introducing Cascade Renewable Transmission: https://www.cascaderenewable.com/

Child care:
Cost of child care in Washington among the highest in the country: https://www.kxly.com/cost-of-child-care-in-washington-among-the-highest-in-the-country/

Copyright © 2022 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361