10. January 2023 · Comments Off on ACLU Legislation – Solitary Confinement · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter –

Solitary confinement is torture, yet more than 700 people in Washington’s prisons are held in solitary confinement, living in conditions which mental health experts have found cause lasting physical and mental damage.

HB 1087 is a bill that would end the use of long-term solitary confinement in the state’s prisons and long-term detention center and would prohibit its use entirely against people especially prone to the harmful effects of solitary, including people with mental illness.

*Sign in PRO on HB 1087 and let lawmakers know that solitary confinement has no place in Washington state.

Ending long-term solitary confinement results in better health for incarcerated people, and increased safety for staff and the community.

Let your lawmakers know that it is long past time to end this harmful and abusive practice.

*Instructions on how to show your support and sign in pro:

  1. Click on this link
  2. Select “Community Safety, Justice, and Reentry” and “1/10/23 4 PM”
  3. Select HB 1087 on the agenda. You will be given three options for how you can support the bill.
  4. Pick the option “I would like my position noted for the legislative record” and sign in PRO.

Thanks for sticking with us,

ACLU of Washington

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA