Out of 6692 ballots from BEFR Democrats, 15 were unsigned. Please remember to sign your ballots!
In Benton and Franklin Counties, 6692 Democrats have voted out of 22392 ballots giving a percentage of 29.89%.
Check the status of your ballot at https://voter.votewa.gov/WhereToVote.aspx.
As of8/10/2023
Total Known Democrats*540978
BE Democrats23384
FR Democrats7253
Total BEFR Democrats30637
Other Democrats510341
Total BEFR Ballots in22392
BE Ballots in22114
FR Ballots in278
Total BEFR Dem Ballots in6692
Outstanding BEFR Dem Ballots23945
BE Dem Ballots in6641
FR Dem Ballots in51
BE Other Ballots in15473
FR Other Ballots in227
BEFR Democratic %29.89%
Total BEFR Ballots Rejected178
BE Ballots Rejected174
FR Ballots Rejected4
Total BEFR Dem Ballots Rejected31
BE Dem Ballots Rejected31
FR Dem Ballots Rejected0
— Unsigned15
— Signature Does Not Match15
Other Rejected Count147
Daily Ballots Cured**13
Daily Dem Ballots Cured5
*Voted in the 2020 Democratic Presidential Primary in any county except KI PI SN SP
**Status went from Rejected on previous day to Accepted on current day