On Saturday, December 5, there will be two reorganization meetings for the two Local Party Organizations which are geographically contained in Benton County. Each of theses organizations will be elected new officers who will serve a two-year term through 2022. These officers will be voted upon by the Precinct Committee Officers (PCO) who were elected in the August Primary election. If you are among these folks, this will be your first official duty as an elected PCO, so please make your plans to attend these meetings.
(Geographically, the 8th Legislative District is wholly contained in Benton County and roughly includes the cities along the Columbia and lower Yakima Rivers. The remainder of Benton County is in the 16th Legislative District and roughly includes Benton City, Prosser, and rural Benton County.)
At noon, the 8th Legislative District Democrats will be electing:
- Chair
- Vice Chair
- State Committee Members (2)
- Nominee – Cedar Kennedy
- Secretary
- Treasurer
Nominations in advance can be submitted to wa8thlddo@gmail.com. Nominees must be residents of the district. If you didn’t receive the official Call-to-Meeting email, you can find the proposed rules for the reorg meeting at 8th Reorg Rules.pdf.
After the 8th is done and no earlier than 2:00 PM, the Benton County Democratic Central Committee will be electing:
- Chair
- First Vice Chair
- Nominee – Allison Dabler
- State Committee Members (2)
- Nominee – Kate Moran
- Nominee – Sabastian Marichalar
- Second Vice Chair
- Nominee – Dori Luzzo-Gilmour
- Secretary
- Treasurer
If you are interested in serving in any of these positions, you may place your name in nomination ahead of time by submitting your nomination to chair@bencodems.org and secretary@bencodems.org. Nominees must be residents of the county. If you didn’t receive the official Call-to-Meeting email, you can find the proposed rules for the reorg meeting at BCDCC Reorg Rules.pdf.