Call to Meeting for the 16th LD Democratic Party
Meeting Date: 01/26/2023
Meeting Time: 6:00p.m.- 7:30p.m.
Location: Held Over Zoom
How to Access the Meeting
Zoom Meeting Link: https://us02web.zoom.us/j/82501143043?pwd=YUdhTjVxdm93Z3FqdEo0bUZNOXN1Zz09
To Join By Phone
Dial: 1 (253) 215-8782
Then Dial: 82501143043#
Then Dial: *019099#
Dear Democrats,
I hope you will join me in taking a moment to reflect on the life and legacy of Dr. Martin Luther King Jr., a man who’s fight for equity, racial justice, and the fulfillment of our constitution’s promise of a free and fair nation changed the world. Today we honor his sacrifice, we look beyond the inspirational quotes we often see, and reflect on the full legacy of this American icon.
It is with great excitement that I formally call the 16th Legislative District Democratic Central Committee (16th LD Dems) to meeting! With the 2022 elections over, it is clear that we have much work to do and the talent among our membership to get it done! Like a phoenix rising from ash, our central committee continues to grow in strength and move ever closer to realize its full potential. We CAN flip this district, and we WILL elect the leaders our district deserves!
To all who feel as we do that our district does not have to settle for the same tired policy ideas and excuses for a lack of progress on policy issues, we welcome you to our Democratic family. To those who need hope in these divisive times, we offer you a place at our table. And for those who have served our party and the many extraordinary people who have stepped up to run, I thank you for your sacrifices and devotion. In so many ways, we are standing on your shoulders. Your heart and experience will continue to be vital as we move this organization forward.
Please join us as our organization enters a new chapter!
The agenda for our meeting and all supporting documents can be found here: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1hR7crWZpC52Xo8oKrRMDSoa_-JQduyTh/edit?usp=sharing&ouid=115388806204309237195&rtpof=true&sd=true
Democratically Yours,
Jeffrey A. Robinson, 16th LD Chair