07. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 7, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

We’re back on our💩, talking Porta Potties once again. They might not be sexy, but Porta Potties are critical infrastructure when you’re hosting any kind of mass mobilization!

We’re gonna need Porta Potties. Again. That’s why we’re asking you to help us get sh!t done by chipping in to fund a Porta Potty >>>

So, if you can, please throw a few bucks to our Get Sh!t Done Porta Potty Fund (AKA, the Porta Potty Piggy Bank). It might not be the most glamorous act of philanthropy you’ve ever been involved in, but I promise you it will make a HUGE difference for our marchers! And if you’re planning to join us in Washington, DC just ask yourself: Will I ever need to go?

We are SO grateful for everything you do!

Women’s March