09. April 2024 · Comments Off on No on I-2117 – April 9, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Instead of working to find common ground as we defend our future from the climate crisis, right-wing megadonors are lying about climate change and fighting to upend existing climate laws.

We can’t ignore the threat they pose. They have the funds to make their initiative, which will dismantle our climate progress and allow for more pollution, a reality. We must build a strong campaign to vote NO on 2117 to protect our landmark Climate Commitment Act and defend the foundation we’ve built for future progress. Can you support our efforts?

The Climate Commitment Act set Washington state on the right track. We’re a national and global model for decarbonization and clean energy.

Now, it’s time to accelerate the transition to reduce pollutants and support all workers and communities through that transition. We can do this – but first, we need to stop right-wing interests from dragging us backward.

Chip in to help build the grassroots power we need to beat those trying to overturn our climate law. We must defend what we’ve accomplished and fight even harder for the future.


NO on 2117