10. July 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Elections, Recent Events

You’re invited to join us for a fundraiser in support of Maria Beltran’s campaign for State Senate and Ana Ruiz Kennedy’s campaign for State House on Sunday, July 14th! The event is hosted by Zahra Khan and Jillian Cadwell.

Maria’s and Ana’s races are especially exciting because the boundaries of the 14th legislative district were redrawn just a few months ago. It’s now a district that voted for Joe Biden in 2020. Central Washington has not elected a Democrat to the legislature in thirty years, and this is the year that could change. 
This event is a great opportunity to learn more about Maria’s and Ana’s priorities heading into this campaign. Please see the details below and RSVP if you can join us!

7.14.24 Maria Beltran & Ana Ruiz Kennedy Event Details

Please join us for a fundraiser in support of Maria Beltran for State Senate,14th District, and Ana Ruiz Kennedy for State House, 14th District, Pos. 2.

Hosted by: Zahra Khan & Jillian Cadwell
Date & Time: Sunday, July 14, 2024 | 12:00 – 2:00 PM
Location: Pasco
Address: Available upon RSVP

Suggested Giving Levels:
$100 | $250 | $500 
RSVP Online or with Marshanike Biggs 
at Marshanike@BlueWavePolitics.com

If you are not able to attend, please consider supporting this event with a contribution to Maria’s and Ana’s campaigns. You can donate online here.

Thank you for your consideration. We hope to see you on July 14th!

All the best,

Team Beltran

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011
Yakima, WA  98907
10. July 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 10, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

Volunteers are a cornerstone of successful campaigns.
Before someone says yes to volunteering for you, they need to buy into your vision.
They need to know why you’re running, and how you’re going to improve the community.
Effectively communicating your message is key to getting people to believe in you and motivate them to put their time and energy into helping you get elected.
If this sounds remotely overwhelming, don’t worry, we’ve got you covered:

For volunteers to be successful, each and every volunteer will need to be trained. Training sets the tone and expectations you have of your team. It also gives them the tools and knowledge they need to meet those expectations.
The more robust and frequent your volunteer trainings are, you can expand your campaign’s capacity without using up limited resources. Your volunteers can now take what they’ve learned and train others. They’ve officially become organizers within their communities.
How cool is that?
To find out more, join us at July 17 at 6 PM EST so you can recruit and train the best volunteers.
See you there!

Follow us on our social media and stay up to date with NDTC!

Copyright (C) 2024 National Democratic Training Committee. All rights reserved.

20. April 2024 · Comments Off on Indivisible WIN Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion Series · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

Join Washington Indivisible Network and Indivisible leaders and members across Washington and Oregon for a series of virtual Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion workshops led by DEI consultants Lillian Hawkins and LaTricia Kinlow.

In order to save our democracy, we must continually improve our dedication and ability to organize with an anti-racism lens.

Whether you are new to these ideas or returning to them, we hope you will join us!

Register once to attend one, two, or all of these important workshops.  

Understanding & Mitigating the Impact of Implicit Bias and Stereotype Threat 
Saturday, April 20 - 10:30am-12:00pm
Through video, interactive activities, and discussion of the research, participants are challenged to examine their own bias and learn ways to mitigate the impact of implicit bias in decision-making. As a result, participants deepen their appreciation of the challenges facing people of color and grow in self-awareness.
Intersections of Identity & Racial Privilege
Saturday, April 27 - 10:30am-12:00pm
Through lecture, discussion, and experiential exercises we will take a laser-like focus on unpacking racial privilege, exploring what it means to be White within a society that is racially stratified. We will discuss common ways that privilege manifests itself on an institutional level and how it influences relationships within and across cultures.
Racial Microaggressions: What Are They & Why Are They Harmful?
Saturday, May 4 - 10:30am-12:00pm 
When we engage in conversations across cultures, there is always the risk that what we say might offend someone. Oftentimes we don’t even know why what we said was offensive. But rather than risk offending many people avoid cross-cultural dialogue altogether or cling to “politically correct” terminology. The tightrope we walk and the mental labor that ensues is exhausting and often leaves everyone involved feeling unheard or misunderstood.  What has commonly become known as microaggressions will be presented.
Hannah Oliver
Senior Regional Organizer
Pronouns: They/Them

The Indivisible Project is a registered 501(c)(4). Indivisible Action is a Hybrid Political Action Committee fueled by the grassroots movement to win elections and build local, independent progressive power nationwide.

Indivisible Project
PO Box 43884
Washington, DC 20010
United States

15. April 2024 · Comments Off on Indivisible WIN GOTV · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

New GOTV volunteer opportunities!

Our intrepid researchers have identified new writing opportunities:


    Newest opportunities:  Montana – Blue Wave – writing postcards to encourage registration of voters in Montana


                                           Michigan, New York, Ohio and Pennsylvania – Field Team 6 –

                                            writing postcards to encourage registrations of voters


                                           Arizona, and Nevada – Vote Forward 

                                                    writing letters to encourage young citizens (18-35 year olds) and Democratic-leaning voters to

                                           turn out in the 2024 election.  also available are MichiganNorth Carolina, and Pennsylvania letter-writing


These opportunities are still available:

    Arizona, with Activate America and Grassroots Dems – Supporting Gallego for Senate, Engel for Congress,

     and supporting Reproductive Freedom


    CaliforniaNevada, and Pennsylvania with Grassroots Dems and Activate America – Re-elect Jacky Rosen to hold the US Senate,

      re-elect Dina Titus, Steven Horsford, Susie Lee to help flip the US House of Representatives


    Pennsylvania with Activate America – Encourage primary voting in this most critical swing state


Find all GOTV opportunities on the Indivisible Vashon Get Out The VOTE volunteer opportunities matrix HERE.

       Green cells in the “Goals” section indicate which states will make a difference achieving that goal.

       Each green cell in the Writing, Phone Banking and Voter Registration sections indicate which organization is hosting opportunities. 

      Just click on the organization name to see what they’re offering!


Thank You for helping build a strong and vibrant democracy!

12. April 2024 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus for April Policy Briefing · Categories: Committee News, Recent Events

Ag and Rural Caucus April Policy Briefing

Policy Briefing

6:30 pm Thursday 18 April
Wood Pellet Production in Longview
Jessica Marcus, Head of Public Affairs, DRAX

Paste link into browser.
Life is Complicated

“Our city is honored to welcome [“X”] to be a part of the community here in Southwest Washington,” said MaryAlice Wallis, Mayor of Longview. “I believe that [“X”] fits what Longview’s founder Robert A. Long envisioned 100 years ago by supporting economic growth and adding nearly 40 new jobs, and attracting innovative businesses that accelerate our carbon reduction and renewable energy goals. Our community looks forward to celebrating our alliance with [“X”]  for years to come.”
So, what is “X”? It is not DRAX and wood pellet production. It is Enbridge/Divert, a company that converts food waste to renewable natural gas: “Natural gas, mostly made up of methane, still comes with some concerns around public health and can contribute to climate change if it leaks, but the anaerobic digestion process eliminates the health concerns that come with the methane extraction process, namely fracking.”

Both processes convert waste products into products that displace fossil fuels. A difference is that Divert is endorsed by state law and welcomed by the community. The other, DRAX, is tied up in controversy.

Longview’s consideration of wood pellet production touches philosophy (is a standing tree just a fossil fuel in becoming?); science (what is the consequence for climate change of cycling wood waste into fuel?); engineering (how do you scale production capacity to match resource supply?); finance (can you make money doing it?); industrial policy (how do you create jobs and incomes in resource-rich but poor regions?); regional policy (how do you help local economies without undue compromise of environmental values?).

This is just a teaser. Come Thursday with your own questions. Play with some conclusions, tentative of course..

16  April 2024
Stewardship – What does it mean on the ground?

Southwest Washington may feel it gets picked on. Just like eastern Washington. Both enjoy exceptional natural resources. SW Washington has forests – almost all privately owned – and ports on the Lower Columbia with unmatched access to the Asian markets. Eastern Washington has wind, sun, and cheap real estate.

The question in common is how to reconcile exploitation of our renewable resources without sacrificing our natural resources.

One difference is that SW Washington weighs jobs against natural resource values. Eastern Washington has not yet made the connection between renewable energy investment and local economic benefits. 

Still, stewardship of natural resources is the question. What does stewardship really look like when economic livelihoods are at stake?

Thursday, we take up the proposal to substitute wood pellets for coal as fuel to generate electrical power. The location is Longview. The company is DRAX.  The customers are off-shore.

The issues are credibility that only waste wood – not standing timber – will be used. An issue is whether even if waste wood is used exclusively, does burning wood pellets qualify as carbon neutral?

An issue is how to manage SW Washington’s forests responsibly to create jobs for wage-earners and their families. An issue is local judgment in weighing nature and jobs versus dictates from Olympia or Seattle.

Our guest is Jessica Marcus who graciously has offered to present the case for the project. We will learn about the Longview project, of course, but the issues go beyond Longview and affect us all.

12 April 2024
Policy Briefing: Wood Pellet Processing – Sustainable?

Southwest Washington is debating an economic development project, again. This time it is a wood pellet production facility. Before that was NW Innovation Works which was to convert fracked natural gas to produce methanol and ship it to China for plastics. The governor vetoed it. Actually, it was Ecology who denied the permits. Before that it was Millennium Bulk Terminals trying to ship coal out of Longview. It, too, failed to get Ecology approval.

Will this time go better for the workers and economies of Cowlitz County?

Wood pellets as a fuel has its own challenges. Skeptics pose whether burning wood pellets is really carbon neutral as advertised. There are questions, too, about whether there is enough waste wood to supply the proposed plant without harvesting standing timber.

DRAX is the proposer. DRAX is rooted in the UK’s coal industry but DRAX is also a leader in the phase out of coal. “In 2003, the UK’s biggest coal power station took its first steps away from the fossil fuel which defined electricity generation for more than a century. It was in that year that Drax Power Station began co-firing biomass as a renewable alternative to coal.”

DRAX is an international pioneer in substituting biomass for coal.

Cowlitz County is in good company, even if it is not really comfortable. Europe is tied up in knots about biomass. Listen to EU’s green energy spokesperson: “[Franz] Timmermans himself has said that without biomass the EU will be unable to achieve its clean energy goals. ‘We need biomass in the mix, but we need the right biomass . . .’” Sweden, Finland, and Estonia are less conflicted. They lobby that biomass combustion is “sustainable”.

Jessica Marcus has generously offered to talk with us about her company’s proposal. There is no question that the DRAX proposal is controversial. This is an opportunity to talk with an advocate.

31 March 2024

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2024.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2024

Copyright © 2024 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361
12. April 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – April 12, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

These days, digital fundraising can’t just be an afterthought. It should be a key consideration in your fundraising plan!

It’s no secret that the bulk of nonprofit and campaign contributions nowadays come from some sort of digital funnel, whether an email or social media.

The world of digital doesn’t need to be overly complicated, and you definitely don’t need to be the most tech savvy person to get started. One way we can help is through our course (aptly named if we do say so ourselves): Digital Fundraising.

In just under two hours, you’ll learn the basics of making digital fundraising asks as well as potential tools available to you. Included are also worksheets and “checklists” to systemize the process. Don’t miss out on potential online donations – get started today!

TOMORROW: Candidate Bootcamp: Campaign Fundamentals
Saturday, April 13 at 10am ET
Please note this training is exclusively available for candidates and staff running in Nevada, Wisconsin, and Texas. Not where you’re running or working? Keep an eye out for more bootcamps soon!

Candidate Bootcamps offer you an opportunity to go through multiple training sessions in a single-day event, covering everything from message development to fundraising strategies.

By the day’s end, you’ll have new tools and insights to hit the trail hard, from fundraising successfully to making a field plan.

How to Raise Money Through Candidate Call Time
Tuesday, April 17 at 1pm ET

Delve into the “art” of call time on a campaign—the cornerstone of successful fundraising strategies.

Our expert will guide you through proven techniques to maximize your fundraising potential by calling supporters in your community. From crafting compelling scripts to mastering the ask, this training will help you with the practical wisdom needed to succeed.

Raising Money Online
Friday, April 19 at 1pm ET

Uncover why digital or online fundraising is such an important aspect of campaigning.

You’ll learn messaging insights as well as strategies for managing and evaluating what content your audience wants to see in order to garner support.

The Secrets to Fundraising Emails
Monday, April 22 at 1pm ET

Let’s say you joined us for Raising Money Online or you got started with the Digital Fundraising course linked at the top. Next Monday’s training should be your very next step!

This email-focused live training will cover the many ways campaigns leverage email for their fundraising efforts. Taking a hard look at messaging, you’ll glean the best practices of digital strategists that drive clicks and donations.

So You Want to Run for Office
Tuesday, April 23 at 1pm ET

The title says it all. Our flagship training covering the basics of running for office in your community will be offered this April. For many states, there is still time to run yourself, or you might plan to do so in 2025.

Regardless of where you live, who you are, or what your plans are, if you’re thinking about making the leap, trust yourself and do it!

And it doesn’t stop there! You can always visit the Online Academy’s Course Catalog, set up a free account, and keep track of your progress while taking advantage of our extensive course offerings.

Connect with us on social media!

11. April 2024 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training Events – April 11, 2024 · Categories: Recent Events

Here are some ways you can take action.

All times Eastern

Connect with us on social media!

Paid for by the National Democratic Training Committee, TrainDemocrats.org, not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee.

10. April 2024 · Comments Off on Ag and Rural Caucus Followup for April 2024 · Categories: Committee News, Recent Events

Ag and Rural Caucus April Follow-up

Follow up to Thursday’s Better Practices Session on Ranked Choice Voting

Kari Bull, FairVote WA,  responded to a question last Thursday about RCV and electronic voting

Kamori Cattadoris asked how ballots were counted, if it was done electronically, and if there were concerns about this. Paper ballots are counted electronically, just as they are now. As they are now, ballots are scanned to record the number of votes received. Then, first choice votes are counted first to see if there is a clear majority. If there is not, a second, third, etc, tabulation would be conducted. The process would be experienced almost identically here in Washington as it already is. E.g. Some races, we know who the winner is on election night. Other races, we wait a few days. There haven’t been concerns using electronic counting methods because we still do have the paper ballots that can be audited or recounted if needed. It has proven to be safe and secure.

This is the link to the recording of the meeting:

9 April 2024

Our Better Practices roundtable is on the first Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm.. Use the link above for 2024.

Our Policy Series is on the third Thursday of each month at 6:30 pm. Use the link above for 2024

Copyright © 2024 Ag and Rural Caucus, All rights reserved.
Ag and Rural Caucus of State Democratic Central Committee
Our mailing address is:
Ag and Rural Caucus
2921 Mud Creek Rd
Waitsburg, WA 99361