14. January 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – January 14, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hi, happy Sunday! I’m reaching out to let you know why I believe having a champion of our democratic values and institution has never been more crucial.

But before I do, we have our first mid-month fundraising deadline of the year tomorrow at 11:59 pm, so please chip in $10 or more today to help us reach our goal and start 2024 strong.

Right now, our country is up against unprecedented threats to our democracy from extremist politicians and groups who are putting themselves before the people. These constant attacks on our democratic values and institutions are why the role of the Attorney General in Washington is so important.

As your next Attorney General, I vow to stand guard for all Washingtonians — protecting you from undemocratic laws or extremism and upholding fairness, justice, and the rule of law.

Our democracy isn’t just a concept. It’s a way of life. Our state can’t afford to elect an Attorney General who’s part of the political party that’s siding with extremists and who actively works to suppress our sacred democratic values and undermines legitimate election results.

My commitment to you is unwavering, and on day one in the Office of the Attorney General, I will work tirelessly to protect our democracy, safeguard your rights, and ensure justice for all Washingtonians. With your support today, we can win this election and keep extremism and undemocratic values out of our state.

Can I count on you to pitch in whatever you can today to ensure we keep Washington at the forefront of defending our democratic institutions and values?

Thanks for taking the time to read my message and for supporting our campaign.

Enjoy the rest of your day!

— Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


12. January 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – January 12, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hi, it’s a new year, so I’m sure many of you are busy with work and trying to keep up with your New Year’s resolutions — I know I am.

Since we are now in the election year, I’m reaching out to see if you would complete a simple survey about the issues that matter to you in 2024.

We’ve officially reached the election year, and Election Day will be here before we know it (298 days away, but who’s counting 😉). I’m spending the next almost 300 days continuing to crisscross our beautiful state talking with Washingtonians.

I want to meet as many folks as possible and hear what issues are most important to them and their loved ones. From tackling gun violence to protecting reproductive rights, addressing the climate crisis, and fighting discrimination of any kind, there’s a lot at stake with this election. I want to make sure I don’t miss any issues that are top of mind for Washingtonians.

And since I can’t talk to every single one of you in person over a cup of coffee, I’m sharing this short survey. This campaign is about you, so if you can, please let me know what issues you and your family are discussing around your kitchen table this year.

Take a moment (it shouldn’t take more than a minute or two) to let me and my campaign know what issues matter most to you by taking our 2024 Issues Survey.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts. I’m incredibly grateful to have you on our team!

— Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


05. January 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – January 5, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Elections

Three years ago tomorrow, on January 6th, 2021, far-right insurrectionists stormed the United States Capitol to prevent Congress from certifying Joe Biden’s electoral victory.

They failed, but not before forcing Congress to evacuate and endangering the lives of all who work at the Capitol.

Over the last three years, many rioters have faced prosecution for their actions that day. Yet their ringleader — the person whose conspiracy theories about stolen elections incited the violence — has escaped accountability under the law, and continues to be a lead contender for the Republican presidential candidacy.

Donald Trump’s fraudulent claim that he won the 2020 election drove his supporters to insurrection.

We won’t let him win again.

In 2017, the first Women’s March of millions protested Trump’s election.

In 2018, we won a historic midterm election victory for Democrats — preventing Trump from enacting all of his authoritarian agenda.

In 2020, we evicted him from the White House.

In 2022, a Women’s Wave blocked a Republican red wave — and we proved once again that when women join together, we have the power.

In 2023, women continued to win for reproductive freedom at the ballot box across the country.

As an organization that relies ONLY on funding from everyday women, feminists, and allies like you, we need YOU to chip in $25 or anything you can so we can keep up our fight for a better future >>>


Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
05. January 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, January 5, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

Happy New Year. The turning of the Gregorian calendar is symbolic of the change that’s ahead of us in 2024. There is so much at stake this year, and we cannot continue with business as usual. Together, we need to take urgent action to address the impacts of climate change and the effects of wildfires and pollution to our communities and our land. 

As part of my work at the state legislature, I championed the Climate Commitment Act which aims to decrease harmful emissions while improving health in some of our most vulnerable communities, including South Seattle, South King County, Tri-Cities, and 13 other overburdened areas. One of the requirements of this act is a report every two years that tracks progress in overburdened areas across Washington State. 

The first report was published over the holidays, and the health impacts from it are, frankly, alarming…

  • People in communities highly impacted by air pollution have more health problems, including lung and heart disease, compared to the state average.
  • People highly impacted by air pollution live an average of 2.4 years less than people in the rest of the state. 
  • Older adults in areas with high air pollution were twice as likely to die from illnesses linked to breathing fine particles from human-caused sources than the statewide average.

It’s been made clear over and over again that we cannot keep living how we’re living. We can make decisions now that better care for all Washingtonians and the land we share. I was honored to join my colleagues, Governor Jay Inslee, Senator Joe Nguyen, and Representative Joe Fitzgibbon, this week as we discussed ways Washington is leading climate policy.

Join us today as we work to build a present and future that’s healthy and healing for all.



Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

04. January 2024 · Comments Off on Democratic National Committee Merchandise January 4, 2024 · Categories: Committee News, Elections

I’ll keep this short — by now, you’ve probably seen the Dark Brandon Big Heads all over the news. If not, here’s what you’ve missed:


So, if you are looking for a sign, this is it. Grab your American-made, union-printed Big Head NOW at the Biden-Harris official store.

Happy Shopping,


Emma Watson
Merchandise Director

03. January 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – January 3, 2024 · Categories: Elections

I’m sure you’re busy catching up after a busy holiday season, but I wanted to reach out real quick to share some incredible news. I just got out of a meeting with my finance team, and thanks to your support last month, we hit our end-of-year fundraising goal!

Hitting our goal is a testament to the strength of this grassroots team. I couldn’t be more thankful to have you and everyone else who has either chipped in or spread our message to their friends and family by my side in this fight.

Thanks to you, we’re starting this year strong and on a path to making history in 2024. Your investment in our campaign is what will get us across the finish line and get me in the Office of the Attorney General fighting for you as Washington’s first Black statewide elected official.

Together, we’ll make our vision a reality — building a better Washington where everyone, no matter the color of their skin, where they live, or who they love, can thrive.

Thank you again, and here’s to keeping our momentum throughout the new year!


Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


29. December 2023 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor, December 29, 2023 · Categories: Elections

Did you see this interview?

In this post-Dobbs landscape, anti-abortion activists will stop at nothing to strip away our full range of reproductive freedoms right here in Washington state.

As you know, a Trump-appointed federal judge in Texas issued a nationwide ban eliminating access to mifepristone. Bob and his team took action and filed their own lawsuit to successfully preserve access to mifepristone here in Washington.

With the U.S. Supreme Court about to determine the future of access to mifepristone, Bob joined CNN to discuss the multi-state coalition he is leading to protect abortion access. Watch the clip:

We know we can count on Bob Ferguson to keep fighting for reproductive freedom in the face of mounting attacks on our freedoms from the far right. Want to help Bob defeat anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert? Sign up to volunteer.

Thank you,

Team Ferguson

P.S. For the next three months, Bob is subject to the legislative session freeze, which means that we legally cannot accept donations until March.

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
28. December 2023 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor, December 28, 2023 · Categories: Elections

We just secured another big win for Washington families.

Thanks to our successful lawsuits against chicken and tuna companies who cheated Washingtonians with their corporate price-fixing schemes, hundreds of thousands of Washington families will now receive restitution checks in the mail.

Our investigation uncovered evidence that chicken and tuna producers throughout the industry engaged in a coordinated effort to keep production low and prices high — in direct violation of Washington’s antitrust laws.

This scheme cost Washingtonians millions, and I’m proud to say that we’ve recovered more than $40 million thanks to our lawsuits against the companies involved. These restitution payments to families who were least able to afford the increase in the price of groceries.

We’re not done – we still have an upcoming trial with 3 large chicken producers who benefitted from the scheme.

I’m proud of the work we’ve done to combat price gouging and make our state more affordable, and I’ll always keep fighting to protect Washingtonians from corporate greed — as Attorney General and as Governor.

If you’d like to help me keep doing this important work, consider signing up to volunteer for my campaign today. I’m going to need your help to defeat my anti-choice Republican opponent, Dave Reichert, next November.

Thank you,

Bob Ferguson

P.S. For the next three months, Bob is subject to the legislative session freeze, which means that we legally cannot accept donations until March.

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
27. December 2023 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney-General, December 27, 2023 · Categories: Elections

I hope you’ve enjoyed the holiday season with your friends and family!

Looking back on 2023, it has been a very busy and life-changing year for me. We launched this campaign in the summer, and since then, I’ve been crisscrossing the state, meeting Washingtonians in their communities to listen and learn about the issues that matter most to them.

Before I get into it more, can I count on your support today? Our end-of-year fundraising deadline is this Sunday at 11:59 PM. By chipping in today, you’ll help set us up for success in the new year. Will you chip in?

I feel so lucky to have connected this year with many of Washington’s unions, tribes, and advocacy groups, who all share the same vision of a brighter future for all Washingtonians. And I’m incredibly proud to have already earned the endorsement of dozens of these groups and local leaders. Having them, you, and so many others on this grassroots team gives me hope and energizes me to keep going to make our dream of a better Washington a reality.

A Washington where everyone has a right to be safe no matter their age, their race, their gender, or where they live. On day one in office, I’ll be ready to fight to prevent gun violence, combat climate change, stand up for abortion access, and so much more.

But to get there, we must ensure our campaign reaches our critical end-of-year goal. Hitting this goal means we will be able to continue to grow our grassroots movement and win in November. From buying supplies for volunteers to getting yard signs up and even hiring more campaign staff, your contribution goes a long way toward helping us power this campaign.

If you can today, please chip in $10 or more to help us reach our end-of-year goal, and put us on a winning path in 2024. Your support, no matter the amount, has a tremendous impact on this people-powered campaign.

Thank you for taking the time to read this and for your support this year. Whether you’ve donated, volunteered, or shared our campaign with friends and family, your support will ensure we start the new year ready to win!


Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


20. December 2023 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney-General, December 20, 2023 · Categories: Elections

Since the overturning of Roe, we’ve seen extremist politicians and judges attack reproductive rights across the country.

And just last week, the Supreme Court announced they would hear a case that could ban common abortion medications like mifepristone. If the court decides to side with anti-choice extremists like they did when they overturned Roe v. Wade, it would be another devastating blow to reproductive rights — one that would affect women nationwide, even in states with abortion protections like Washington.

Our daughters deserve better! Washingtonians can’t afford to live in a world where their daughters have fewer rights than their mothers and grandmothers.

As Washington’s next Attorney General, I will fight to protect a woman’s right to an abortion — doing everything I can to protect all forms of reproductive health care despite constant attacks from extremists.

Chip in today to ensure Washingtonians have a champion for reproductive rights working for them as Attorney General.

Thank you,

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States