08. March 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, March 8, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

Yesterday marked Sine Die – or the end of the legislative session – and today marks a critical day for our campaign: We’re allowed to raise funds again!

This short session had some great wins! My bills enhancing dignity in correctional facilities and protecting adult entertainment workers’ rights passed the senate; and I continued putting people first in legislation, proposing a task force that measures the human side of pesticide use. But the work is not over — in fact, we’re just getting started! 

Other candidates in this race were not subject to the same fundraising freeze that applied to me as a State Senator, and we have a lot of ground to make up. This people-first campaign is powered by you: a base of grassroots supporters. I know that we can come together and rally in support of a shared vision for healthier forests and clean air and water. Let’s show big timber and polluters we mean business! Let’s show all of Washington that this is the one campaign that can take on Republican’s efforts to further destroy and divide. This is the campaign that can win in November!

Can you give $50, $100, or more to help us thaw out our campaign for Public Lands Commissioner and have a strong first month back? This month will be critical to our success.

Thank you for your support, and stay tuned to hear about our upcoming campaign events now that the legislative session has ended. 


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States

08. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 8, 2024 · Categories: Elections


After three months of freezing our fundraising during Washington’s legislative session, today is the first day we’re allowed to accept donations for our campaign for Governor. 

But we have a big challenge: While our fundraising was frozen, my anti-choice Republican opponent Dave Reichert raised at least $500,000.

We need to rebuild our momentum ASAP, so we’re setting an ambitious goal to raise $50,000 in 24 hours.

With so much at stake, will you please rush $15 or any amount you can now?

I’ve spent my career taking on powerful special interests and standing up for Washington families. Now, I’m running for Governor to center the people and deliver for all Washingtonians. 

But my opponent gained a lot of ground during our fundraising freeze. I need your help today to start closing the gap.

Chip in any amount now to give your first Election Year donation to our campaign. We need your help to kickstart our momentum after the freeze.

Thank you so much,


Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
08. March 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Cantwell for US Senator – March 8, 2024 · Categories: Elections

International Women’s Day is an opportunity to celebrate the contributions and achievements of women around the world. It’s also a chance to recommit to the work still ahead to achieve gender equality.

Throughout my career, I have been proud to uplift women in Washington and across the country.

From expanding the Violence Against Women Act, working with women entrepreneurs to grow more women-owned businesses, leading the fight for paid family leave, narrowing the gender wage gap, safeguarding reproductive freedom – women’s rights have always been a main focus of my work.

But that work is far from over. Today, women’s freedoms are under near-constant attack. Anti-choice extremists are steadily dismantling abortion access and reproductive care across the country.

I need you to stand with me and commit to restoring our progress. Add your name to send a clear message this International Women’s Day: We will never stop fighting for reproductive freedom

Together, we can build a world that is more equitable, inclusive, and just.

Thanks for adding your voice.


07. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 7, 2024 · Categories: Elections

March is Women’s History Month, so I wanted to take a moment to tell you a little bit more about one of the most extraordinary and important women in my life, my mom, Pat.

My mom helped teach me the importance of public service. She served our country as an Army nurse, including at Walter Reed Medical Center, where she and my dad met.

My mom and dad got married one year after the Supreme Court legalized interracial marriage, and still faced serious challenges and discrimination. My mom remained strong and steadfast through it all and stood her ground because she loved her family and knew what we know today: that love is love, no matter who you are or what you look like.

My mom raised me to never judge a book by its cover and to always give a damn about your family, your community, and those who need help. I am incredibly grateful for her and all the sacrifices she and my dad made to ensure I could achieve my dreams.

I’m lucky to have a mom like her. And while women’s rights are under attack across the country, it’s more important than ever that we celebrate and uplift women’s stories. Together, we must work to protect women’s rights nationwide — because every woman deserves to have more rights than their mothers and grandmothers, not fewer.

Thanks for taking the time to read about my incredible mom.


Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


06. March 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – March 6, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Since we are now 8 months away from Election Day, we’re reaching out to see if you could complete a simple survey about the issues that matter to you this month.

Nick wants to meet as many folks as possible and hear what issues are most important to you and your loved ones. From tackling gun violence to protecting reproductive rights, addressing the climate crisis, and fighting discrimination of any kind, there’s a lot at stake with this election. Nick wants to make sure he doesn’t miss any issues that are top of mind for Washingtonians.

And since he can’t talk to every single one of you in person over a cup of coffee, we’re sharing this short survey. This campaign is about you, so if you can, please let Nick know what issues you and your family are discussing around your kitchen table.

Take a moment (it shouldn’t take more than a minute or two) to let Nick know what issues matter most to you by taking our March Issues Survey.

Thank you for taking the time to share your thoughts.

— Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States


06. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 6, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Did you see this?

The latest Northwest Progressive Institute (NPI) poll on our race shows we are building momentum! This is the fourth poll conducted by NPI and provides an opportunity to track our progress over the last year. In each poll, our support in this multi-candidate field has increased.

Want some more good news? The latest numbers show us leading anti-choice Republican Dave Reichert head to head by 4 points.

In NPI’s previous poll Bob trailed Reichert by two points, so our hard work is paying off. NPI has a track record of accurate poll results, so this trend is encouraging. 

While this is great news, it’s important to emphasize that this 4 point lead is very close to the margin of error. Additionally, the poll data shows that 11% of voters are still undecided in this race.1 

We’re relying on our people-powered, grassroots movement to spread the word about Bob and his track record of delivering for Washingtonians. 

We have an ambitious goal to recruit 50 new volunteers by March 7. Can you sign up today to volunteer so we can reach every voter across Washington’s 39 counties?

Bob is working hard traveling the state — in the last few weeks he’s been to the Tri-Cities, Bellingham, Olympia, Vancouver and more. 

Even with all that hard work, we know our team of volunteers is going to be what puts us over the top in November. Want to show your support for Team Ferguson? Get a yard sign! Sign up via this link or email signs@bobferguson.com!

We’re so grateful for your support and excited to keep growing the momentum.

Team Ferguson

P.S. Bob Ferguson for Governor is subject to the legislative session freeze, which means that we legally cannot accept donations for a few more days.

1 – The Cascadia Advocate

Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
02. March 2024 · Comments Off on Bob Ferguson for Governor – March 2, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Every morning I start the day with a meeting with my political team. Yesterday, we had a friendly debate and need YOUR help to resolve it.

On the agenda was ordering large signs. To be clear, by large signs we mean 4×8 feet, usually built on wooden stilts.

The team thought we should purchase 25 signs. They are worried there are not 100 supporters with locations across the state where we can place these LARGE yard signs. I love yard signs and I think with this grassroots team we can find those locations.

So here’s the question — do you have a location for one of these signs? If so, please email signs@bobferguson.com.

These signs require a unique property. They need to be placed in high traffic areas, like highways, or on a barn or large building. We have smaller yard signs for your home on a quiet street, but that’s not what these are for! For context, you might have seen them driving along a highway or on a large piece of land.

Email signs@bobferguson.com with details about your potential location and we’ll get right back to you.

Thank you for helping us settle this friendly debate on Team Ferguson.


Email us: info@electbobferguson.com

PO Box 22169 Seattle, WA 98122
01. March 2024 · Comments Off on Democratic National Committee Merchandise March 1, 2024 · Categories: Committee News, Elections

We’re kicking off Women’s History Month by featuring the one and only Vice President Kamala Harris!

From her barrier-breaking time as district attorney of San Francisco and attorney general of California to proudly serving as a United States senator and the first woman Vice President of the United States, Kamala Harris has never stopped delivering for Americans and is an inspiration to all.

As Vice President, Kamala Harris has worked to bring people together to advance opportunity, deliver for families nationwide, protect every American’s fundamental freedoms such as voting and reproductive rights, and so much more.

Kamala Harris’s accomplishments and continued fight for the American people has led to a brighter, fairer tomorrow. We hope you join us in our celebration of Vice President Harris with something from the Kamala Signature Collection:

Every purchase from this American-made, union-printed collection honors Vice President Harris and helps build the tools and resources Democrats need to win nationwide come November.shop the Official Biden-Harris Store to get your merch today!

Happy Shopping


Emma Watson
Merchandise Director
Democratic National Committee

29. February 2024 · Comments Off on Maria Beltran for 14th LD Senate – February 29, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Today marks three weeks since Maria announced her candidacy for State Senate. In that time, she and the rest of the team have been hard at work, building the initial momentum necessary to establish a strong campaign and ultimately be successful come November.

If you caught Maria’s last email, you know tonight is our first fundraising deadline. Our fundraising program will be one of our main tools to help show the strength of our campaign. During these first three weeks on the campaign trail, Maria has been busy on the phone gathering the support necessary to be successful. But she can’t do it alone. We need your help today!

We are $1,500 away from our first fundraising goal, and it is crucial we reach this milestone. Will you help us reach this goal by contributing $14, $50, $100, or any amount within your budget? 

To contribute, click here.

Lastly, this past Monday, we had our first campaign event. Thank you so much to everyone that was able to make it. We had a packed house with 60 people joining us! We look forward to having those of you who couldn’t make it join us at future events.

Our First Campaign Event!

Thank you,

Team Beltran

Friends of Maria Beltran (D)
PO Box  2011

Yakima, WA  98907

28. February 2024 · Comments Off on Nick Brown for Attorney General – February 28, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Hi, this month has been incredible, so we wanted to give you an update on what Nick’s been up to. Before we do, can we count on you to chip in to help us reach our goal ahead of tomorrow’s end-of-month fundraising deadline?

Throughout Black History Month, Nick has been focused on honoring and uplifting the resilience and achievements of the Black community and past Black changemakers. He’s highlighted Black Washington leaders of the past like Cora Pinson and attended events like the International Longshore and Warehouse Union Local 23’s celebration of Black History & Labor.

This month, we also had fun with the Super Bowl (including this incredible throwback pic of Nick repping the Steilacoom Sentinels) and prioritizing love over hate this Valentine’s Day

This past month, Nick also had the chance to connect directly with voters across the state and earn the endorsement of even more local organizations. The Washington Machinists Council, Pierce County Washington Building and Construction Trades Council, Clark County Democrats, and ILWU Local 23 all pledged their support for Nick’s people-powered campaign this month.

There’s no question about it: Nick’s campaign is seeing some real momentum, and to ensure we can keep it up and win this year, we need your help. Kendall, that’s why we are reaching out today to ask:

Will you chip in $10, $25, or even $39 to help us hit our upcoming end-of-month goal so we can continue to grow this grassroots movement, ensure we can elect Nick, and make Washington a better and safer place for all?

Thanks for stepping up today!

— Team Nick

Nick Brown for Attorney General
401 2nd Ave S STE 303
Seattle, WA 98104
United States