11. April 2024 · Comments Off on Move On – April 11, 2024 · Categories: Administrative, Announcements

Dear MoveOn member,

On April 25—just two weeks from now—the Supreme Court will hear a case that could determine whether Donald Trump can be held accountable for his crimes.1

As Supreme Court Justice Elena Kagan said during recent oral arguments in another Trump case, it is a “fundamental precept of our constitutional order that a president isn’t above the law.”2

It is one of our nation’s long-held and most respected principles that no one is above the law. But given our highly partisan Supreme Court, this particular case could overturn this bedrock principle for Trump and all future presidents.

That’s because this Supreme Court’s rulings become important legal precedent. It means other courts will make decisions in cases with similar issues based on how the Supreme Court has ruled. And precedents can last decades—or even hundreds of years.

If the Supreme Court issues a decision declaring that Trump is immune from prosecution, it will put the American people at risk for future dictators, authoritarians, and strongman presidents.

The checks and balances that keep America strong include a president’s credible fear that they are not immune from prosecution for all acts, no matter how criminal, especially acts in their personal capacity, for their own benefit.

But now, Supreme Court Justice Clarence Thomas, who is directly connected to the Trump case, is poised to help determine how it is decided.

Thomas must recuse himself—according to longstanding judicial ethics and the Supreme Court’s new code of ethics, which demands recusal in cases where a justice’s impartiality might be reasonably questioned.3

MoveOn is planning to take over the front page of The Washington Post with hard-hitting ads calling on Thomas to recuse himself—if we can raise $75,000. 

Will you start a $5 monthly donation to help MoveOn take over the front page of The Washington Post and then help us keep the pressure on until Thomas recuses himself from all cases involving Trump and the insurrection?

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.

We can’t afford to cut back on our 2024 election work to pay for this hard-hitting homepage takeover, so it’s crucial that we raise the funds from MoveOn members.

With your help, we will make it loud and clear in these ads that Thomas must recuse himself.

We know that under the right circumstances, public pressure works. In October, Thomas stepped aside from a case involving his former clerk, John Eastman.4 Eastman had corresponded with Thomas’s wife, Ginni Thomas, about the “stop the steal” efforts to falsely claim that the 2020 election was stolen, and he had advocated a fringe legal theory that Vice President Mike Pence could block the certification of President Biden’s Electoral College win.5

Now, we face a situation with even higher stakes. And it’s imperative that Thomas step aside again. But with the Trump case being heard just two weeks from now, we can only up the pressure on Thomas with a hard-hitting front-page takeover in The Washington Post, calling on him to recuse himself, if we raise $75,000 in the next week.

Will you start a $5 monthly donation to power MoveOn’s urgent campaign to pressure Thomas to recuse himself from Trump’s Supreme Court criminal case and to keep the pressure on until Thomas recuses himself from all cases involving Trump and the insurrection?

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.

It’s crucial that we take action in moments like this. It may seem like long odds that we can get Thomas to recuse himself from this case, but we have to try. He may, if we pressure him hard enough. After all, we saw him do it before.

And demanding his recusal in this powerful, public way has other benefits. It puts pressure on other justices, including Chief Justice John Roberts, to make decisions that protect America’s democratic institutions—not pave the way for dictators.

The truth is that Supreme Court justices are sensitive to public pressure, and high-profile efforts focused on a specific justice are noticed by other justices. This campaign is a critical part of the broader fight.

America’s guiding principles and the future of our democracy are at stake if Thomas doesn’t recuse himself. Will you start a $5 monthly donation so MoveOn can launch our time-sensitive Washington Post front-page takeover campaign and then keep up the work to hold Thomas accountable for his corruption?

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.

Two years ago, MoveOn launched a historic and unprecedented campaign to impeach Thomas, which included a full-page ad in The Wall Street Journal. We gathered 1.3 million signatures to our petition demanding his impeachment. We were able to launch that campaign and run the ad because of grassroots MoveOn-member support.

And now, in this critical moment, we’re asking MoveOn members to pitch in again and fuel our campaign to hold Thomas accountable on the front page of The Washington Post and then keep up this critical, democracy-saving work.

Will you start a monthly $5 donation today?

Yes, I’ll chip in monthly.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.

We absolutely cannot afford to cut our election program to run these ads. But these ads are critically necessary. That’s why we need your help to meet our $75,000 goal this week and then power the campaign for as long as it takes.

Thanks for all you do.

–Mohammad, Erik, Alexis, Kelsey, and the rest of the team


1. “Clarence Thomas’s conflict is clear — he must recuse himself from the Trump immunity case,” The Hill, March 4, 2024

2. “Justice Kagan Says ‘President Isn’t Above The Law’ as Trump, New York Prosecutors Battle Over Tax Returns,” Newsweek, May 12, 2020

3. “Clarence Thomas Faces Calls to Recuse Himself From Jan. 6 Trump Cases,” Yahoo! News, December 21, 2023

4. “Clarence Thomas recuses himself as Supreme Court rejects ex-Trump lawyer John Eastman’s appeal,” NBC News, October 2, 2024

5. “Virginia Thomas urged White House chief to pursue unrelenting efforts to overturn the 2020 election, texts show,” The Washington Post, March 24, 2022

Want to support MoveOn’s work? The MAGA movement’s book bans have forced teachers and librarians across the country to remove books from their shelves and censor what young people can learn. MoveOn is fighting back, including by filling a “Banned Bookmobile” with books that the far right has banned and driving it to key cities and towns to raise the visibility of book bans, hand out banned books for free, and bring people together to stop censorship. To keep up the fight against book bans and the MAGA politicians who support them, we need your help.

Will you start a monthly gift to power and sustain MoveOn’s critical work? 

Yes, I’ll chip in $5 a month.

No, I’m sorry, I can’t make a monthly donation.

MOVEON POLITICAL ACTION, https://pol.moveon.org/. Not authorized by any candidate or candidate’s committee. MoveOn Political Action – PO Box 96142, Washington, D.C. 20090-6142.

11. April 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – April 11, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Put simply, the Alliance for Defending Freedom is the law firm who is behind most of the attacks on abortion rights. This includes yesterday’s bullshit ruling in Arizona, the disastrous Dobbs decision, and the suit against medication abortion. 

Source: ADF website

 🚨The ADF says religious freedom and the “victimization” of religious conservatives is its motivation, but their actual mission is clearly advancing Christian Nationalism. 

Have you

🚨ADF has successfully weaponized SCOTUS nearly 20 times

 had enough? 

🚨The ADF is in bed with Matthew Kacsmaryk, who ruled in ADF’s favor in the Mifepristone case. Corrupt Kacsmaryk previously worked for an organization with direct financial ties to ADF. 

are you sick & tired

🚨Members of Congress are aiding in ADF’s influence on the Hill, like Republican Senator Josh Hawley (R-MO), husband of Erin Hawley, a Vice President at ADF. 

of them trying to steal our freedoms? 

🚨They’re not stopping at the courts. The ADF has authored at least 130 bills in 34 states to advance their extremist agenda.  

We need your help now more than ever. Can we count on you to chip in $25 to our Reproductive Justice Action Fund? 

We can’t allow the ADF to win. Women’s March has been on the frontlines of the fight against this organization’s efforts from Washington D.C. to Amarillo, Texas and back. Together, we can beat them if we are united and fight back with everything we’ve got. Chip in $25 to our Reproductive Justice Fund today. 

Live long and stay ungovernable,


Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
10. April 2024 · Comments Off on 8th LD Legislative Wrap-up – April 10, 2024 · Categories: Announcements, Committee News

April 10, 2024



360-786-7614     |     800-562-6000     |     P.O. Box 40425 Olympia, WA 98504-0425

Media Contact: Eric LaFontaine: (360) 870-7268

6 Boehnke bills signed into law

OLYMPIA… In a remarkable feat of legislative prowess, Senator Matt Boehnke, R-Kennewick, saw six of his bills signed into law by Governor Inslee in March. This achievement, the highest number of bills he’s successfully passed since his tenure in the legislature began in 2019, is a testament to his dedication and effectiveness in governance. Of the 28 bills he introduced or carried over from the 2023 session, he deems these six a solid start for 2024, underscoring his commitment to effective governance.

“With each of the six bills now becoming law, I am reminded of the responsibility and trust bestowed upon me by the people of our great state,” Boehnke said. “This milestone transcends legislative success; it’s a testament to the collective efforts of my colleagues, staff, and the community, whose unwavering support and collaboration have been pivotal.”

In mid-March, Inslee signed three of Boehnke’s bills. ESB 6296 creates a retail workforce by creating a retail industry workgroup to identify and recommend four colleges to pilot micro-term and short-term credentials for the retail workforce.

SB 6079 makes juvenile detention records available to managed care organizations and behavioral health administrative services organizations for care coordination activities. SB 6080 simplifies the funding provisions of the statewide tourism marketing account by removing the requirement that deposits to the account may only occur if the Legislature authorizes them.

“I extend gratitude to everyone involved in this team effort. This is a clear sign of our shared commitment to making a significant difference and improving the lives of our constituents,” Boehnke said. “Each bill, from enhancing our retail workforce to improving juvenile care coordination and simplifying tourism funding, is a step forward in making our state a better place for all its residents.”

Over the final three days of March, Inslee signed his last three bills, culminating in a successful session for the first-term Senator. ESSB 5891 protects the safety and security of students and maintains order within school buses by designating trespassing on a school bus as a criminal offense. E2SSB 6068 expands the ability of courts to work with the DOC to collect and report more data about foster kids’ adoption and reunification rates. Boehnke’s last bill, 2SSB 5660, directs the Washington State Health Care Authority to convene a workgroup to create recommendations for effectively implementing mental health advance directives. These directives declare a person’s preferences regarding behavioral health treatment in the event they are incapacitated due to their behavioral health disorder.

“I am deeply grateful for the collaboration and support that led to the success of these initiatives. These laws are not just legislative victories; they reflect our shared values and dedication to making a tangible difference in the lives of Washingtonians,” Boehnke said. “I extend my heartfelt Thanks to everyone involved in bringing these important pieces of legislation to fruition. Your support and collaboration have been invaluable.”

10. April 2024 · Comments Off on Invest in Washington Now – April 10, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

A new initiative on November’s ballot, I-2109, will roll back the steps we’ve taken toward a more fair tax code, pushing Washington back to the worst in the nation.

I-2109 would repeal the capital gains tax, cutting billions from childcare and education just to give the ultra-rich a tax cut. We can’t let that happen. Thanks to your support, action, and advocacy, we passed the capital gains tax and defended it in the State Supreme Court. Now, it’s time to join together again to protect this crucial funding for child care and education.

Be an early endorser of No On I-2109 to make sure we defeat I-2109 on this November’s ballot!

This initiative is backed by a hedge fund millionaire who moved here a few years ago. Dubbed “Tim Eyman with a gigantic bank account,” conservative mega donor Brian Heywood spent $6 million on paid signature gatherers to qualify I-2109 and other initiatives to the ballot.

If passed, I-2109 will:

  • Cut more than $5 billion over 6 years from our education, childcare, and early learning by giving a tax break to about 4,000 of Washington’s mega-millionaires and billionaires 
  • Repeal the capital gains tax – a modest 7% tax on Wall Street profits exceeding $250,000 that only impacts the very wealthiest Washingtonians
  • Take resources from much-needed childcare and our drained schools, reducing the workforce and impacting Washington’s small businesses and economy 
  • Increase pressure on the rest of us to make up the difference through property and sales taxes

We’re fighting to protect the capital gains tax because it’s time for the wealthy to pay what they owe in taxes. The capital gains tax is good for Washington – and I-2109 is just another attempt by the super-rich to rig the system in their favor, at the expense of the rest of us. Sign now to defeat I-2109!

With gratitude,
Treasure Mackley
Executive Director
Invest in Washington Now

Get in Touch Today


 Invest in Washington Now, 509 Olive Way Ste 1133, Seattle, WA, 98101

10. April 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – April 10, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Arizona just dragged us back to the 19th century with a near-total abortion ban, reviving a 160-year-old law that’s as draconian as it sounds. No exceptions for rape or incest—only if the woman’s life hangs by a thread.

Yep – you read that correctly. 

Women’s March has been doing priority work in Arizona since January, and we won’t stop now. Two weeks ago, we told you all about the Alliance for Defending Freedom (ADF). They are the extremists who brought this draconian case, the disastrous Dobbs case, and the current SCOTUS case to ban medication abortion. 

Make no mistake, these zealots are coming for our freedoms, and they are building a track record of wins. They are waging an all-out assault on our freedoms and bodies.

We need your help now more than ever, Kendall. Can we count on you to chip in $25 to our Reproductive Justice Defense Fund? 

Arizona’s ban is not just a state issue—it’s a national emergency. The ADF must be stopped from bringing their sham cases to crooked courts. We will only win if we are united and fight back with everything we’ve got.

In rage,

Women’s March

Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.
10. April 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU – April 10, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter

We have a concerning update: We were just blocked multiple times from displaying an abortion rights billboard in Times Square, New York.

With attacks on abortion and reproductive rights at an all-time high, we’re partnering with groups like the Don’t Ban Equality coalition to raise awareness about the widespread opposition to abortion restrictions. But the coalition’s billboard was repeatedly blocked for being too “political.”

At the ACLU, we know abortion is essential care that shouldn’t be politicized. It’s healthcare – a personal and important decision that every individual must make for themselves. That’s why the ACLU won’t stop fighting for our reproductive freedom – and why we’ll continue amplifying impacted people’s stories and fighting the anti-abortion movement in the months ahead. If you’re with us, will you donate now to help us keep showing up where it counts?

Across the country, anti-abortion politicians are attempting to censor vital information about reproductive health care, and now billboard companies in New York City are following suit. This isn’t just about taking away an individual’s ability to make personal medical decisions. It’s about erasing our stories, rolling back our rights, and preventing activists and doctors from sharing vital – and lifesaving – information.

But we won’t ever stop showing up for our rights – wherever our reproductive freedom is under attack.

We have big plans to take our message for reproductive freedom nationwide ahead of this year’s election – including community events in battleground states – but we need your help to get the word out and make these plans possible.

Will you help the ACLU fight to protect your freedoms by making a donation of $35 or more now? We’re fighting to protect free speech and defend reproductive freedom in states across the country. Please, donate now.

Thank you,

The ACLU Team

Sign up for ACLU texts

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA

09. April 2024 · Comments Off on Emerge – April 9, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

Democrats have ‘incredible opportunities’ to take back the House in November

FIRST: Republicans incited a violent attack on our nation’s capitol on January 6 in an attempt to overthrow our democracy and celebrated overturning Roe v. Wade!

THEN: Donald Trump became the Republican nominee for the 2024 Presidential race, who said he will pass a national abortion ban.

NOW: We must step up to recruit and train more Democratic women to win and flip the House BLUE in November to stop a national abortion ban and protect our democracy!

We need to keep up our strong momentum to ensure we have the resources to train Democratic women to WIN in crucial House races.

We’re in the heat of the election cycle and need your help if we want to win big in 2024 and defeat MAGA Republicans. Will you contribute anything you can right away?


Team Emerge

Empowering Democratic women to run – and win!

4 Embarcadero Center
Suite 1400
San Francisco, CA 94111
United States

09. April 2024 · Comments Off on Civic Action Tapback – April 9, 2024 · Categories: Announcements


The March jobs report released last week showed the US economy created another 275,000 jobs, continuing a trend of strong growth that has extended throughout most of President Biden’s term in office. Middle-out economics is producing results: the unemployment rate has remained below 4% for 26 consecutive months, wage growth has outpaced inflation, and incomes are increasing the fastest among lower-income workers and workers without college degrees.

And yet, despite this track record, reporters can’t resist describing the consistently strong job numbers as “surprising”. AP wrote last week that “to the surprise of just about everyone, the economy has kept growing steadily.” They had a similar reaction in March, when they wrote about the economy “adding a surprising 275,000 jobs.” In February, they hit the thesaurus and described “a stunning burst of hiring.” In January, too, they found job growth to be “surprisingly strong.” It was a little different back in October, when the job market was not surprisingly but “shockingly” strong. And even way back last February, job growth was “astonishing.” So how much longer will it take until reporters get around to adjusting their assumptions, recognizing that middle-out economic policies are creating growth, and acting less surprised about the good news that keeps on coming? Or, more to the point: how on earth is something still a surprise when it’s been happening for more than two years running? 

Make it make sense.

since 2019 can be attributed to the role of immigrants to the US who have joined the labor force, and boosted consumer demand. The American economy has grown twice as fast as that of any other rich country in that time period.

were key to the functioning of Amazon’s “just walk out” cashier-less technology, which was advertised as using cameras and sensors to assess what customers had purchased and charge them for it when they left the store. In fact, the workers in India manually reviewed surveillance footage to cross-check data from the cameras and sensors, label unidentified products, fill in for technology glitches, and otherwise ensure customers were charged for the correct items.

was paid to outgoing Boeing CEO Dave Calhoun in 2023, a 45% jump from the previous year. The company explained that the raise was appropriate despite the Alaska door-plug incident and other quality issues because “the board believes that Mr Calhoun has responded to this event in the right way by taking responsibility for the accident.”

The federal government provides astonishingly little support for the construction of affordable rental housing these days. But we continue to provide billions of dollars in support to homeowners by allowing them to take a tax deduction on the interest they pay—and the benefits are especially concentrated among wealthy homeowners. 

In fact, as the chart below from the Center for American Progress shows, homeowners with $1 million or more in income get an average benefit of $13,000 from the mortgage interest tax deduction, while homeowners with incomes below $100,000 average a benefit of less than $1,000, with many getting nothing at all. It’s effectively a subsidy for the purchase of expensive homes, and it doesn’t come cheap — CAP estimates the deduction costs $50 billion a year.

California moved towards the future by instituting an industry-wide $20 minimum wage for fast food workers and establishing a council where representatives of workers, employers, and the public can meet to address other workplace issues. But at the same time as public policy leaps forward, the media coverage of this big move seems to have recessed into the past. Scare story after scare story has been recently published, all worrying that Higher Pay Is Bad For Business — despite study after study to the contrary, not to mention years of lived experience since the Fight for $15 launched. But perhaps the most egregiously ridiculous story was published last week, in which AP reporter Adam Beam worried that higher pay for fast food workers could… hurt the public schools…. because it might inspire cafeteria workers to push for a raise, too.

And sure, yes, higher pay in fast food may in fact push pay up for cafeteria workers as they form an overlapping labor pool. But… no information is offered that the cost of giving cafeteria workers an overdue raise would be a particularly significant part of school district budgets. And why on earth would they suggest higher pay is a problem, when that is literally the point of the law, and of good public policy in general: raising pay, lowering costs, strengthening the middle class, and growing the economy from the middle out. But guess we should all look out for an upcoming story about how more jobs and higher pay is putting stress on loans sharks and check-cashing operations.

What did you think? Choose a reaction:

Civic Action
119 1st Avenue South Suite 320
Seattle, WA 98014
United States

08. April 2024 · Comments Off on League of Women Voters Benton-Franklin – Redistricting Task Force · Categories: Announcements, Recent Events

League of Women Voters — Redistricting Task Force

The League of Women Voters has appointed a task force to evaluate and study potential changes to the procedure Wa State uses to redistrict our state every 10 years. If changes are developed, these changes will require a constitutional amendment. No small task.

In the local newspaper there have been several stories about Senator Nikki Torres and the redistricting of our area because of a law suit filed against WA state for the maps adopted  by the state redistricting commission.

To learn more, please join the Redistricting Reform Task Force for one of two briefings on the Washington State’s new legislative maps. How did we get here? Where do we go next? 

Join LWVWA Redistricting issue Chair, Alison McCaffree; Former California Citizen Redistricting Commission member, Cynthia Dai; and Senior Counsel at the Brennan Center, Yurij Rudensky for a lively discussion.  

Both sessions are the same. Choose the one most convenient for you.  Registration is necessary

New Legislative Map Briefings

Wednesday, 4/10 6:30pm-8:00pm  


Saturday, 4/13 10:30am-12:00noon


08. April 2024 · Comments Off on ACLU – April 8, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

ACLU Supporter,

The ACLU will always work to defend our rights. Our nationwide network of lawyers and advocates means that we can show up where it counts: fighting to create better policy, organizing advocates in communities nationwide, and taking bad actors to court wherever our rights are under attack.

Our teams are defending our fundamental freedoms in state legislatures and courtrooms across the country right now. At the top of the week, here are three updates on those necessary fights:

ACLU Supporter, thanks again for staying informed. As an ACLU supporter, we’ll be keeping you up to date with the latest from our fight – bringing our communities’ collective movement right to your inbox every week.

Stay tuned,

The ACLU Team

Sign up for ACLU texts

American Civil Liberties Union
125 Broad Street, 18th Floor
New York, NY 10004, USA