20. July 2023 · Comments Off on National Democratic Training – July 20, 2023 · Categories: Recent Events

Hey there — It’s been just over one year since the Dobbs decision, which greenlit states’ abilities to overturn safe, legal abortion access.

Yet in states across the country, referendums to enshrine these rights continue to gain broad support.

What does this mean? Progressives need to keep the momentum of pro-choice support. We have the power to reverse course and further reproductive freedom!

But it all begins with talking about these issues on the ground with voters. That’s why we’re thrilled to host an interactive panel dedicated to talking about abortion and reproductive rights.

Join NDTC on Thursday, July 20 for a special NDTC Expert Q&A: Messaging Around Reproductive Rights & Abortion. This event will give you actionable strategies for discussing these issues in your campaigns and work.

Fighting for reproductive justice must be a focus of our work if we ever want to build a truly inclusive bench of progressive elected officials.

That’s why we invited our panelists, experts in research and messaging, to share their own experiences. The goal of this event is to learn from one another and even take some of your questions on action steps to center and defend reproductive choice and bodily autonomy.

This conversation is an essential one. Join us on Thursday, July 20 at 1pm ET as our panelists dig into combating misinformation and conveying a strong commitment to abortion rights.

We sincerely hope you’ll join us on July 20.

— The NDTC Team