19. January 2023 · Comments Off on Badger Club – Annual Membership and Forum · Categories: Recent Events

We hope you’ve found Badger Forums to be enlightening, engaging, and even entertaining. Please consider this your personal invitation to attend our Annual Membership Meeting on January 19 beginning at 11:30 AM. The agenda will include a report on the club’s finances, a recap of programs over the past year, and a peek into future forum topics.

ELECTION OF DIRECTORS  With thanks to the Nominating Committee, I’m honored to report that Jean Ryckman, Felix Vargas, and Allan Brettman have accepted nomination to first terms. Mark Brault, who has served as our treasurer for several years, has been nominated to return to the board after being term-limited in 2022. Bev Johnson-Torelli and Ed Frost have agreed to be nominated for second three-year terms. Here is a link to bios of the 2023 Nominees.

There are provisions in our Bylaws for additional or self-nominations. These must be emailed to our Secretary, Bernie Saffell, by January 12. If there are no additional nominations, a unanimous ballot will be cast at the annual meeting. The Board elects its own officers at the next regular meeting.

Please be sure to attend the Badger Forum: Around the World in 412 Days, the story of former Pasco Mayor Matt Watkins’ solo travels from Southeast Asia to Spain and to the Polish border with Ukraine after the Russian invasion. Please register HERE for the Annual Meeting and Forum. 

I’m looking forward to our annual report to you, our members, on January 19. If you have questions or suggestions, please reach out by email.

Yours for civil discourse,


Kirk F. Williamson, president

SAVE THE DATE: Thursday, February 23, 12 Noon to 2 PM The Columbia Basin Badger Club is hosting a Special Extended Forum Addressing Homelessness. Presenters will include former Tri-City Herald Publisher Rufus Friday, United Way president LoAnn Ayers, and Chris Patterson, who heads a new homelessness initiative in Spokane. It is free to attend, but registration is required.



January 19, 2023: 11:30 AM  The Agenda will include election of Directors along with a report to the Membership on the club’s finances, programs, and plans for the future. The Badger Forum at Noon will be “Around the World in 412 Days, with former Pasco Mayor Matt Watkins. Register Here


 February 23, 2023  A Special 90 minute Badger Forum on Homelessness in the Tri-Cities, including a presentation by former Tri-City Herald Publisher Rufus Friday, who now heads a homelessness program in Lexington, Kentucky. Register Here

March 2023 (Date tbd) Extremists in Our Midst