Dear friend,
We’ve just launched a groundbreaking website that reveals the true Dave Reichert, and it’s crucial that you see it for yourself. In public, Dave Reichert tries to deceive voters, but behind closed doors, he reveals his true MAGA self. Reichert is desperate to divert attention from his extreme, far-right agenda and is even willing to distort the facts to hide the truth. Thanks to your support, we’ve launched “Reichert Revealed,” a website exposing the real Dave Reichert.
From voting to ban abortion and criminalize doctors who perform this essential care to supporting his BFF Donald Trump over 92% of the time, Reichert’s record is clear: he’s an extremist trying to hide behind a moderate facade, and we can’t let him get away with it.
Your continued support is crucial. Let’s ensure that every voter is informed and ready to vote AGAINST Reichert’s dangerous agenda and FOR Democrats up and down the ballot.
Thank you for standing with us.In solidarity,
Chair Shasti Conrad
Washington State Dems

We sincerely thank you for your help and support.
Washington State Democrats PO Box 4027 Seattle, WA 98194 United States