Senator Chuck Schumer plans to fast-track a Senate vote on a bill to protect access to contraception nationwide next month. Because the GOP stays on bullsh*t, the Right to Contraception Act is expected to be blocked in the closely divided Senate.
🚨Click here to email your Senators to demand that they vote to protect birth control.
Access to birth control is a non-negotiable, constitutional right. It is clear that birth control is in the crosshairs of an increasingly extreme GOP, emboldened by the compromised Supreme Court’s overturning of Roe v. Wade.
🚨Click here to email your Senators to demand that they vote to protect birth control.
Conservative state houses and governors are gearing up their own attacks on birth control, so it is critical that we learn from Roe v. Wade and codify protections for birth control at the federal level NOW.
🚨Click here to email your Senators to demand that they vote to protect birth control.
Women’s March promises that as long as we exist, we will make sure that the people who need birth control will get it. We will do so by advocating, and by fighting back against the criminalization of women.
In rage and determination,
Rachel Carmona, Executive Director

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