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Us: Who is the Alliance for Defending Freedom? Let us tell you! 

The Alliance for Defending Freedom is the ultra-conservative Christian legal fund that led the successful legal campaign to overturn Roe v. Wade. They are currently fighting to outlaw medication abortion. 

The ADF’s lawsuits are part of a legal strategy to restrict access to abortion, with the final goal being a constitutional ban on all abortions.

The only reason they are able to run any of this legal hustle successfully is because the courts have been packed with partisan hacks who are there to continue the attack on democracy, whittling away freedoms that a supermajority of Americans have voted to enshrine. 

They may have the power of corrupt courts, but we have the power of the people. Can you chip in $25 to fund our grassroots organizing?

Photo by Alexandra Charitan

These extremists are operating right under our noses. They are clear about their ultimate goal of implementing their agenda over the will of the people. The group openly says that their goal is to prevent the government and the courts from interfering in Christian ministry, and, more recently, to act as an obstacle to the Biden Administration and “the corrupt bureaucratic state.”

Alliance Defending Freedom has won fifteen major Supreme Court cases. It has pivoted to anti-discrimination laws and attacks on trans rights in the wake of their abortion-related victories. We need to build the people power that is our best hope to keep us safe. Can you chip in $25?

Day-to-day organizing isn’t as flashy as big actions, stages, and public spectacles. But it is critically important that we keep building the base that will be our best defense against the forces that are trying to strip our freedoms and overturn our democracy. 

Can you make a donation today? 

In struggle,


Women’s March is a 501c(4) organization. Your generous support helps us prepare for fights we see coming and those we don’t. Donations are not tax-deductible. If you prefer to make a tax-deductible gift, we encourage you to support the Women’s March Network. Gifts to the Network support our organizing, communications, advocacy, and public education efforts.