17. March 2024 · Comments Off on Women’s March – March 17, 2024 · Categories: Announcements

There’s no denying it— the Supreme Court is compromised and illegitimate. On March 26, we are protesting SCOTUS in defense of medication abortion. No matter the outcome, we want to be clear. Feminists will not abide unjust laws, and we will make sure that anyone who needs Mifepristone will be able to get it, no matter the decision from SCOTUS.

Over 2,000 feminists have pledged to take action with us in DC. Some marchers need assistance to travel to DC. Can you spare $5 (or whatever you can) to ensure everyone can participate?

Your support matters. Every donation counts towards safeguarding reproductive rights for all.

Photo by Brooke Saias 

Let’s make history together. Chip in today to defend women’s health and autonomy.

0In struggle,
Tamika, Managing Director