28. October 2024 · Comments Off on Upthegrove for Land Commissioner – October 28, 2024 · Categories: Elections

At the conclusion of the primary election, a local newspaper (South Seattle Emerald) wrote:

“Upthegrove is the only serious candidate in the race who hasn’t taken any money from the timber industry, which he could soon be tasked with regulating. In contrast, his opponent, former U.S. Rep. Jamie Hererra Beutler, has taken the most…We simply suggest you follow the money. Corporations don’t give out political donations out of the goodness of their heart.”

The race for Washington State Commissioner of Public Lands is coming down to the wire.

Pundits expect this to be the closest statewide race on the ballot this year and the best opportunity for Republicans to pick up a statewide office.

We can’t let that happen.

This race boils down to the question of who my opponent and I will serve in office.

I will manage our state lands in the public interest for all of the people of the State of Washington.

My Republican opponent, Jamie Herrera-Beutler has consistenly done the bidding of the corporate industry interests that fund her campaigns. She received an “F” rating from the national League of Conservation Voters, who recently included her on their list of the “Dirty Dozen”– the twelve politicians in the United States with the worst environmental records.

Corporate logging interests are pouring money into her campaign coffers in the final weeks of this election in an attempt to buy themselves a Lands Commissioner who they know will prioritize their agenda over Washington’s public lands.

I can win but only if I can raise money immediately to match her onslaught of TV ads.
She has the logging industry. But I have you. And thousands of people like you.

Can you make a donation today of $25, $50, $100, $250, $500 or any amount up to $2400?

Any contribution up to the $2400 individual limit ($4800 for couples) is deeply appreciated.

I am running a grassroots, people-powered campaign. More than 6,000 people have already made donations– some as small as $2. And that is precisely how we win: by everyone chipping in what they can, whether $10, $25, $50, $100, $500 or more.

Together, we can prevail on November 5th and ensure that our public lands are managed in the public interest for all of the people of the State of Washington.
