24. January 2024 · Comments Off on Rebecca Saldana for Public Lands Commissioner, January 24, 2024 · Categories: Elections

Friends –

It’s hard to believe we’re in the last full week of January. Time is moving quickly, which means the short legislative session is also moving very quickly. 

There is so much important work happening this session; and my commitment to strengthening our workforce, fighting for environmental justice, supporting immigrants, and uplifting all marginalized communities is as strong as ever. With so much to fight for, here are just a few public lands-related bills I’m supporting this session:

  • Senate Bill (SB) 6237 creates wildlife safe passages to improve connectivity and better protect the land and all life that share it.
  • SB 6011 which concerns the authority of the Commissioner of Public Lands to enter into Tribal interlocal agreements.
  • SB 5967 which allows us to create an exemption to the leasehold excise tax for housing leases on public lands.
  • SB 5946 would establish a fallen firefighter memorial.
  • SB 5910 creates a Smokey Bear special license plate.
  • Senate Concurrent Resolution 8402 will rename the Natural Resources Building as the Jennifer Belcher Building.

These bills and resolution vary in degree, giving us pathways to addressing critical climate policy through co-managment and affordable housing and creates space for remembrance of those who have made this work possible.

As we continue to learn and work together to find practical solutions to our most pressing issues, we can engage in new ways. If you’re looking for a starting point, join us.

Environmentalism takes many forms, and climate justice effects us all. We all deserve clean water to drink, clear air to breathe, and good jobs both in and outdoors. Climate justice looks different in cities, suburbs, Tribal lands, rural communities, Eastern Washington and Coastal Washington. This is why we need you and your important, diverse perspective.


Team Rebecca Saldaña (D)

PO Box 20776
Seattle, WA 98102
United States